Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

Ambient Pressure Level Design part 2
As the art of the game is nearly completely done, I have once again been roped into making suggestions for level design. Given I also did level design last week, I didn’t need to do nearly as much brainstorming to come up with ideas this week, instead focusing at making plenty of level design suggestions.
As of today, I currently have ten new level suggestions.
The main issue with this remains the same as the last week – the levels need to […]

Ambient Pressure Level Design part 2
As the art of the game is nearly completely done, I have once again been roped into making suggestions for level design. Given I also did level design last week, I didn’t need to do nearly as much brainstorming to come up with ideas this week, instead focusing at making plenty of level design suggestions.
As of today, I currently have ten new level suggestions.
The main issue with this remains the same as the last week – the levels need to […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 4
Interesting week. My work on the background image never feels done. There is always something that I want to add or change, but this week it has not been as clear to me as to what need to be changed or added. I have been struggling a bit with how flat the image looked in some places. Especially on the mountain in the background because it had large surfaces of basiclly the same color. I have also tried to emphasize […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 4
Interesting week. My work on the background image never feels done. There is always something that I want to add or change, but this week it has not been as clear to me as to what need to be changed or added. I have been struggling a bit with how flat the image looked in some places. Especially on the mountain in the background because it had large surfaces of basiclly the same color. I have also tried to emphasize […]

Dragon’s Song Power Ups – Let’s Hans Zimmer This Thing
This week saw us running into some really stiff problems that in the end meant we likely cannot do our game the way we wanted it. A very stubborn problem with sound latency that even the teachers can’t seem to solve means we now have to abandon the rhythmical aspects of our gameplay. This means redesign only 3 weeks before final and just a few days before beta playtesting. We feel safe in the knowledge that we’ve done a thorough […]

Dragon’s Song Power Ups – Let’s Hans Zimmer This Thing
This week saw us running into some really stiff problems that in the end meant we likely cannot do our game the way we wanted it. A very stubborn problem with sound latency that even the teachers can’t seem to solve means we now have to abandon the rhythmical aspects of our gameplay. This means redesign only 3 weeks before final and just a few days before beta playtesting. We feel safe in the knowledge that we’ve done a thorough […]

This week I’ve been working on the animations for our game, and since I’m coding in SFML it is in theroty pretty simple to implement animations, however I wanted to do it in a object oriented manner which made things a bit harder when trying to figure out a solution. Cred to this guy: ( https://github.com/LaurentGomila/SFML/wiki/Source:-AnimatedSprite ), since I used his code as a starting point, however I believe my code looks and functions a bit different than […]

This week I’ve been working on the animations for our game, and since I’m coding in SFML it is in theroty pretty simple to implement animations, however I wanted to do it in a object oriented manner which made things a bit harder when trying to figure out a solution. Cred to this guy: ( https://github.com/LaurentGomila/SFML/wiki/Source:-AnimatedSprite ), since I used his code as a starting point, however I believe my code looks and functions a bit different than […]

Spelutveckling #4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med att lägga till score i vårat spel som i detta fall ska vara tiden som spelaren lyckas att överleva. Det ska visas en timer i spelet och som sedan ska spara tiden till våran game over screen eller endstate när spelaren har förlorat alla sina liv och spelet är över. Jag har även fortsatt att arbeta med ljud och musik då det ska vara klart till betan så allt måste läggas in och det […]

Spelutveckling #4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med att lägga till score i vårat spel som i detta fall ska vara tiden som spelaren lyckas att överleva. Det ska visas en timer i spelet och som sedan ska spara tiden till våran game over screen eller endstate när spelaren har förlorat alla sina liv och spelet är över. Jag har även fortsatt att arbeta med ljud och musik då det ska vara klart till betan så allt måste läggas in och det […]

Week 7 – Bursting bubble
Week seven is nearly over and this week I have been working on even more sprites.
In our version of the game Magic Writer we decided to design a bubble where the items the magician is about to throw will spawn. So as soon as the player has decided and successfully typed in the word for one of the three items showed, this item will end up in the magic bubble. As soon as the item appears in the bubble the […]

Week 7 – Bursting bubble
Week seven is nearly over and this week I have been working on even more sprites.
In our version of the game Magic Writer we decided to design a bubble where the items the magician is about to throw will spawn. So as soon as the player has decided and successfully typed in the word for one of the three items showed, this item will end up in the magic bubble. As soon as the item appears in the bubble the […]

Only one week until Beta and there is still plenty of work to be done.
Hey there!
So we now running close on the final week before our beta presentation (yikes!) and quite some work remains until we are satisfied with what we got to show. For this post I will talk about the work I started doing on our highscore system and what results I have gotten. I chose to work on most our different screens (such as start, menu, win/lose and highscore) since it is one of the things I learnt how to do during our […]

Only one week until Beta and there is still plenty of work to be done.
Hey there!
So we now running close on the final week before our beta presentation (yikes!) and quite some work remains until we are satisfied with what we got to show. For this post I will talk about the work I started doing on our highscore system and what results I have gotten. I chose to work on most our different screens (such as start, menu, win/lose and highscore) since it is one of the things I learnt how to do during our […]

This week I have been working on creating the Hud for the game.
I started with creating the class for the player health bar. As we already had health bars for the players, enemies and the life tree. I took most of the code from that class and re used them for the player health bar.
But the healthbars that we already had was only a sfml rect that is given a color and displayed dynamically over the entities head. But for […]

This week I have been working on creating the Hud for the game.
I started with creating the class for the player health bar. As we already had health bars for the players, enemies and the life tree. I took most of the code from that class and re used them for the player health bar.
But the healthbars that we already had was only a sfml rect that is given a color and displayed dynamically over the entities head. But for […]

This week I am working with the main menu for the game, so pretty much I have only been sketching and drawing the whole week this far. Most of the time I have been drawing some different backgrounds, which have take more hours then I thought it should. This is because I am not the fastest artist but I am perfectionist and want everything should be as good as it can be. Also I think the main menu is important […]

This week I am working with the main menu for the game, so pretty much I have only been sketching and drawing the whole week this far. Most of the time I have been drawing some different backgrounds, which have take more hours then I thought it should. This is because I am not the fastest artist but I am perfectionist and want everything should be as good as it can be. Also I think the main menu is important […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #4
So this week I have mostly been fine tuning a lot of the features done earlier weeks in the project. During this project we have been adding a lot of features and functions to the code but not finished them. I have gone through a lot of the code and tried to get a deeper understanding of the code and the project over all. We had some play testing this week with a few different people. When we did play […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #4
So this week I have mostly been fine tuning a lot of the features done earlier weeks in the project. During this project we have been adding a lot of features and functions to the code but not finished them. I have gone through a lot of the code and tried to get a deeper understanding of the code and the project over all. We had some play testing this week with a few different people. When we did play […]

Open wide
This week I finished Alien 02’s primary attack animation.
The alien, unlike its predecessor, will not fire projectiles but will instead extrude its tongue in an attempt to latch on to the player character. The tongue will do damage over time and paralyze the player, making them unable to react; move or fire for a certain period of time. The tongue will also pull the player character towards the alien’s mouth and if the player character is close enough to the […]

Open wide
This week I finished Alien 02’s primary attack animation.
The alien, unlike its predecessor, will not fire projectiles but will instead extrude its tongue in an attempt to latch on to the player character. The tongue will do damage over time and paralyze the player, making them unable to react; move or fire for a certain period of time. The tongue will also pull the player character towards the alien’s mouth and if the player character is close enough to the […]
Line vs Box Collision!
Since the player first could die in our game it was based on the distance between him and the enemy. No matter what, if the player would come close to Otto (the enemy) he would die instantly. We chose to do it this way since if we had to check … – Läs hela inlägget här
Line vs Box Collision!
Since the player first could die in our game it was based on the distance between him and the enemy. No matter what, if the player would come close to Otto (the enemy) he would die instantly. We chose to do it this way since if we had to check … – Läs hela inlägget här