Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Big Game Project Week 5

Hi guys just a quick update. This week I have been working on getting the visual settings for the camera. As you saw last week I played around with Bloom effects on the camera and got something that looked like it was fog on the camera lens. Now the effect is a lot more subtle and I am quite happy with the result.

More images will come soon. Stay tuned!

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project Week 5

Hi guys just a quick update. This week I have been working on getting the visual settings for the camera. As you saw last week I played around with Bloom effects on the camera and got something that looked like it was fog on the camera lens. Now the effect is a lot more subtle and I am quite happy with the result.

More images will come soon. Stay tuned!

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Program: Graphics

Texture and modeling

These last couple of weeks has been all about finishing all the assets required for our alpha prototype of Tale. Much focus has been on developing an environment for the first real level of the game. We have worked on creating environment assets such as trees, vegetation, man made objects among others.
I have worked on the manmade objects in the game. The assets i have constructed are various ruins, weapon holder, amphi theater, fence and walls. It goes without […]

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Program: Graphics

Texture and modeling

These last couple of weeks has been all about finishing all the assets required for our alpha prototype of Tale. Much focus has been on developing an environment for the first real level of the game. We have worked on creating environment assets such as trees, vegetation, man made objects among others.
I have worked on the manmade objects in the game. The assets i have constructed are various ruins, weapon holder, amphi theater, fence and walls. It goes without […]

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Program: Graphics

So this week, Sickness.

As the title dictates this past week has been a sick week with fever and that has affected my work to that extant that I haven’t been able to make any solid progress at all. What changes I have made has been clean up on the minimap script and summarizing what i am currently working on and what i would need to start working on.
Currently I am working on:
1) Minimap script, displaying images for object, guards and such. As well […]

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Program: Programming

So this week, Sickness.

As the title dictates this past week has been a sick week with fever and that has affected my work to that extant that I haven’t been able to make any solid progress at all. What changes I have made has been clean up on the minimap script and summarizing what i am currently working on and what i would need to start working on.
Currently I am working on:
1) Minimap script, displaying images for object, guards and such. As well […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – One week from BETA

Hello again everyone!
This week has been very interesting. Five out of six members have been sick the entire week. So we all worked from home, which was something we really did not want to do as working together increased productivity. But we were sick so there was not much we could have done about that. This all resulted in a low productivity from all the members but we still tried as hard as we could.
We have now pasted the alpha […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – One week from BETA

Hello again everyone!
This week has been very interesting. Five out of six members have been sick the entire week. So we all worked from home, which was something we really did not want to do as working together increased productivity. But we were sick so there was not much we could have done about that. This all resulted in a low productivity from all the members but we still tried as hard as we could.
We have now pasted the alpha […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 – Yet another week

Our team most certainly have run into a ton of bad luck when it comes to health.
This week, almost the entire team succumbed to sickness once again. The most probable reason is lack of eating properly and lack of sleep, and that can be attributed to the fact that we crunched last week in order to make it for the alpha.
This leads to an inevitable revelation that crunching… costs more than it gives, at least I can imagine it does […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 – Yet another week

Our team most certainly have run into a ton of bad luck when it comes to health.
This week, almost the entire team succumbed to sickness once again. The most probable reason is lack of eating properly and lack of sleep, and that can be attributed to the fact that we crunched last week in order to make it for the alpha.
This leads to an inevitable revelation that crunching… costs more than it gives, at least I can imagine it does […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Blog 5

Nu börjar allt falla på plats i spelet men det finns en del kvar att göra. I veckan har jag jobbat lite på alla möjliga olika kod bitar i spelet. Jag har jobbat på menyn både för kod och visuellt även om den troligtvis kommer ändras. Sen har jag lagt in så att våra mätare fungerar med lite tillägg i koden.
Annars har det mest varit buggfixar och förbättringar i koden och användarvänligheten i editorn.En stor bugg var att ljudet i […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Blog 5

Nu börjar allt falla på plats i spelet men det finns en del kvar att göra. I veckan har jag jobbat lite på alla möjliga olika kod bitar i spelet. Jag har jobbat på menyn både för kod och visuellt även om den troligtvis kommer ändras. Sen har jag lagt in så att våra mätare fungerar med lite tillägg i koden.
Annars har det mest varit buggfixar och förbättringar i koden och användarvänligheten i editorn.En stor bugg var att ljudet i […]

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Program: Programming

In-between Animations for Two Weeks

For the past two weeks in the project, I’ve been working on animations for the female character in Synapse. These animations, which are tradional 2D frame animation, will be played out when the player cleared a task. For now, we plan on having eleven different tasks. We will also be doing fail- and idle-animations.
Two members in our team work on the concepts and the creation of the animations, by doing key-frames and breakdown-frames, while I’m responsible on making in-between frames […]

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Program: Graphics

In-between Animations for Two Weeks

For the past two weeks in the project, I’ve been working on animations for the female character in Synapse. These animations, which are tradional 2D frame animation, will be played out when the player cleared a task. For now, we plan on having eleven different tasks. We will also be doing fail- and idle-animations.
Two members in our team work on the concepts and the creation of the animations, by doing key-frames and breakdown-frames, while I’m responsible on making in-between frames […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 BGP

Måndag 2/5 – Raycast. Fixade klart raycast åt framåt och åt sidan. Först kunde vakten bara kolla som en kon framför sig men nu kan den även kolla åt sidorna och bakåt. Jag började även jobba på att fångar och vakter kan gå genom dörrar.
Fel – Fångarna känner av att vägen går att gå, men den vill inte börja röra sig. Så; Jag använder mig åter igen av NavMesh och i detta fall finns det något som heter Path.Parthial, vilket är att […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 BGP

Måndag 2/5 – Raycast. Fixade klart raycast åt framåt och åt sidan. Först kunde vakten bara kolla som en kon framför sig men nu kan den även kolla åt sidorna och bakåt. Jag började även jobba på att fångar och vakter kan gå genom dörrar.
Fel – Fångarna känner av att vägen går att gå, men den vill inte börja röra sig. Så; Jag använder mig åter igen av NavMesh och i detta fall finns det något som heter Path.Parthial, vilket är att […]

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Program: Programming

WEEK #5 – BIG GAME PROJECT – The week after alpha/the week before beta!

Hey guys whats up!
I want to begin with the workflow this week. It has been a bit off. Mostly because 5 out of our 6 members was sick this week. We haven’t been able to meet up and work together, which has resulted in less effective work. Although most of the work this week has been solo job (like our lead art making the trailers, me fixing up the screenshots etc.), it is still viable and nice working together and […]

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Program: Graphics

WEEK #5 – BIG GAME PROJECT – The week after alpha/the week before beta!

Hey guys whats up!
I want to begin with the workflow this week. It has been a bit off. Mostly because 5 out of our 6 members was sick this week. We haven’t been able to meet up and work together, which has resulted in less effective work. Although most of the work this week has been solo job (like our lead art making the trailers, me fixing up the screenshots etc.), it is still viable and nice working together and […]

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Program: Graphics

WEEK #5 – BIG GAME PROJECT – The week after alpha/the week before beta!

Hey guys whats up!
I want to begin with the workflow this week. It has been a bit off. Mostly because 5 out of our 6 members was sick this week. We haven’t been able to meet up and work together, which has resulted in less effective work. Although most of the work this week has been solo job (like our lead art making the trailers, me fixing up the screenshots etc.), it is still viable and nice working together and […]

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Program: Graphics

WEEK #5 – BIG GAME PROJECT – The week after alpha/the week before beta!

Hey guys whats up!
I want to begin with the workflow this week. It has been a bit off. Mostly because 5 out of our 6 members was sick this week. We haven’t been able to meet up and work together, which has resulted in less effective work. Although most of the work this week has been solo job (like our lead art making the trailers, me fixing up the screenshots etc.), it is still viable and nice working together and […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP: Fifth post

A couple of different things happened this week. It was clear after playtesting that our idea with a chatbox above the HUD would not work out, players simply didn’t have time to look there so instead we would place terminals in the non-combat focused-areas that players can interact with to read their supposed “messages” and news about the town to make it feel more alive. I modeled and textured the terminals and created quick 2D assets (heeey do the reusability-polka) for […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP: Fifth post

A couple of different things happened this week. It was clear after playtesting that our idea with a chatbox above the HUD would not work out, players simply didn’t have time to look there so instead we would place terminals in the non-combat focused-areas that players can interact with to read their supposed “messages” and news about the town to make it feel more alive. I modeled and textured the terminals and created quick 2D assets (heeey do the reusability-polka) for […]

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Program: Graphics

The two final weeks

Time runs so fast! Last week I had to redo Kei since her bone hierarchy got messed up while creating her the first time. That meant that Unity did not see her as a “Humanoid” and messed up her animations so that she started to cut herself through the head and such which frankly my dear, isn´t really what we are going for here. When the character was floating around a bit too much with her feet in the animation […]

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Program: Graphics

The two final weeks

Time runs so fast! Last week I had to redo Kei since her bone hierarchy got messed up while creating her the first time. That meant that Unity did not see her as a “Humanoid” and messed up her animations so that she started to cut herself through the head and such which frankly my dear, isn´t really what we are going for here. When the character was floating around a bit too much with her feet in the animation […]

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Program: Graphics