Daily Archives: May 9, 2015

So Happy
In my last post I described how we had been unable to find any solutions to baking diffuse maps from Z-brush since the polycount was too high. It turned out that we had been up all night and wasted most of the morning in vain as the polypaint I had created would not be able to be used.
Being the way I am, I refused to accept this.After two and a half hours of intense googling and experimenting in z-brush I […]

So Happy
In my last post I described how we had been unable to find any solutions to baking diffuse maps from Z-brush since the polycount was too high. It turned out that we had been up all night and wasted most of the morning in vain as the polypaint I had created would not be able to be used.
Being the way I am, I refused to accept this.After two and a half hours of intense googling and experimenting in z-brush I […]

Textures and Screenshots
This week has been busier than any week so far, especially us artists have had an insane amount of work to get done and it is not going to slow down before the end of this project. Today we had deadlines for handing in promotional material containing at least a finished Logo, four screenshots and four concept art/dev images as well as playtesting with the other students.
Screenshot created by my fellow artists
Us artists did […]

Textures and Screenshots
This week has been busier than any week so far, especially us artists have had an insane amount of work to get done and it is not going to slow down before the end of this project. Today we had deadlines for handing in promotional material containing at least a finished Logo, four screenshots and four concept art/dev images as well as playtesting with the other students.
Screenshot created by my fellow artists
Us artists did […]

Big Game Project – Week 6 – ScreenShots
During the last week I focused on getting some areas of the level as close to its final visuals as possible, to be able to take some screenshots of it, for promotional material for the Gotland Game Conference. For next week’s beta I plan to have the entire level finished, and if I get time also to … Continue reading Big Game Project – Week 6 – ScreenShots

Big Game Project – Week 6 – ScreenShots
During the last week I focused on getting some areas of the level as close to its final visuals as possible, to be able to take some screenshots of it, for promotional material for the Gotland Game Conference. For next week’s beta I plan to have the entire level finished, and if I get time also to … Continue reading Big Game Project – Week 6 – ScreenShots

Tamarrion, post 6
This week we focused on putting out the most polished art assets possible to make the GGC screenshot deadline. The majority of time this week was spent baking and putting together textures for our environment and characters.
A lighting test from earlier this week, not using our final shaders.
Baring some polish work, the Boss’s diffuse, normal and ambient occlusion textures are now complete. He also has an emissive texture to make his eyes glow, complete with some bloom we […]

Tamarrion, post 6
This week we focused on putting out the most polished art assets possible to make the GGC screenshot deadline. The majority of time this week was spent baking and putting together textures for our environment and characters.
A lighting test from earlier this week, not using our final shaders.
Baring some polish work, the Boss’s diffuse, normal and ambient occlusion textures are now complete. He also has an emissive texture to make his eyes glow, complete with some bloom we […]