Daily Archives: January 18, 2014

KreakOut #10 – mm…text…
SDL_TTF now works and the player’s score and the high score is displayed when the game is over. Memory leaks has been checked for and the only ones we had came from the text-rendering which we got fixed after some tinkering (still don’t know exactly why we got it to work the way we did, but it works now).
Final blog-post, final picture. Now time to write that report, because reasons.
EDIT: Those two blocks that have been in the same position […]

KreakOut #10 – mm…text…
SDL_TTF now works and the player’s score and the high score is displayed when the game is over. Memory leaks has been checked for and the only ones we had came from the text-rendering which we got fixed after some tinkering (still don’t know exactly why we got it to work the way we did, but it works now).
Final blog-post, final picture. Now time to write that report, because reasons.
EDIT: Those two blocks that have been in the same position […]

Day 23, Last Day!
Today I checked for memory leaks and I found six of them!!!! well actually it was more like two.
In one place I created a textobject and a sprite was created a few lines before that as well at the same time but not used or deleted.And the animated sprites caused a leak when i deleted them because i deleted the sprite from the parent class and not the animated sprite in the actual object. I had already made the function […]

Day 23, Last Day!
Today I checked for memory leaks and I found six of them!!!! well actually it was more like two.
In one place I created a textobject and a sprite was created a few lines before that as well at the same time but not used or deleted.And the animated sprites caused a leak when i deleted them because i deleted the sprite from the parent class and not the animated sprite in the actual object. I had already made the function […]

Long time ago!
It’s been a long time since last time I posted. Today we fixed the screen getting a picture, and now I am looking att fixing collision between diffrent tiles in the game.

Long time ago!
It’s been a long time since last time I posted. Today we fixed the screen getting a picture, and now I am looking att fixing collision between diffrent tiles in the game.

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here:https://gumroad.com/kyletwebster I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here:https://gumroad.com/kyletwebster I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

Programming Project Part 9
This is the second to last day before deadline so today and tomorrow will be dedicated to fishing for as many points as possible, with a simple animation and a dev-room for collision-testing.
Today I added a timer to get an actual win-condition and not just a score to improve and I also adjusted some things to make the game a hell of a lot harder (faster missiles, smaller explosion and a limit to two explosions out at the same time) […]

Programming Project Part 9
This is the second to last day before deadline so today and tomorrow will be dedicated to fishing for as many points as possible, with a simple animation and a dev-room for collision-testing.
Today I added a timer to get an actual win-condition and not just a score to improve and I also adjusted some things to make the game a hell of a lot harder (faster missiles, smaller explosion and a limit to two explosions out at the same time) […]

Game Programming I – Assingment day 24
Worked more on the overlap function today.
box vs box and circle vs circle collisions now work better.
Added an enemy class called FoeLarge.
The FoeLarge is spawned at the middle of the x-line of coordinates no matter what resolution you set the game to.
The new enemy takes damage from bullets but not from the player.
The player collides with the large enemy but takes no damage.
Added victory and defeat conditions.
Helped a little with the options state.

Game Programming I – Assingment day 24
Worked more on the overlap function today.
box vs box and circle vs circle collisions now work better.
Added an enemy class called FoeLarge.
The FoeLarge is spawned at the middle of the x-line of coordinates no matter what resolution you set the game to.
The new enemy takes damage from bullets but not from the player.
The player collides with the large enemy but takes no damage.
Added victory and defeat conditions.
Helped a little with the options state.

Programming Project, day 29 – part 4 – Game complete and no memory leaks
I ran the Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012, and “No memory leaks detected.”. I thought for sure that I had forgotten some pointers somewhere.
I also put all #includes in a certain order in every .cpp file.
The game is done now, there is always improvements that can be made but I’m feeling pretty done now.
My final project score should be at least 110 points (that’s about top score), I may get extra points somewhere. I’ve got every single thing […]

Programming Project, day 29 – part 4 – Game complete and no memory leaks
I ran the Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012, and “No memory leaks detected.”. I thought for sure that I had forgotten some pointers somewhere.
I also put all #includes in a certain order in every .cpp file.
The game is done now, there is always improvements that can be made but I’m feeling pretty done now.
My final project score should be at least 110 points (that’s about top score), I may get extra points somewhere. I’ve got every single thing […]

Programming Project, day 29 – part 3
There is now an option in the graphics options state to turn off the “menu objects effect” (the objects flying around colliding when in certain menu’s).

Programming Project, day 29 – part 3
There is now an option in the graphics options state to turn off the “menu objects effect” (the objects flying around colliding when in certain menu’s).

Programming Project, day 29 – part 2
Added a desert level and custom particle effects for it.
Now it’s time to check the circle vs circle collision again to see if it isn’t box vs box.
There is also an alien level (thanks to Ludde!):

Programming Project, day 29 – part 2
Added a desert level and custom particle effects for it.
Now it’s time to check the circle vs circle collision again to see if it isn’t box vs box.
There is also an alien level (thanks to Ludde!):

This is the end! Post #8
We wrapped up the last of our game last night. With Fabian’s fabulous dedication and with some guidance from Jerry we got TTF to work, and we now have everything we want in the game. Time to write the individual report today-tomorrow and then that’s the end of Game programming 1. Rushing into game programming 2 and game development next week.

This is the end! Post #8
We wrapped up the last of our game last night. With Fabian’s fabulous dedication and with some guidance from Jerry we got TTF to work, and we now have everything we want in the game. Time to write the individual report today-tomorrow and then that’s the end of Game programming 1. Rushing into game programming 2 and game development next week.

This is the end! Post #8
We wrapped up the last of our game last night. With Fabian’s fabulous dedication and with some guidance from Jerry we got TTF to work, and we now have everything we want in the game. Time to write the individual report today-tomorrow and then that’s the end of Game programming 1. Rushing into game programming 2 and game development next week.

This is the end! Post #8
We wrapped up the last of our game last night. With Fabian’s fabulous dedication and with some guidance from Jerry we got TTF to work, and we now have everything we want in the game. Time to write the individual report today-tomorrow and then that’s the end of Game programming 1. Rushing into game programming 2 and game development next week.

Programming Project, day 29 – part 1
I tidied up the code and removed some things that Isn’t needed.
I added map-change support (only sprite change) and added some types of sprites. A graphic student, Ludwig Lindstål, made many of the map-types.
This is the result:

Programming Project, day 29 – part 1
I tidied up the code and removed some things that Isn’t needed.
I added map-change support (only sprite change) and added some types of sprites. A graphic student, Ludwig Lindstål, made many of the map-types.
This is the result: