Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

Blog post no. 4: Minnesluckor och…. Power ups!
Den här veckan har det inte varit lika mycket arbete på funktioner i spelet som det brukar vara. I början utav veckan så insåg vi att spelet laggade en del efter att vi gjorde den fullständiga kartan att spela på. En karta som var ungefär fem gånger så stor som den tidigare, och vi kom fram till att minnesluckor kan vara en del av problemet.
Genom att ladda ned Visual Leak Detector så kunde jag implementera dom filerna i projektet för […]

Blog post no. 4: Minnesluckor och…. Power ups!
Den här veckan har det inte varit lika mycket arbete på funktioner i spelet som det brukar vara. I början utav veckan så insåg vi att spelet laggade en del efter att vi gjorde den fullständiga kartan att spela på. En karta som var ungefär fem gånger så stor som den tidigare, och vi kom fram till att minnesluckor kan vara en del av problemet.
Genom att ladda ned Visual Leak Detector så kunde jag implementera dom filerna i projektet för […]
Game Development Blog 4
This was our second week after Alpha in our game development course, for this week I continued on the AI that I started last week. More specifically I continue with Pathfinding algorithm A* (pronounced A-star) and the waypoints system that is associated with it.
Since last week I have managed to implement the A* pathfinding, but I am still working on the Waypoints so that the enemy can patrol around the level, only by giving it a command to move to […]
Game Development Blog 4
This was our second week after Alpha in our game development course, for this week I continued on the AI that I started last week. More specifically I continue with Pathfinding algorithm A* (pronounced A-star) and the waypoints system that is associated with it.
Since last week I have managed to implement the A* pathfinding, but I am still working on the Waypoints so that the enemy can patrol around the level, only by giving it a command to move to […]

Power-Ups Sprites (Pickup) – The Last Signal
Jag jobbar på spelkonceptet The Last Signal och det här är den sjätte veckan vi jobbat på det projektet. Den här veckan har jag jobbat med pickup power-up sprites och även fortsatt mixa lite med ljud och menyn till spelet.
Pickup Power-up Sprites
Att göra pickup sprites för power-ups var det första grafiska arbetet jag kände var problematiskt när det kom till själva designen. Först skulle jag lista ut hur grunden till alla sprites skulle se ut så man vet att de […]

Power-Ups Sprites (Pickup) – The Last Signal
Jag jobbar på spelkonceptet The Last Signal och det här är den sjätte veckan vi jobbat på det projektet. Den här veckan har jag jobbat med pickup power-up sprites och även fortsatt mixa lite med ljud och menyn till spelet.
Pickup Power-up Sprites
Att göra pickup sprites för power-ups var det första grafiska arbetet jag kände var problematiskt när det kom till själva designen. Först skulle jag lista ut hur grunden till alla sprites skulle se ut så man vet att de […]

Week 7
Week 7
This week we have a an internal deadline for basic features, that is the be included in the Beta. For me this results as working in on the background as always and continuing on the menu. This week I will be focusing on getting the menu completely finished. Not working a lot on the background since it does not need to be perfect for the Beta, and I have a lot of time to polish it after the Beta. […]

Week 7
Week 7
This week we have a an internal deadline for basic features, that is the be included in the Beta. For me this results as working in on the background as always and continuing on the menu. This week I will be focusing on getting the menu completely finished. Not working a lot on the background since it does not need to be perfect for the Beta, and I have a lot of time to polish it after the Beta. […]

Dragon’s Song Power Ups – Let’s Hans Zimmer This Thing
This week saw us running into some really stiff problems that in the end meant we likely cannot do our game the way we wanted it. A very stubborn problem with sound latency that even the teachers can’t seem to solve means we now have to abandon the rhythmical aspects of our gameplay. This means redesign only 3 weeks before final and just a few days before beta playtesting. We feel safe in the knowledge that we’ve done a thorough […]

Dragon’s Song Power Ups – Let’s Hans Zimmer This Thing
This week saw us running into some really stiff problems that in the end meant we likely cannot do our game the way we wanted it. A very stubborn problem with sound latency that even the teachers can’t seem to solve means we now have to abandon the rhythmical aspects of our gameplay. This means redesign only 3 weeks before final and just a few days before beta playtesting. We feel safe in the knowledge that we’ve done a thorough […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]