Daily Archives: March 21, 2016

Interactive storytelling
Dear and beloved readers!
I am attending three courses right now and trying to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my own life and the future of it, that is the main reason why it was a long time since I posted anything here. And also because I have been writing some posts for Naarthegame.net instead and reporting the ongoing development over there. So there is a lot of planning in all directions. 😉
So something’s are changing right now, I […]

Interactive storytelling
Dear and beloved readers!
I am attending three courses right now and trying to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my own life and the future of it, that is the main reason why it was a long time since I posted anything here. And also because I have been writing some posts for Naarthegame.net instead and reporting the ongoing development over there. So there is a lot of planning in all directions. 😉
So something’s are changing right now, I […]