Sprint 3 – Menu and starting place.

This is currently the third sprint of our project. The Flytrap group is creating a game based on the concept document “Umibozu”. In this game, you are sailing dangerous waters in a foggy weather in order to find a mysterious entity. During the journey, you will have to avoid obstacles and enemies while collecting power ups.

On Monday we had our sprint planning meeting during which i decided I will be focusing on the menu background and the starting place of the game.

I am focusing on these two features at the same time because we have decided to use the same graphics for both. Indeed, when you first start the game, the main menu with the different game options/ start game/controls buttons will be displayed on the same background as when you start playing.

Since the player avatar is a boat the Menu and the start of the game are set in a harbor. I decided to draw different assets that make up a harbor seperately in different psd files and make them png files so i can later on add them in on same psd new file and place them the way i want.

Here is the document files with all my harbor assets as of today :

assets harbor blog

And this is the harbor I have put together as of today, under which I added a paper style background :

harbor blog post.png


I have yet to draw the boats that are in the harbor. All the assets are sketched and line art for now. The style we wish to go for is a game that plays on the pages of a book or on an old traditional paper and all the assets would look hand drawn on the pages of the book on which you are playing.
We think the idea is rather good and would differ from the other groups but we are painfully aware that the final look might not be what we are aiming for.
As of right now I have decided to stick to sketches and simple lines without colours so that all of my assets may be used after the alpha feedback. Wether we decide to continue with the style we first decided upon or to go for something different after the alpha, it will not affect the assets I have already produced as I can build upon them.

About marie colin

2017 Graphics