Author Archives: Florent Schmidt
this is about me
this is about me.
i was raised
in a pyramid of power,
in a circle of hatred and violence.
driven by ego,
fuelled by fear.
i was raised
homophobic, transphobic, sexist,
racist, carnist, elitist, capitalist,
all these absolutisms
governed the development of my brain.
formed my cognitive and moral foundation,
my thought patterns,
my language.
all these absolutisms,
in their own unique ways,
eventually led to loneliness.
but i realized,
i am not alone.
this circle of hatred and violence,
surrounds many
from an early, malleable age.
it’s really hard to break out of it,
and really easy to stay stuck.
as it inherently […]
this is about me
this is about me.
i was raised
in a pyramid of power,
in a circle of hatred and violence.
driven by ego,
fuelled by fear.
i was raised
homophobic, transphobic, sexist,
racist, carnist, elitist, capitalist,
all these absolutisms
governed the development of my brain.
formed my cognitive and moral foundation,
my thought patterns,
my language.
all these absolutisms,
in their own unique ways,
eventually led to loneliness.
but i realized,
i am not alone.
this circle of hatred and violence,
surrounds many
from an early, malleable age.
it’s really hard to break out of it,
and really easy to stay stuck.
as it inherently […]
ego vs. eco
ego is poison.
family is antidote.
if we all are a healthy family, certain members can be weak sometimes, without a problem.
cherish others FOR their weaknesses AND their strengths.
show your vulnerability.
when you feel like crying, cry.
don’t let it stew, don’t let it turn into violence.
show that you can’t always be strong.
and when you are, it is for them.
even if it is for you, it is for them.
because we are integral parts of each other’s lives and therefor each other!
try to show your […]
ego vs. eco
ego is poison.
family is antidote.
if we all are a healthy family, certain members can be weak sometimes, without a problem.
cherish others FOR their weaknesses AND their strengths.
show your vulnerability.
when you feel like crying, cry.
don’t let it stew, don’t let it turn into violence.
show that you can’t always be strong.
and when you are, it is for them.
even if it is for you, it is for them.
because we are integral parts of each other’s lives and therefor each other!
try to show your […]

Sloppy Finish
This week’s blog post is going to be a special one.
And by “special” I mean even more boring than the ones before – or more interesting, depending on your outlook and your role in game development -, because it deals with the phase of production that can be the most scary and the most mundane at the same time: The homestretch; the finish line; the final stage.
At this point, apart from minor things, the game is basically done – speaking […]

Sloppy Finish
This week’s blog post is going to be a special one.
And by “special” I mean even more boring than the ones before – or more interesting, depending on your outlook and your role in game development -, because it deals with the phase of production that can be the most scary and the most mundane at the same time: The homestretch; the finish line; the final stage.
At this point, apart from minor things, the game is basically done – speaking […]

Highly scientific color stuff
So, as mentioned in last week’s blog post, I will go into the colorization process of some of my sprites this time. Doing so, I will also refer back to my first article about the style and character concept creation of Burn Witch Burn’s protagonist, the hunted fire-witch Izalith. [So, if you are REALLY interested in this, you might want to check it out first. But then again, who cares… about anything… anymore… Yes, my grim attitude might result from […]

Highly scientific color stuff
So, as mentioned in last week’s blog post, I will go into the colorization process of some of my sprites this time. Doing so, I will also refer back to my first article about the style and character concept creation of Burn Witch Burn’s protagonist, the hunted fire-witch Izalith. [So, if you are REALLY interested in this, you might want to check it out first. But then again, who cares… about anything… anymore… Yes, my grim attitude might result from […]

Stuff, mostly background-related, very interesting
I’ll say it right away, as it is: I don’t really (want to) have a clear structure or overarching topic or theme for this week’s post, it is more of a recounting of what happened the week after what happened in last week’s post…
After having done the animations of my farmers and other enemies for “Burn Witch Burn” (for more information on that, see last week’s blog post), I went back to the sprite for the player character – Izalith, […]

Stuff, mostly background-related, very interesting
I’ll say it right away, as it is: I don’t really (want to) have a clear structure or overarching topic or theme for this week’s post, it is more of a recounting of what happened the week after what happened in last week’s post…
After having done the animations of my farmers and other enemies for “Burn Witch Burn” (for more information on that, see last week’s blog post), I went back to the sprite for the player character – Izalith, […]

Animating a farmer
In this week’s post, I want to talk about an animation I made for “Burn Witch Burn” about two weeks ago (more info on the game in last week’s post and probably coming ones).
For my first two animation cycles and their respective sprite-sheets, I opted to focus on the farmer-type enemy first, as they are the most prevalent enemies. Me being the only one in the graphics department of my team, I must focus on the most quintessential graphical elements […]

Animating a farmer
In this week’s post, I want to talk about an animation I made for “Burn Witch Burn” about two weeks ago (more info on the game in last week’s post and probably coming ones).
For my first two animation cycles and their respective sprite-sheets, I opted to focus on the farmer-type enemy first, as they are the most prevalent enemies. Me being the only one in the graphics department of my team, I must focus on the most quintessential graphical elements […]

Character concept for a hot witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a hot witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a “hot” witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]

Character concept for a “hot” witch
A few weeks ago, we were given the task to choose from a variety of game concept documents and adapt one concept into a fully-fledged design, to then be developed into a playable digital game during the current semester. All the game concepts were made by us students in teams and presented/pitched to each other earlier as part of the previous semester’s course plan.
Our team chose “Burn Witch Burn”, a concept about a witch being hunted that turned out to […]