Monthly Archives: January 2014

Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

Beginning of a new Project
The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

A day of things happing
Today we learned how to set up SFML. I had problems getting it to work at first, but SFML looked easier to use then SDL. I looked into some tutorials that seems suitable for me. Tomorrow I will continue experiment with SFML.
Later I and the group was metting up, to discuss the scrum with our scrum master, unfortunately he couldn’t come. So we kept working on the scrum and setting up a meeting tomorrow instead with him.
Now, what do I […]

A day of things happing
Today we learned how to set up SFML. I had problems getting it to work at first, but SFML looked easier to use then SDL. I looked into some tutorials that seems suitable for me. Tomorrow I will continue experiment with SFML.
Later I and the group was metting up, to discuss the scrum with our scrum master, unfortunately he couldn’t come. So we kept working on the scrum and setting up a meeting tomorrow instead with him.
Now, what do I […]

A day of things happing
Today we learned how to set up SFML. I had problems getting it to work at first, but SFML looked easier to use then SDL. I looked into some tutorials that seems suitable for me. Tomorrow I will continue experiment with SFML.
Later I and the group was metting up, to discuss the scrum with our scrum master, unfortunately he couldn’t come. So we kept working on the scrum and setting up a meeting tomorrow instead with him.
Now, what do I […]

A day of things happing
Today we learned how to set up SFML. I had problems getting it to work at first, but SFML looked easier to use then SDL. I looked into some tutorials that seems suitable for me. Tomorrow I will continue experiment with SFML.
Later I and the group was metting up, to discuss the scrum with our scrum master, unfortunately he couldn’t come. So we kept working on the scrum and setting up a meeting tomorrow instead with him.
Now, what do I […]

Hello world,
Today Tommi introduced us to the SFML library. It makes programming a bit different from what it was before – simpler, I think but therefore also harder since we’ve already learned do to things in one way.
So after the lecture with the SFML introduction I’ve been trying to play around with it more on my own in order to understand it better. I watched some tutorials on youtube and experimented on my own.
Later on this day I did some […]

Hello world,
Today Tommi introduced us to the SFML library. It makes programming a bit different from what it was before – simpler, I think but therefore also harder since we’ve already learned do to things in one way.
So after the lecture with the SFML introduction I’ve been trying to play around with it more on my own in order to understand it better. I watched some tutorials on youtube and experimented on my own.
Later on this day I did some […]

Project Bloody Badgers (AKA Haunted Light) 2014-01-28
Today we got a small rant about our blog posts being too thin, so I’ll try to fill my next posts with more stuff. Today we also had our first scrum meeting about week sprint, we got some feedback about making our tasks more specific and that we should also try to estimate the work time for the different tasks.
I started to set up the states because of previous experiences it’s better to implement them in an early stage than […]

Project Bloody Badgers (AKA Haunted Light) 2014-01-28
Today we got a small rant about our blog posts being too thin, so I’ll try to fill my next posts with more stuff. Today we also had our first scrum meeting about week sprint, we got some feedback about making our tasks more specific and that we should also try to estimate the work time for the different tasks.
I started to set up the states because of previous experiences it’s better to implement them in an early stage than […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Hello world,
Today Tommi introduced us to the SFML library. It makes programming a bit different from what it was before – simpler, I think but therefore also harder since we’ve already learned do to things in one way.
So after the lecture with the SFML introduction I’ve been trying to play around with it more on my own in order to understand it better. I watched some tutorials on youtube and experimented on my own.
Later on this day I did some […]

Hello world,
Today Tommi introduced us to the SFML library. It makes programming a bit different from what it was before – simpler, I think but therefore also harder since we’ve already learned do to things in one way.
So after the lecture with the SFML introduction I’ve been trying to play around with it more on my own in order to understand it better. I watched some tutorials on youtube and experimented on my own.
Later on this day I did some […]

SDL reintroduction
*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

SDL reintroduction
*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

Sketches & Art: Shaman almost done
Have had lots of university stuff on my hand, but I got time to finsih this and use it as a hand in. So that was really nice 🙂
Background could have more time spend into it, especially the back wall. Problem is I’m working in way to many pixels on this picture (It’s about 3000×3000) meaning it takes alot of time to use smudge tool on it.
Anyway going to just drop it here and I hope you all have […]

Sketches & Art: Shaman almost done
Have had lots of university stuff on my hand, but I got time to finsih this and use it as a hand in. So that was really nice 🙂
Background could have more time spend into it, especially the back wall. Problem is I’m working in way to many pixels on this picture (It’s about 3000×3000) meaning it takes alot of time to use smudge tool on it.
Anyway going to just drop it here and I hope you all have […]

Sketches & Art: Shaman almost done
Have had lots of university stuff on my hand, but I got time to finsih this and use it as a hand in. So that was really nice
Background could have more time spend into it, especially the back wall. Problem is I’m working in way to many pixels on this picture (It’s about 3000×3000) meaning it takes alot of time to use smudge tool on it.
Anyway going to just drop it here and I hope you all […]

Sketches & Art: Shaman almost done
Have had lots of university stuff on my hand, but I got time to finsih this and use it as a hand in. So that was really nice
Background could have more time spend into it, especially the back wall. Problem is I’m working in way to many pixels on this picture (It’s about 3000×3000) meaning it takes alot of time to use smudge tool on it.
Anyway going to just drop it here and I hope you all […]

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0x11,0x22, 0x33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0x11,0x22, 0x33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…