Yearly Archives: 2016
Vecka 4, Show me your moves
Dagens inlägg: Fiende analys
Veckan har gått åt att uppdatera design dokumentet då detta knappt existerade. Efter en genomgång av dokumentet med feedback, var huvudfokus fienderna. De dokumenterade fienderna var ointressanta individuellt och hade dålig synergi. Detta var ej ett problem i sig, utan snarare förlorad potential. Spelaren kan röra sig i alla riktningar, men inget tvingar spelaren fram eller bak, jämfört med de redan dokumenterade fiender som tvingade spelaren upp och ner.
Följande exempel är baserat på ett side-scroller perspektiv.
Analysera av våra fiender:
Pirat-aya:n tvingar spelaren upp eller ner […]
Vecka 4, Show me your moves
Dagens inlägg: Fiende analys
Veckan har gått åt att uppdatera design dokumentet då detta knappt existerade. Efter en genomgång av dokumentet med feedback, var huvudfokus fienderna. De dokumenterade fienderna var ointressanta individuellt och hade dålig synergi. Detta var ej ett problem i sig, utan snarare förlorad potential. Spelaren kan röra sig i alla riktningar, men inget tvingar spelaren fram eller bak, jämfört med de redan dokumenterade fiender som tvingade spelaren upp och ner.
Följande exempel är baserat på ett side-scroller perspektiv.
Analysera av våra fiender:
Pirat-aya:n tvingar spelaren upp eller ner […]
Blog 2 – 5SD033
Mitt namn är Robin och denna vecka har jag arbetat med hur den snabba fienden i vårat spel ska bete sig och hur den ska attackera dig när den kommer in i skärmen. samt att jag och dom andra programmerarna i våran grupp färdigställde det vi behövde till våran alpha nu på fredag.
Jag jobbade som sagt var med hur den snabba fienden beter sig i spelet, och vi kom fram i gruppen att vi kunde göra det på två olika […]
Blog 2 – 5SD033
Mitt namn är Robin och denna vecka har jag arbetat med hur den snabba fienden i vårat spel ska bete sig och hur den ska attackera dig när den kommer in i skärmen. samt att jag och dom andra programmerarna i våran grupp färdigställde det vi behövde till våran alpha nu på fredag.
Jag jobbade som sagt var med hur den snabba fienden beter sig i spelet, och vi kom fram i gruppen att vi kunde göra det på två olika […]
Missiles and fancy Trails
Team 12, week 5
This week started working on the last required weapons for our game. The missile and its trail was prioritized. I started making a missile concept without having our projectile concept in hand, this had remained undone for two weeks so I decided to work from the ship concept instead.
I made a concept for the missile in Cheetah3D, a 3d modelling software with the intention of being user friendly and fast, ideal for concept working. I focused heavily […]
Missiles and fancy Trails
Team 12, week 5
This week started working on the last required weapons for our game. The missile and its trail was prioritized. I started making a missile concept without having our projectile concept in hand, this had remained undone for two weeks so I decided to work from the ship concept instead.
I made a concept for the missile in Cheetah3D, a 3d modelling software with the intention of being user friendly and fast, ideal for concept working. I focused heavily […]
Game development week 2 – Tiles
Every game needs a map or at least some sort of background since otherwise the game would risk becoming boring or confusing. So that’s exactly what I’ve been up to this week. I’ve been creating maptiles for our game. We already decided the the game was gonna be in 1024×768 so that the game could be playable in fullscreen on 1920×1080 screens without having any black borders. Instead of working in Photoshop this time I decided I might as well try Aseprite, […]
Game development week 2 – Tiles
Every game needs a map or at least some sort of background since otherwise the game would risk becoming boring or confusing. So that’s exactly what I’ve been up to this week. I’ve been creating maptiles for our game. We already decided the the game was gonna be in 1024×768 so that the game could be playable in fullscreen on 1920×1080 screens without having any black borders. Instead of working in Photoshop this time I decided I might as well try Aseprite, […]
Week 4
Under veckan har jag börjat arbeta på vår Prowlers AI. Prowlern är ett lite starkare monster som har ett par olika attacker. Eftersom vår boss inte har lika hög prioritet inför alfaversionen så behövde vi göra klart Prowlern till imorgon (Fredag 18/2).
Jag gjorde en klass för Prowlern och implementerade spriten så att den fanns med i spelet. Sedan började jag arbeta på ett aggro-system, då jag testade mig fram i början. Först testade jag att Prowlern teleporterade sig på mig när […]
Week 4
Under veckan har jag börjat arbeta på vår Prowlers AI. Prowlern är ett lite starkare monster som har ett par olika attacker. Eftersom vår boss inte har lika hög prioritet inför alfaversionen så behövde vi göra klart Prowlern till imorgon (Fredag 18/2).
Jag gjorde en klass för Prowlern och implementerade spriten så att den fanns med i spelet. Sedan började jag arbeta på ett aggro-system, då jag testade mig fram i början. Först testade jag att Prowlern teleporterade sig på mig när […]
A brave new week
Last week i wrote about my work with the gameworld which have been continued this week. Earlier in the week we had our first game testing and got some great feedback from other groups, teachers and older students. Feedback on our color, design and gameplay choices. We realized that all of us working with graphics need to schedule a sit down where we looked over everything we have done so far and together do some last finish work on colour and […]
A brave new week
Last week i wrote about my work with the gameworld which have been continued this week. Earlier in the week we had our first game testing and got some great feedback from other groups, teachers and older students. Feedback on our color, design and gameplay choices. We realized that all of us working with graphics need to schedule a sit down where we looked over everything we have done so far and together do some last finish work on colour and […]
A hectic week
This week has been very hectic because of the incoming alpha milestone and for some reason everything always starts to go wrong when you are close to a critical point. but on to this weeks artifact.
I have mostly worked on the first enemy of the game which is a swordfish. This enemy will swim across the screen until it is in line with the player and when that happens it starts to charge and will not stop until it is […]
A hectic week
This week has been very hectic because of the incoming alpha milestone and for some reason everything always starts to go wrong when you are close to a critical point. but on to this weeks artifact.
I have mostly worked on the first enemy of the game which is a swordfish. This enemy will swim across the screen until it is in line with the player and when that happens it starts to charge and will not stop until it is […]
[5SD033] Blog 2 – So you wanna build a level, huh?
av: Martin Carlsson
grupp: 10
Tile System
This week I’ve started to implement a tile system. The idea is to use Tiled as a level editor and then use the data stored in the Tiled file format, .tmx. Reading the .tmx file is mostly the same as .xml files. For this project I’m using TinyXml 2 for parsing the .tmx file, since it seems to have all the functionality I need for reading the files. There are tons of options when it comes […]
[5SD033] Blog 2 – So you wanna build a level, huh?
av: Martin Carlsson
grupp: 10
Tile System
This week I’ve started to implement a tile system. The idea is to use Tiled as a level editor and then use the data stored in the Tiled file format, .tmx. Reading the .tmx file is mostly the same as .xml files. For this project I’m using TinyXml 2 for parsing the .tmx file, since it seems to have all the functionality I need for reading the files. There are tons of options when it comes […]
AI Implementation
The Enemy entity (yellow plane) seen here has its AIStates pointer set to the Chase state, causing it to follow the player and shoot.
I have finished coding and implemented the AI that I planned and structured last week. I will attempt to summarise what code went into its behaviours and managements of states, and how they were implemented into an enemy Entity.
In the Enemy objects Class, an AIStates pointer is located and in the Enemy class’ Update function it sets […]
AI Implementation
The Enemy entity (yellow plane) seen here has its AIStates pointer set to the Chase state, causing it to follow the player and shoot.
I have finished coding and implemented the AI that I planned and structured last week. I will attempt to summarise what code went into its behaviours and managements of states, and how they were implemented into an enemy Entity.
In the Enemy objects Class, an AIStates pointer is located and in the Enemy class’ Update function it sets […]
A Simple Main Menu
As I have not put down a lot of work into artifacts this week I do not have much to show. Most of my focus went in to making a presentation for the alpha reveal. So I will try the best to explain what little I have done! So here we go.
Photograph: Henrik Klokkeråsen. (
Probably the most visited part of a game is the main menu. It’s also the first thing you’ll see when you start a game. People […]
A Simple Main Menu
As I have not put down a lot of work into artifacts this week I do not have much to show. Most of my focus went in to making a presentation for the alpha reveal. So I will try the best to explain what little I have done! So here we go.
Photograph: Henrik Klokkeråsen. (
Probably the most visited part of a game is the main menu. It’s also the first thing you’ll see when you start a game. People […]
Fiskar som viskar
Denna vecka har varit otroligt intensiv eftersom det är dags att presentera spelet i dess alphaform. Hela gruppen har jobbat järnet av sig och vi har börjat få något som faktiskt liknar ett spel. Under en tidigare presentation av spelet hade vi mer eller mindre en fyrkant som blinkade likt en discokula. Vi hade för tillfället inte hunnit få in våra riktiga assets i spelet och den simpla representationen av Mermaid River, aka discolådan blev resultatet.
Tur nog har det gått framåt […]
Fiskar som viskar
Denna vecka har varit otroligt intensiv eftersom det är dags att presentera spelet i dess alphaform. Hela gruppen har jobbat järnet av sig och vi har börjat få något som faktiskt liknar ett spel. Under en tidigare presentation av spelet hade vi mer eller mindre en fyrkant som blinkade likt en discokula. Vi hade för tillfället inte hunnit få in våra riktiga assets i spelet och den simpla representationen av Mermaid River, aka discolådan blev resultatet.
Tur nog har det gått framåt […]
Potato Pirates: Second Update
As the presentation of our Alpha is approaching, a major part of our time has been spent polishing our game. As the programmers have pulled out all of their hair, trying to get the AI to work accordingly to our vision, we, the more graphic oriented members of our group have had a hard time, finding stuff to do. So I haven’t felt the dreaded “ alpha” rush that so many senior students have warned us about. If this […]
Potato Pirates: Second Update
As the presentation of our Alpha is approaching, a major part of our time has been spent polishing our game. As the programmers have pulled out all of their hair, trying to get the AI to work accordingly to our vision, we, the more graphic oriented members of our group have had a hard time, finding stuff to do. So I haven’t felt the dreaded “ alpha” rush that so many senior students have warned us about. If this […]