Daily Archives: May 11, 2016

Big Game Project – Static Sound Player
I have continued making and implementing sound effects. Implementing them is tedious because every sound effect needs coding, and version control is annoying since changes to Unity prefabs can’t be merged and I have to change something in at least one C# file and one Unity prefab for every single sound I implement.
Anyway, all the structures for the audio are starting to come together and implementing a new sound doesn’t always create problems anymore. Today I’ve worked on another helpful […]

Big Game Project – Static Sound Player
I have continued making and implementing sound effects. Implementing them is tedious because every sound effect needs coding, and version control is annoying since changes to Unity prefabs can’t be merged and I have to change something in at least one C# file and one Unity prefab for every single sound I implement.
Anyway, all the structures for the audio are starting to come together and implementing a new sound doesn’t always create problems anymore. Today I’ve worked on another helpful […]

BGP Week 5 – Rocks
I came down with a cold this week. Fever, headache, the works, that took most of the weekdays to get through. What I did manage to get done was a few meshes for rocks to be used to add to the environment and in some cases as a part of the gameplay, where they can be moved.
I made a few models each in two different types of rocks – one a rounded, softer looking type meant to be more colourful, […]

BGP Week 5 – Rocks
I came down with a cold this week. Fever, headache, the works, that took most of the weekdays to get through. What I did manage to get done was a few meshes for rocks to be used to add to the environment and in some cases as a part of the gameplay, where they can be moved.
I made a few models each in two different types of rocks – one a rounded, softer looking type meant to be more colourful, […]

Archery target
So today I have constructed a archery target. This asset will be used in the beginning of the game during the tutorial when Alva (our main character) learns how to use the bow. The bow is a vital part of our game since almost all game progression and mechanics revolves around it. It is a tool for destruction but also for transportation.
In order to come across large gaps in the level, Alva is equipped with a rope that she attaches […]

Archery target
So today I have constructed a archery target. This asset will be used in the beginning of the game during the tutorial when Alva (our main character) learns how to use the bow. The bow is a vital part of our game since almost all game progression and mechanics revolves around it. It is a tool for destruction but also for transportation.
In order to come across large gaps in the level, Alva is equipped with a rope that she attaches […]

Big Game: Week 6
During this week, we started focusing on getting the vegetation included in the environment. To create all the trees, bushes and grass; we used SpeedTree. It’s a super useful program when you want to create trees and such very quickly. My job was to create all the textures needed, while another artist in the group created the actual objects in SpeedTree.
Here’s how it turned out:
And here’s the textures:
Also finished up […]

Big Game: Week 6
During this week, we started focusing on getting the vegetation included in the environment. To create all the trees, bushes and grass; we used SpeedTree. It’s a super useful program when you want to create trees and such very quickly. My job was to create all the textures needed, while another artist in the group created the actual objects in SpeedTree.
Here’s how it turned out:
And here’s the textures:
Also finished up […]
Så, vad har hänt?
Har inte skrivit på ett tag, men det har hänt en hel del med spelet. Efter att ha gjort om själva linjesystemet med tillhörande checkpoints och liknande ungefär 5-6 gånger, så hade vi tillslut en hyfsat färdig pre-alpha. Tyvärr var den färdig efter alphan och vi tog spelet till speltestning. Där fick vi det bekräftat det som vi hade trott, spelet var inte alls kul att spela och designen var helt enkelt för dålig. Mer om vad vi gjorde för […]
Så, vad har hänt?
Har inte skrivit på ett tag, men det har hänt en hel del med spelet. Efter att ha gjort om själva linjesystemet med tillhörande checkpoints och liknande ungefär 5-6 gånger, så hade vi tillslut en hyfsat färdig pre-alpha. Tyvärr var den färdig efter alphan och vi tog spelet till speltestning. Där fick vi det bekräftat det som vi hade trott, spelet var inte alls kul att spela och designen var helt enkelt för dålig. Mer om vad vi gjorde för […]