Daily Archives: January 10, 2014

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2
Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2
Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

R-kanoid progression with music and sound
After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

R-kanoid progression with music and sound
After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!
The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!
The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]