Monthly Archives: March 2015

Green Warden: Week 9 – Iterating HUD

Last blog post for this project! Well, maybe I will make one after the final presentation to look back on the things that have happened and what I have learned.
Anyway, this week I have started to run out of things to do. Almost all art assets are done or are currently being made by someone else on the team, so there was not a lot for me to chose from when picking tasks during the sprint planning meeting this Monday.
One […]

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Program: Graphics

Green Warden: Week 9 – Iterating HUD

Last blog post for this project! Well, maybe I will make one after the final presentation to look back on the things that have happened and what I have learned.
Anyway, this week I have started to run out of things to do. Almost all art assets are done or are currently being made by someone else on the team, so there was not a lot for me to chose from when picking tasks during the sprint planning meeting this Monday.
One […]

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Program: Graphics

projektets ”sista”?

Välkommen till min blogg
Ja nu börjar det dra ihop sig till den slutgiltiga versionen av spelet och slutet av kursen.
Jag har lärt mig en hel del under den här tiden som jag kommer att ta med mig till nästa kurs.
Mycket har varit en stor uppförsbacke och många långa kvällar med problem som uppstår då jag inte riktigt har förstått kodstrukturen eller att jag testat mig fram till det som funkar. Det är tur att man har många runtomkring sig som […]

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Program: Programming

projektets ”sista”?

Välkommen till min blogg
Ja nu börjar det dra ihop sig till den slutgiltiga versionen av spelet och slutet av kursen.
Jag har lärt mig en hel del under den här tiden som jag kommer att ta med mig till nästa kurs.
Mycket har varit en stor uppförsbacke och många långa kvällar med problem som uppstår då jag inte riktigt har förstått kodstrukturen eller att jag testat mig fram till det som funkar. Det är tur att man har många runtomkring sig som […]

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Program: Programming

Things not appearing in this game

A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

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Program: Graphics

Things not appearing in this game

A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

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Program: Graphics

Dragon Song Blogpost 6

It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.

The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

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Program: Graphics

Dragon Song Blogpost 6

It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.

The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

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Program: Graphics

Final thoughts before game turn in. Game Designers perspective.

Hello again!
At last, we are the final mandatory blog post for this course, I must say, it has been a great ride with many ups and downs. In the end, I believe everyone in our team comes out as both better prepared and stronger individuals with a much broader skillset. Creating interactive entertainment is now a greater part of our lives.
This week I will sort of give a short post-mortem on how our development process have been, what could have […]

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Program: Graphics

Final thoughts before game turn in. Game Designers perspective.

Hello again!
At last, we are the final mandatory blog post for this course, I must say, it has been a great ride with many ups and downs. In the end, I believe everyone in our team comes out as both better prepared and stronger individuals with a much broader skillset. Creating interactive entertainment is now a greater part of our lives.
This week I will sort of give a short post-mortem on how our development process have been, what could have […]

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Program: Graphics

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch

This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]

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Program: Programming

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch

This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]

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Program: Programming

Design document 2.0

Hello once again!
This week I’ve been workin on, among other things, the design document.
Last week we got the feedback on the hand-in, and we had a couple of things that we need to fix, which is what I did. There was no single large problem with the document that we had to fix, but several small things – the layout for the levels were missing, a few chapters needed more images and some other things needed further explanation.
When I started […]

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Program: Graphics

Design document 2.0

Hello once again!
This week I’ve been workin on, among other things, the design document.
Last week we got the feedback on the hand-in, and we had a couple of things that we need to fix, which is what I did. There was no single large problem with the document that we had to fix, but several small things – the layout for the levels were missing, a few chapters needed more images and some other things needed further explanation.
When I started […]

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Program: Graphics

Last Fixes

As we tried to make the game as finished as possible last week, we did not actually have that much things to do this week. At least nothing major, like a mechanic that had to be implemented. The tasks that i were tasked with this week were the following:
Fixing the player firing mechanic, before i fixed this, firing with the warden felt a bit pathetic. It was so bad and because the way that the attack speed affected everything it […]

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Program: Programming

Last Fixes

As we tried to make the game as finished as possible last week, we did not actually have that much things to do this week. At least nothing major, like a mechanic that had to be implemented. The tasks that i were tasked with this week were the following:
Fixing the player firing mechanic, before i fixed this, firing with the warden felt a bit pathetic. It was so bad and because the way that the attack speed affected everything it […]

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Program: Programming

Dragon Song Blog post #6

The project is coming along nicely and we are soon done with the game. This is going to be last blog post that will be about Dragon song. During the last week I have focused a lot on polishing the game as much as I can.  So this blog post will mostly be about what I have done to get the best game possible with what we have done so far.
The first thing the group and I did to polish […]

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Program: Programming

Dragon Song Blog post #6

The project is coming along nicely and we are soon done with the game. This is going to be last blog post that will be about Dragon song. During the last week I have focused a lot on polishing the game as much as I can.  So this blog post will mostly be about what I have done to get the best game possible with what we have done so far.
The first thing the group and I did to polish […]

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Program: Programming

Otto's lines of dialouge!

Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming

Otto's lines of dialouge!

Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 9

Ett dilemma jag stötte på var att få ihop sprite sheets. Våra kära programmerare ville gärna ha en stor sprite sheet med ett sprite sheet dokument. Sprite sheet dokumentet berättar om hur stor varje bild är och var de är placerade på bilden.
Vi har jobbat med att ge varje bild så liten canvas som möjligt och sedan föra in alla dessa i spritesheet packer som klistrar ihop bilderna med slumpmässiga positioner på spritesheeten. Texten är nödvändig för att koden ska […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 9

Ett dilemma jag stötte på var att få ihop sprite sheets. Våra kära programmerare ville gärna ha en stor sprite sheet med ett sprite sheet dokument. Sprite sheet dokumentet berättar om hur stor varje bild är och var de är placerade på bilden.
Vi har jobbat med att ge varje bild så liten canvas som möjligt och sedan föra in alla dessa i spritesheet packer som klistrar ihop bilderna med slumpmässiga positioner på spritesheeten. Texten är nödvändig för att koden ska […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 9: Finishing up! Also last obligatory blog post!

This is the second to final week of our design projekt, and the game is nearly complete. There isn’t alot to do, and most of it was covered by our lead artist, like the paus screen, end screen, etc. I haven’t done much this week for our game, so I’ll add all the stuff I did last week that I didn’t include in my previous blog post. Although, it wasn’t included because I hadn’t done it yet, not because I […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 9: Finishing up! Also last obligatory blog post!

This is the second to final week of our design projekt, and the game is nearly complete. There isn’t alot to do, and most of it was covered by our lead artist, like the paus screen, end screen, etc. I haven’t done much this week for our game, so I’ll add all the stuff I did last week that I didn’t include in my previous blog post. Although, it wasn’t included because I hadn’t done it yet, not because I […]

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Program: Graphics