Yearly Archives: 2016

Group 4 reflection

First of they start by loading in a sprite sheet and making it animate by switching the pictures in the sprite sheet, they also load in the power-up sprites and have a different animated texture for the player character not shooting.
They also constantly check input from the keyboard buttons that the player presses to make the player character move in X and Y position, furthermore they also take the input from the mouse to make the player character shoot.
Also When […]

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Program: Programming

Group 4 reflection

First of they start by loading in a sprite sheet and making it animate by switching the pictures in the sprite sheet, they also load in the power-up sprites and have a different animated texture for the player character not shooting.
They also constantly check input from the keyboard buttons that the player presses to make the player character move in X and Y position, furthermore they also take the input from the mouse to make the player character shoot.
Also When […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD023] Code Review

Hello team 4! My name is Alex and I’m from team 3, I have been reading thru your ”player object” class’s source code. And I will now give you my opinions how you could decouple the class even further.
But before I started to talk about hte actual code I would like to write about you repository. First, I cloned the ”master” branch and tried to compile the code, but couldn’t since there was syntax errors in your latest commit. This is something that […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD023] Code Review

Hello team 4! My name is Alex and I’m from team 3, I have been reading thru your ”player object” class’s source code. And I will now give you my opinions how you could decouple the class even further.
But before I started to talk about hte actual code I would like to write about you repository. First, I cloned the ”master” branch and tried to compile the code, but couldn’t since there was syntax errors in your latest commit. This is something that […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review

Code Review. grupp 6
Efter att ha kollat på hur PlayerShip klassen så har jag kommit fram till att den övergripande objekthanteringen i projektet är väldigt bra. I jämförelse med vårt projekt som i nuläget inte alls är lika objekthanterat så gör det att koden i projektet är lättare att förstå. Men också smartare då det är lättare att hitta det ni behöver ändra på.
Det enda skillnaden jag kunde hitta(förutom att vår main jämfört med eran är gigantisk) var att vi […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review

Code Review. grupp 6
Efter att ha kollat på hur PlayerShip klassen så har jag kommit fram till att den övergripande objekthanteringen i projektet är väldigt bra. I jämförelse med vårt projekt som i nuläget inte alls är lika objekthanterat så gör det att koden i projektet är lättare att förstå. Men också smartare då det är lättare att hitta det ni behöver ändra på.
Det enda skillnaden jag kunde hitta(förutom att vår main jämfört med eran är gigantisk) var att vi […]

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Program: Programming

Individual Assignment

Hi group 7!
First things first, If I’m not mistaken since I can’t see it but it can be me being blind. You are not using any kind of managers to handle events in the Player.cpp class. I strongly recommend using managers since you never need to re-write code everywhere and can instead re-use code from the manager just by pointing to it. Which is a lot quicker and more efficient to do than to completely re-write everything all the […]

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Program: Programming

Individual Assignment

Hi group 7!
First things first, If I’m not mistaken since I can’t see it but it can be me being blind. You are not using any kind of managers to handle events in the Player.cpp class. I strongly recommend using managers since you never need to re-write code everywhere and can instead re-use code from the manager just by pointing to it. Which is a lot quicker and more efficient to do than to completely re-write everything all the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming 2 Task

Om du är är här för att kommentera på min spelutvecklings post så har du kommit fel, det är nästa post som är för spelutvecklings kursen.
Så, först och främst så insåg jag snabbt att det inte fanns en “player” klass. Efter att har frågat grupp 17 så fick vi svaret att “Turrent” klassen och “Planet” klassen är det närmaste de kommer en spelar klass.
Jag började med att kolla Turrent klassen. I sig en väldigt liten klass med lite kod. Om […]

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Program: Programming

Programming 2 Task

Om du är är här för att kommentera på min spelutvecklings post så har du kommit fel, det är nästa post som är för spelutvecklings kursen.
Så, först och främst så insåg jag snabbt att det inte fanns en “player” klass. Efter att har frågat grupp 17 så fick vi svaret att “Turrent” klassen och “Planet” klassen är det närmaste de kommer en spelar klass.
Jag började med att kolla Turrent klassen. I sig en väldigt liten klass med lite kod. Om […]

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Program: Programming

Individual Assignment

Hello my name is Peter and this is a post assigned ONLY for programmers and not a part of my weekly blog posts, this is to aid in optimize and improve another groups code by “decouple” the code allowing it to be easier modified without having to tamper with several different areas of the code, this post is to Group no. 13.
So starting off it took me a while to decipher your code (mostly because I’m a novice) due to […]

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Program: Programming

Individual Assignment

Hello my name is Peter and this is a post assigned ONLY for programmers and not a part of my weekly blog posts, this is to aid in optimize and improve another groups code by “decouple” the code allowing it to be easier modified without having to tamper with several different areas of the code, this post is to Group no. 13.
So starting off it took me a while to decipher your code (mostly because I’m a novice) due to […]

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Program: Programming

Individuell uppgift: Code Review

Jag har tittat på grupp 10:s spelar klass för att leta efter vad som kan göras för att minska de antal bindningar som klassen har. Efter en kort analys så kan jag med säkerhet säga att den behöver inte ta in xSystem som en parameter i sin konstruktor. Man kan se att xSystem innehåller åtta värden, men klasen använder endast två av dem. Klassen skulle kunna använda flera av dem, men använder sig av andra saker istället (t.ex. finns det en […]

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Program: Programming

Individuell uppgift: Code Review

Jag har tittat på grupp 10:s spelar klass för att leta efter vad som kan göras för att minska de antal bindningar som klassen har. Efter en kort analys så kan jag med säkerhet säga att den behöver inte ta in xSystem som en parameter i sin konstruktor. Man kan se att xSystem innehåller åtta värden, men klasen använder endast två av dem. Klassen skulle kunna använda flera av dem, men använder sig av andra saker istället (t.ex. finns det en […]

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Program: Programming

Analysis of group 7

To begin with the code was easy to understand even for someone that doesn’t have so much experience. When looking at the player class, it does not have any couplings except the stdafx.h file that contains some includes but other than that it’s no more. This makes it hard to give feedback on how to make it smaller. Instead I would divide all that does not entirely have much to do with the player class, like the clouds, potatoes and […]

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Program: Programming

Analysis of group 7

To begin with the code was easy to understand even for someone that doesn’t have so much experience. When looking at the player class, it does not have any couplings except the stdafx.h file that contains some includes but other than that it’s no more. This makes it hard to give feedback on how to make it smaller. Instead I would divide all that does not entirely have much to do with the player class, like the clouds, potatoes and […]

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Program: Programming

Code review

Efter att ha kollat på hovercraftturret.cpp (som jag antar är player klassen) Ser jag att den är otroligt större än vad våran är, men jag kan tänka mig att man behöver det eftersom det är ett mer avancerat spel än vad vårat är. couplingen i denna klass är ganska mycket eftersom ni låter klassen i sig själv ha koll på en massa olika saker vilket man bara ser i konstruktorn där ni skickar in en rad olika pekare och andra saker. […]

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Program: Programming

Code review

Efter att ha kollat på hovercraftturret.cpp (som jag antar är player klassen) Ser jag att den är otroligt större än vad våran är, men jag kan tänka mig att man behöver det eftersom det är ett mer avancerat spel än vad vårat är. couplingen i denna klass är ganska mycket eftersom ni låter klassen i sig själv ha koll på en massa olika saker vilket man bara ser i konstruktorn där ni skickar in en rad olika pekare och andra saker. […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review group 18 …

The player header file includes different header files which gives the player ability to shot and the different power ups  and couples the position . It is where they also create three objects which looks like their power ups.The player’s constractor and deconstructor is declared in the h. file too. It feels like they put everything inside the player h. file without any structure. I mean fr the different power ups i would make an extra class for it and […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review group 18 …

The player header file includes different header files which gives the player ability to shot and the different power ups  and couples the position . It is where they also create three objects which looks like their power ups.The player’s constractor and deconstructor is declared in the h. file too. It feels like they put everything inside the player h. file without any structure. I mean fr the different power ups i would make an extra class for it and […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review – Group 15

This is a code review of Group 15’s player class. I will look into how did they implement their player class in their game, what kind of bond to other classes it has and what functions it holds.
To make their player class work they have four keystones:

The player class inherits from an Entity class which inherits properties and functions from another class called GameObject. The GameObject class handels most of the games different objects movement, position and when to draw […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review – Group 15

This is a code review of Group 15’s player class. I will look into how did they implement their player class in their game, what kind of bond to other classes it has and what functions it holds.
To make their player class work they have four keystones:

The player class inherits from an Entity class which inherits properties and functions from another class called GameObject. The GameObject class handels most of the games different objects movement, position and when to draw […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review of team 5 Player class

The player class does not have any couplings except for the fact that it’s a child class of the IENTITY class, which contains only pure virutal functions. Therefore it’s hard to give any certain advice to reduce couplings. However the most of the code seems to be written in the main.cpp which has its pros and cons. The pros being it’s easier because classes could sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. The cons being it could be very confusing […]

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Program: Programming

Code Review of team 5 Player class

The player class does not have any couplings except for the fact that it’s a child class of the IENTITY class, which contains only pure virutal functions. Therefore it’s hard to give any certain advice to reduce couplings. However the most of the code seems to be written in the main.cpp which has its pros and cons. The pros being it’s easier because classes could sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. The cons being it could be very confusing […]

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Program: Programming