Daily Archives: May 29, 2016

Sam & Nicole Final
Post GGC! A bit late, but the whole team has been out cold since GGC ended. It was a great few days. We got so much positive feedback and tips for the future. Some players were even touched to tears. I don’t think I’ve personally realized what I’ve had a part in making. People met us with such support and feelings. I feel very honored to be a part of Sigrids Änglar and hope I can contribute to our […]

Sam & Nicole Final
Post GGC! A bit late, but the whole team has been out cold since GGC ended. It was a great few days. We got so much positive feedback and tips for the future. Some players were even touched to tears. I don’t think I’ve personally realized what I’ve had a part in making. People met us with such support and feelings. I feel very honored to be a part of Sigrids Änglar and hope I can contribute to our […]
BGP Week 8 – UI Switching
The final real ‘feature’ added by me before we changed focus entirely to solving bugs and polishing details before Gotland Game Conference was a change in the UI. As the game features three characters that the player switches between, using the right and left trigger buttons on the controller.
For this reason, above the button images that were added last time, which were of the triggers, we wanted pictures to tell which slime you would shift to by pressing that button. […]
BGP Week 8 – UI Switching
The final real ‘feature’ added by me before we changed focus entirely to solving bugs and polishing details before Gotland Game Conference was a change in the UI. As the game features three characters that the player switches between, using the right and left trigger buttons on the controller.
For this reason, above the button images that were added last time, which were of the triggers, we wanted pictures to tell which slime you would shift to by pressing that button. […]
BGP Week 7 – UI basics
As Gotland Game Conference got closer, we realized we needed at least a simple UI, and as such I took on the work to put that in. While the work was not that overwhelming, I was new to working with the Canvas layer of Unity, and as such had to learn as I worked.
The first step was quite easy, add some images into the screen. This was simply implanted using the Raw Image template, which for someone inexperienced seemed the […]
BGP Week 7 – UI basics
As Gotland Game Conference got closer, we realized we needed at least a simple UI, and as such I took on the work to put that in. While the work was not that overwhelming, I was new to working with the Canvas layer of Unity, and as such had to learn as I worked.
The first step was quite easy, add some images into the screen. This was simply implanted using the Raw Image template, which for someone inexperienced seemed the […]
BGP Week 6 – Puff and Cutting it
For most of this week, I worked on another new platforming challenge, the puff shroom. The concept was quite simple: If the player stood close to it, after a set time limit it would explode and fire the player away from it. The design idea was for it to be used both to get the player away from locations or down from ledges if they were too slow, but also as a short-cut for those skilled enough to utilize the […]
BGP Week 6 – Puff and Cutting it
For most of this week, I worked on another new platforming challenge, the puff shroom. The concept was quite simple: If the player stood close to it, after a set time limit it would explode and fire the player away from it. The design idea was for it to be used both to get the player away from locations or down from ledges if they were too slow, but also as a short-cut for those skilled enough to utilize the […]
BGP Week 5 – Calibrating Rotations
While the rotating shroom was something I started on some weeks before, this was the week when the final issues were fixed up as the final version would work, and as such this seems like a good time to explain how it works.
While not massively complex, the curse of this platform that took time is that for rotation, Unity relies on quaternions, which is not exactly the easiest to understand. However, eventually I realized all that was needed was a relatively […]
BGP Week 5 – Calibrating Rotations
While the rotating shroom was something I started on some weeks before, this was the week when the final issues were fixed up as the final version would work, and as such this seems like a good time to explain how it works.
While not massively complex, the curse of this platform that took time is that for rotation, Unity relies on quaternions, which is not exactly the easiest to understand. However, eventually I realized all that was needed was a relatively […]
BGP Week 4 – Collectibles
While it did not take up much time, the most noticeable thing I worked with during the fourth week was our collectibles. Specifically, the scripts needed for them to be picked up and for the result to be recorded.
The first part was to create a script that would receive the information. This was made out of two integers representing small and large collectibles, and two functions that when called would increase the designated integer. So it the pickup for a […]
BGP Week 4 – Collectibles
While it did not take up much time, the most noticeable thing I worked with during the fourth week was our collectibles. Specifically, the scripts needed for them to be picked up and for the result to be recorded.
The first part was to create a script that would receive the information. This was made out of two integers representing small and large collectibles, and two functions that when called would increase the designated integer. So it the pickup for a […]