Daily Archives: April 12, 2016

Time for focusing on AI
After a meeting with the course supervisors today I have decided to refocus my report for this project. I came to the conclusion that my previous focus was too abstract. Instead i will be focusing on the work i do with the AI for the game. More specifically the Behavior Trees included in the Unreal Engine. My report will analyze this system and suggest how it could be applied the the project and finally assuming the project is successful how […]

Time for focusing on AI
After a meeting with the course supervisors today I have decided to refocus my report for this project. I came to the conclusion that my previous focus was too abstract. Instead i will be focusing on the work i do with the AI for the game. More specifically the Behavior Trees included in the Unreal Engine. My report will analyze this system and suggest how it could be applied the the project and finally assuming the project is successful how […]

Designing UI
This last week I’ve been working on our games UI layout and design. This has proven to be a real challenge. While our game isn’t a true real time strategy game it does have elements from one, this lead to there being a lot of information that need to be shown on screen. Below is a screenshot from our prototype.
This is the current layout. The left display features information about the currently selected settler. A portrait, health and hunger bar, […]

Designing UI
This last week I’ve been working on our games UI layout and design. This has proven to be a real challenge. While our game isn’t a true real time strategy game it does have elements from one, this lead to there being a lot of information that need to be shown on screen. Below is a screenshot from our prototype.
This is the current layout. The left display features information about the currently selected settler. A portrait, health and hunger bar, […]