Daily Archives: February 10, 2018

The player avatar’s design
Our team’s graphical artist had designed a concept art for our player avatar. From a graphical point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. However, I felt that it didn’t portay the aesthetic view of our game.
We wanted the player to feel like they were quite small and vulnerable when facing against the last boss. And the design didn’t quite portray that.
This was the first concept our artist came up with. I felt like it was too bulky and […]

The player avatar’s design
Our team’s graphical artist had designed a concept art for our player avatar. From a graphical point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. However, I felt that it didn’t portay the aesthetic view of our game.
We wanted the player to feel like they were quite small and vulnerable when facing against the last boss. And the design didn’t quite portray that.
This was the first concept our artist came up with. I felt like it was too bulky and […]