Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

What the puppet boy been up to
I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

What the puppet boy been up to
I am of the understanding that the art-style that I am trying out on our characters in the game has generated a bit of a buzz among my pierce.
So in this post I will shed a bit of light on what I more specifically have been working with.
Come sit with me
Our game is as mentioned a space noir story in 2D with text as a primary mekanic. And with that came a bit of challenges regarding the look of […]

BGP – Day 20
Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme.
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

BGP – Day 20
Looking at Height Lerp and More vertex painting
Today I was asked to look into height linear interpolation to see if I could do vertex painting on materials with less vertices, turns out the difference isn’t that big to what I previously posted, but I still got to create a material that is more in line with our Egyptian theme.
This is how the material looks like now, tomorrow I will see If i can get it to look more stylized, but […]

Week three and four
Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.
I […]

Week three and four
Hi again!
Since my last post, I have done several things. It was Easter during the third week so we took Friday off to spend time with our families. However, we still managed to do a lot of work. I did some placeholder, modular assets. For example, I made a pillar consisting of six parts, that can be exchanged and moved around to create several different pillars. I also did some arches that can be resized and reused throughout the game.
I […]

DynaMine: The Beginning.
Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

DynaMine: The Beginning.
Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

BGP – Day 19.1
Vertex Painting and Tessellation
The sun is shining and springs is here, what better than to spend your time sitting inside, learning about materials and tessellation? At least that is what I did. I wanted to look into that, since our Lead Artist asked me if I knew how to use it, I didn’t, but now I do! Also another thing was mentioned when the programmers had their QA with their teacher. The teacher was worried that we wouldn’t get all the […]

BGP – Day 19.1
Vertex Painting and Tessellation
The sun is shining and springs is here, what better than to spend your time sitting inside, learning about materials and tessellation? At least that is what I did. I wanted to look into that, since our Lead Artist asked me if I knew how to use it, I didn’t, but now I do! Also another thing was mentioned when the programmers had their QA with their teacher. The teacher was worried that we wouldn’t get all the […]

Neon Skies – Week 4
Week 4 started with rework on the drone to make the outer neon light strips larger. We then experimented with different colors and patterns to find something we liked. We knew we wanted something with a simple color scheme like the rest of the environment, almost like the rocks, but lighter in tone. The body also needed to look different from the wings. As such, we experimented with different shades of grey until we stumbled upon […]

Neon Skies – Week 4
Week 4 started with rework on the drone to make the outer neon light strips larger. We then experimented with different colors and patterns to find something we liked. We knew we wanted something with a simple color scheme like the rest of the environment, almost like the rocks, but lighter in tone. The body also needed to look different from the wings. As such, we experimented with different shades of grey until we stumbled upon […]

Week 4 – Big Game Project – Placeholders
Hello and welcome to yet another week of game development for the game Amenti. This week we tried to set up our server and source share of our UE 4 level. It unfortunately did not end up as planned and a lot of time was spent on making it work. Even though we all had the same brand of computer and were on the same network, it only worked on some computers. In the end, we got it to work, […]

Week 4 – Big Game Project – Placeholders
Hello and welcome to yet another week of game development for the game Amenti. This week we tried to set up our server and source share of our UE 4 level. It unfortunately did not end up as planned and a lot of time was spent on making it work. Even though we all had the same brand of computer and were on the same network, it only worked on some computers. In the end, we got it to work, […]

Big Game Project (BGP) 2017
Since a couple of weeks ago now I began the last course of my second year of Game design and Graphics here at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland and is one of the larger courses throughout the whole programme. It’s called Big Game Project and as the name suggest we are going to be working on a game in teams until the end of this semester.
The game me and my team has been working on is called Fast Gear which is, […]

Big Game Project (BGP) 2017
Since a couple of weeks ago now I began the last course of my second year of Game design and Graphics here at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland and is one of the larger courses throughout the whole programme. It’s called Big Game Project and as the name suggest we are going to be working on a game in teams until the end of this semester.
The game me and my team has been working on is called Fast Gear which is, […]

Design Thoughts: Playtesting Thoughts
Was at a playtesting event for projects today and it was amazing seeing how good people are at making games.
First year students making 3d Mech combat games, communication games where you have to navigate a smuggler ship together through mazes, a frog that inflates and deflates itself and just many, many more things.
Second years doing innovative racing and turn based strategy games, games about digging out people from bomb debris as well as a game where you have to solve […]

Design Thoughts: Playtesting Thoughts
Was at a playtesting event for projects today and it was amazing seeing how good people are at making games.
First year students making 3d Mech combat games, communication games where you have to navigate a smuggler ship together through mazes, a frog that inflates and deflates itself and just many, many more things.
Second years doing innovative racing and turn based strategy games, games about digging out people from bomb debris as well as a game where you have to solve […]
Ny blogg. Big game project
Hej, nu är det dags att blogga igen. Det här inlägget finns bara för att inte förvirra eventuella läsare så de inte tror att det jag gjorde under Space Shooter projektet är det jag gjort under Big Game Project. ALLTSÅ inlägg innan det här inlägget är från en annan kurs. Allt efter det här inlägget är till Big Game Project.
Ny blogg. Big game project
Hej, nu är det dags att blogga igen. Det här inlägget finns bara för att inte förvirra eventuella läsare så de inte tror att det jag gjorde under Space Shooter projektet är det jag gjort under Big Game Project. ALLTSÅ inlägg innan det här inlägget är från en annan kurs. Allt efter det här inlägget är till Big Game Project.

BGP – Day 19
Halfway through BGP
We have finally gotten the server to work for everyone, this means we can start to implement our work into one collective project. Other than that I’ve looked into implementing the animations and working together with one of our programmers/Lead sound. We had some issues with having the character to stay in place when walking as we changed it in unreal. Since it didn’t work we instead choose to change this in the animation program, which worked fine. […]

BGP – Day 19
Halfway through BGP
We have finally gotten the server to work for everyone, this means we can start to implement our work into one collective project. Other than that I’ve looked into implementing the animations and working together with one of our programmers/Lead sound. We had some issues with having the character to stay in place when walking as we changed it in unreal. Since it didn’t work we instead choose to change this in the animation program, which worked fine. […]
Big Game Project!
New Year, New Course, New Project
The last thing I posted on this blog was a project we made during our first year, in the program, which was way back in 2015. And now, almost two years later, I’m back at it again with the Big Game Project (BGP). During this course we have eight weeks to take a game all the way from idea to reality. The game will also have has the possibility to be featured on the Gotland […]
Big Game Project!
New Year, New Course, New Project
The last thing I posted on this blog was a project we made during our first year, in the program, which was way back in 2015. And now, almost two years later, I’m back at it again with the Big Game Project (BGP). During this course we have eight weeks to take a game all the way from idea to reality. The game will also have has the possibility to be featured on the Gotland […]