Author Archives: Niklas Ericsson

Sprint 8 – postmortem
Now this end has finally come to an end, and our game is finished. It has been an interesting project where we have learned a lot, but I think most people are feeling a relief that this course is coming to its end and a hype for the next coming course, Arcade games.
We, in group Jabberwock has been making the game Behemoth, which is a game where you as a player is controlling a huge spaceship that you are to […]

Sprint 8 – postmortem
Now this end has finally come to an end, and our game is finished. It has been an interesting project where we have learned a lot, but I think most people are feeling a relief that this course is coming to its end and a hype for the next coming course, Arcade games.
We, in group Jabberwock has been making the game Behemoth, which is a game where you as a player is controlling a huge spaceship that you are to […]
Comment on Anders
I liked to read your blogpost, it was quite interesting. Its quite “sad” that you didnt feel like the playtesting was of any value, however, I understand that if you were already aware of your issues, that it might have been preferable to work on those issues instead of having the playtest, or just feel that it was not needed. Maybe you could have made something up with the questions in the survey to make it more important? In our […]
Comment on Anders
I liked to read your blogpost, it was quite interesting. Its quite “sad” that you didnt feel like the playtesting was of any value, however, I understand that if you were already aware of your issues, that it might have been preferable to work on those issues instead of having the playtest, or just feel that it was not needed. Maybe you could have made something up with the questions in the survey to make it more important? In our […]

Sprint 7 – Playtesting
So far in the course we have had two ”major” playtestings. The first one behing ahead of the Alpha deadline and the second one being ahead of the Beta deadline.
Playtesting 1:
The first playtesting went quite well I must say. Most playtesters liked what we had so far and we actually had a playable game at that point with many of our assets already implemented. For the Alpha, we didnt focus on music or sound what so ever, so for the […]

Sprint 7 – Playtesting
So far in the course we have had two ”major” playtestings. The first one behing ahead of the Alpha deadline and the second one being ahead of the Beta deadline.
Playtesting 1:
The first playtesting went quite well I must say. Most playtesters liked what we had so far and we actually had a playable game at that point with many of our assets already implemented. For the Alpha, we didnt focus on music or sound what so ever, so for the […]
Comment Teodor
You are describing in a good and detailed way how you have worked with the music and what decisions you have made in the process and why you made them in a clear and detailed way that is easy to understand, so that is good. You describe the background of your game and the ”general idea” of your game so I as a reader get a hum of what game you are making which is good so that I can […]
Comment Teodor
You are describing in a good and detailed way how you have worked with the music and what decisions you have made in the process and why you made them in a clear and detailed way that is easy to understand, so that is good. You describe the background of your game and the ”general idea” of your game so I as a reader get a hum of what game you are making which is good so that I can […]

Sprint 6 – Beta
So this week have been quite a calm week for me as I did not have all to much to work with. Basically, my main focus this week have been on the Beta presentation, and what to present. Since we have come really far with our game and got really good feedback fro, the last playtesting, and since we are basically done with our game, there is some highlights that I want to present and explain during the Beta presentation, […]

Sprint 6 – Beta
So this week have been quite a calm week for me as I did not have all to much to work with. Basically, my main focus this week have been on the Beta presentation, and what to present. Since we have come really far with our game and got really good feedback fro, the last playtesting, and since we are basically done with our game, there is some highlights that I want to present and explain during the Beta presentation, […]

Comment Lina
Interesting blog post. You describe in a good way how you have used Scrum and also why you find it to be beneficial and working well for you and your group. You tell about the daily stand up and why you like them and how they are working well for your team in a simple and good way, so it is really easy to read and understand whats going on. Im glad the scrum has been working out well for […]

Comment Lina
Interesting blog post. You describe in a good way how you have used Scrum and also why you find it to be beneficial and working well for you and your group. You tell about the daily stand up and why you like them and how they are working well for your team in a simple and good way, so it is really easy to read and understand whats going on. Im glad the scrum has been working out well for […]
Comment Elias
Hey Elias!
Interesting post, with a lot of ideas and thoughts. It was entertaining to read.
I agree with your statement about the importance of communication. Communication is key for a successful game so I think it is great that you lift this so heavily. I think you tell quite detailed what, how and why your work is done in a good way. However, I don’t see to much of the game itself in the post which might have been interesting to […]
Comment Elias
Hey Elias!
Interesting post, with a lot of ideas and thoughts. It was entertaining to read.
I agree with your statement about the importance of communication. Communication is key for a successful game so I think it is great that you lift this so heavily. I think you tell quite detailed what, how and why your work is done in a good way. However, I don’t see to much of the game itself in the post which might have been interesting to […]

Comment Juste
Interesting post! I think its really good that you are helping out you’re artists with easier tasks within art. That is super efficient and you save a lot of time. I find this good also because I, the same as you, have previous experience with art so I too help my artists out whenever needed and I find this super efficient for the group so I think you should keep doing that!
I would have liked to know a bit more […]

Comment Juste
Interesting post! I think its really good that you are helping out you’re artists with easier tasks within art. That is super efficient and you save a lot of time. I find this good also because I, the same as you, have previous experience with art so I too help my artists out whenever needed and I find this super efficient for the group so I think you should keep doing that!
I would have liked to know a bit more […]

Sprint 5 – Scrum
So we have been working with scrum in our group (obviously), and it has been working out very well for us. For most in the group, it is the first time working with Scrum, however, me personally have been working with game design and Scrum before so I felt quite comfortable with Scrum and I felt like I had a good idea of what it was all about and how it worked.
Since I did game design and graphics before, I […]

Sprint 5 – Scrum
So we have been working with scrum in our group (obviously), and it has been working out very well for us. For most in the group, it is the first time working with Scrum, however, me personally have been working with game design and Scrum before so I felt quite comfortable with Scrum and I felt like I had a good idea of what it was all about and how it worked.
Since I did game design and graphics before, I […]

Sprint 4 – Alpha
Hey hey,
So this week we have been preparing for the Alpha. This Monday, 2018-02-12 we had our first playtesting in before the Alpha where we got quite good feedback. It would seem a lot of testers liked our game and they said it looked really well and was a good, so that was nice to hear.
Me personally have prepared for the Alpha presentation this week which will be on Thursday this week, 2018-02-15. I as the producer of the team […]

Sprint 4 – Alpha
Hey hey,
So this week we have been preparing for the Alpha. This Monday, 2018-02-12 we had our first playtesting in before the Alpha where we got quite good feedback. It would seem a lot of testers liked our game and they said it looked really well and was a good, so that was nice to hear.
Me personally have prepared for the Alpha presentation this week which will be on Thursday this week, 2018-02-15. I as the producer of the team […]

Sprint 3 – Game design
Yo yo blogg,
For this course we were to pick a concept from the previous course and make a game out of that concept document. We chose the game Behemoth and are making a game where the player control a giant spaceship, the biggest there is which you have stolen from your enemies. The enemies are trying to stop you from capturing this spaceship and take it back to your base. They are doing everything they can to stop you and […]

Sprint 3 – Game design
Yo yo blogg,
For this course we were to pick a concept from the previous course and make a game out of that concept document. We chose the game Behemoth and are making a game where the player control a giant spaceship, the biggest there is which you have stolen from your enemies. The enemies are trying to stop you from capturing this spaceship and take it back to your base. They are doing everything they can to stop you and […]

BGP – Vecka 7 & 8
Dessa veckor har fokuset legat på att göra färdigt miljön till spelet, samt att finputsa och lägga till nya modeller för att förgylla miljön i spelet. Vi gjorde golv, väggar och tak helt platta, och lade sedan på en textur på dessa. Texturen blev ganska bra, men efter att ha testat väggarna och golvet i spelet så tyckte vi att det såg alldeles för platt och tråkigt ut, framförallt i boss rummet. Det var inte spännande alls att slåss i […]

BGP – Vecka 7 & 8
Dessa veckor har fokuset legat på att göra färdigt miljön till spelet, samt att finputsa och lägga till nya modeller för att förgylla miljön i spelet. Vi gjorde golv, väggar och tak helt platta, och lade sedan på en textur på dessa. Texturen blev ganska bra, men efter att ha testat väggarna och golvet i spelet så tyckte vi att det såg alldeles för platt och tråkigt ut, framförallt i boss rummet. Det var inte spännande alls att slåss i […]