Daily Archives: April 5, 2016

Back to Naar
Back to working on Naar properly now that the exam course has started.
I wrote this post as a note on what I did today but realized it worked great as a blogpost as well so i decided to get right back into the blog.
The game’s dialogue will be delivered using text boxes at the bottom of the screen with a profile picture of the character speaking. These boxes are changed to produce a chain of dialogue. This is a […]

Back to Naar
Back to working on Naar properly now that the exam course has started.
I wrote this post as a note on what I did today but realized it worked great as a blogpost as well so i decided to get right back into the blog.
The game’s dialogue will be delivered using text boxes at the bottom of the screen with a profile picture of the character speaking. These boxes are changed to produce a chain of dialogue. This is a […]