Yearly Archives: 2016

Enemies och EnemyManager
Jag har skapat en fiende klass och en manager för den klassen. Fiendeklassen laddar in och skapar texturer som den sedan omvandlar till sprites samt får den in koordinater i form av radianer (som agerar som x-position) och radius (som agerar som y-position) som då bestämmer dess position i relation till cirklen och ett offset för rörelsen. I fiendeklassens update funktion ändras värdet på varje fienders relative radie från cirkeln varje frame som då gör att de åker neråt. Samtidigt […]

Enemies och EnemyManager
Jag har skapat en fiende klass och en manager för den klassen. Fiendeklassen laddar in och skapar texturer som den sedan omvandlar till sprites samt får den in koordinater i form av radianer (som agerar som x-position) och radius (som agerar som y-position) som då bestämmer dess position i relation till cirklen och ett offset för rörelsen. I fiendeklassens update funktion ändras värdet på varje fienders relative radie från cirkeln varje frame som då gör att de åker neråt. Samtidigt […]

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting
The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting
The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]

Tja tja bloggen!
I dagsläget är vi inne i en så kallad ”Pre-Alpha” fas där vi jobbar med att få ett funktionellt spel klart till alphan 19/2.
Under denna vecka har jag arbetat allra främst med en effekt till en av våra power-ups kallad ”Slow TIme”. Denna power up gör att tiden går långsammare. Med andra ord, fiender rör sig långsammare, alla turrets skjuter långsammare och skotten rör sig långsammare. Vi behövde en cool effekt för att visa när denna power up är […]

Tja tja bloggen!
I dagsläget är vi inne i en så kallad ”Pre-Alpha” fas där vi jobbar med att få ett funktionellt spel klart till alphan 19/2.
Under denna vecka har jag arbetat allra främst med en effekt till en av våra power-ups kallad ”Slow TIme”. Denna power up gör att tiden går långsammare. Med andra ord, fiender rör sig långsammare, alla turrets skjuter långsammare och skotten rör sig långsammare. Vi behövde en cool effekt för att visa när denna power up är […]
Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
This week I have created classes to manage entities in our game “Flight of the Giraffa”, which is group 9’s project for Game Design II. Flight of the Giraffe is a 2D, side scrolling space shooter with a bullet-hell theme, where you play as a giraffe dodging bullets in space.
To manage every object appearing on screen, I have managers for every type of entity in our game. The manager will keep track of a certain type of entity and update […]
Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1
This week I have created classes to manage entities in our game “Flight of the Giraffa”, which is group 9’s project for Game Design II. Flight of the Giraffe is a 2D, side scrolling space shooter with a bullet-hell theme, where you play as a giraffe dodging bullets in space.
To manage every object appearing on screen, I have managers for every type of entity in our game. The manager will keep track of a certain type of entity and update […]

Death Animation – Week 3
My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]

Death Animation – Week 3
My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]

Animating sprites
This week I’ve been churning away at animating the sprites of one of our protagonist. While I got off to a rough start, due to my inexperience in sprite animation, I caught on pretty quickly.
It is quite frustrating, though, since Photoshop handles animation in a very unorthodox way. Let’s compare it to a more conventional animation tool; Adobe Flash.
In Flash you have a timeline that also acts as your list of layers. You add frames to a layer, draw a […]

Animating sprites
This week I’ve been churning away at animating the sprites of one of our protagonist. While I got off to a rough start, due to my inexperience in sprite animation, I caught on pretty quickly.
It is quite frustrating, though, since Photoshop handles animation in a very unorthodox way. Let’s compare it to a more conventional animation tool; Adobe Flash.
In Flash you have a timeline that also acts as your list of layers. You add frames to a layer, draw a […]

[5SD033]Potato Pirates, Week One – The beginnings of an AI
The first few days of this week was spent planning how our AI should behave. We started by outlining the different states of the enemy:
Patrol State – The default state of the enemy plane. When in this state the enemy will patrol a certain area. It will do this by randomizing a waypoint within its area which it will then travel towards, when the waypoint is reached it will randomize a new waypoint and so on.
Chase State – When the enemy has found […]

[5SD033]Potato Pirates, Week One – The beginnings of an AI
The first few days of this week was spent planning how our AI should behave. We started by outlining the different states of the enemy:
Patrol State – The default state of the enemy plane. When in this state the enemy will patrol a certain area. It will do this by randomizing a waypoint within its area which it will then travel towards, when the waypoint is reached it will randomize a new waypoint and so on.
Chase State – When the enemy has found […]

Hello. My name is Morgan Johansson and I am a gamedesign and graphics student on Uppsala university, Gotland. Right now me and my group are working on our first game project. In a few weeks we shall create a 2D spaceshooter from a game design document created by another group. We choose the concept of Planet Suburbia. We’ve made some modfications but it is basically a planet who has reached the point of an utopia, gathered under one state, and […]

Hello. My name is Morgan Johansson and I am a gamedesign and graphics student on Uppsala university, Gotland. Right now me and my group are working on our first game project. In a few weeks we shall create a 2D spaceshooter from a game design document created by another group. We choose the concept of Planet Suburbia. We’ve made some modfications but it is basically a planet who has reached the point of an utopia, gathered under one state, and […]

Denna vecka har jag mestadels arbetat med att försöka få ihop en texture atlas så att våra programmerare kan börja få in sprites i spelet. Arbetade även förra veckan med detta men det gick inte så bra så gav upp och gjorde klart resterande uppgifter istället. Tiden har mestadels gått till att söka runt hur man gör ett samt ifall det finns något bra program för det. Har laddat ner cirka fyra olika stycken program utan framgång eftersom vissa varit […]

Denna vecka har jag mestadels arbetat med att försöka få ihop en texture atlas så att våra programmerare kan börja få in sprites i spelet. Arbetade även förra veckan med detta men det gick inte så bra så gav upp och gjorde klart resterande uppgifter istället. Tiden har mestadels gått till att söka runt hur man gör ett samt ifall det finns något bra program för det. Har laddat ner cirka fyra olika stycken program utan framgång eftersom vissa varit […]

Blog week 1: Idle animation
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

Blog week 1: Idle animation
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

Week 1 – Sprite Sheet
This first week of blogging I’ve chosen a spritesheet I made as my artefact to talk about. This spritesheet is of our player avatar plane, there is a total of 28 different frames. On the top row is the animation for when the plane shoots, there are five frames for each shot. There is also when the plane turns left respectively right including the five frames it takes to shoot; this is so you can shoot whilst turning left or […]

Week 1 – Sprite Sheet
This first week of blogging I’ve chosen a spritesheet I made as my artefact to talk about. This spritesheet is of our player avatar plane, there is a total of 28 different frames. On the top row is the animation for when the plane shoots, there are five frames for each shot. There is also when the plane turns left respectively right including the five frames it takes to shoot; this is so you can shoot whilst turning left or […]