Daily Archives: April 8, 2014
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

The big game project is now on! Bears are already being pumped out and soon they will be moving!
I have worked on a custom shader to have the leaves of our trees rendered on both the front and backside. Looks pretty good, stole a lot from a pre-built shader script in unity for the transparency. The shadows are not being cast as I want them to (not at all in fact) but getting lit is working fine.
Also started on the […]

The big game project is now on! Bears are already being pumped out and soon they will be moving!
I have worked on a custom shader to have the leaves of our trees rendered on both the front and backside. Looks pretty good, stole a lot from a pre-built shader script in unity for the transparency. The shadows are not being cast as I want them to (not at all in fact) but getting lit is working fine.
Also started on the […]

Day 2
I’ve been working on being able to dynamically reshape the size of the grid, with some… interesting results.
As you can see in the picture here, the grid automatically starts at the upper leftmost corner of the rendering field, but the player pieces don’t. They end up centralized, and thus spawn outside of the current playing field.
I’ve solved the previous issue through setting the X and Z of the player token to the X and Y of […]

Day 2
I’ve been working on being able to dynamically reshape the size of the grid, with some… interesting results.
As you can see in the picture here, the grid automatically starts at the upper leftmost corner of the rendering field, but the player pieces don’t. They end up centralized, and thus spawn outside of the current playing field.
I’ve solved the previous issue through setting the X and Z of the player token to the X and Y of […]

Controller and Thrower Robots
We’ve now started on our first sprint and, as I told you in the last post, I’ll work on the modelling of the robots in our game.
Since our games mechanic focus around fusing these different robots together, I’ve started off by making two different robots that I’ll now use to make one fused version of them both. The two different robots I’ve finished these past two days are the Controller and the Thrower.
The Controller, when fused with another robot, […]

Controller and Thrower Robots
We’ve now started on our first sprint and, as I told you in the last post, I’ll work on the modelling of the robots in our game.
Since our games mechanic focus around fusing these different robots together, I’ve started off by making two different robots that I’ll now use to make one fused version of them both. The two different robots I’ve finished these past two days are the Controller and the Thrower.
The Controller, when fused with another robot, […]

The big game project is now on! Bears are already being pumped out and soon they will be moving!
I have worked on a custom shader to have the leaves of our trees rendered on both the front and backside. Looks pretty good, stole a lot from a pre-built shader script in unity for the transparency. The shadows are not being cast as I want them to (not at all in fact) but getting lit is working fine.
Also started on the […]

The big game project is now on! Bears are already being pumped out and soon they will be moving!
I have worked on a custom shader to have the leaves of our trees rendered on both the front and backside. Looks pretty good, stole a lot from a pre-built shader script in unity for the transparency. The shadows are not being cast as I want them to (not at all in fact) but getting lit is working fine.
Also started on the […]

Bear Animation
This week ive started with the bear walk animation for Big Game Project and will continue with the run animation as well.
At first I had to rig and skin the model which I did with 3DsMax. After the rig and skin is complete I exported it to Motionbuilder and started to animate the model.
I plan to first create a relaxed walk animation and after confirming if it works in the game I will make a relaxed run animation. For references […]

Bear Animation
This week ive started with the bear walk animation for Big Game Project and will continue with the run animation as well.
At first I had to rig and skin the model which I did with 3DsMax. After the rig and skin is complete I exported it to Motionbuilder and started to animate the model.
I plan to first create a relaxed walk animation and after confirming if it works in the game I will make a relaxed run animation. For references […]

Bear Animation
This week ive started with the bear walk animation for Big Game Project and will continue with the run animation as well.
At first I had to rig and skin the model which I did with 3DsMax. After the rig and skin is complete I exported it to Motionbuilder and started to animate the model.
I plan to first create a relaxed walk animation and after confirming if it works in the game I will make a relaxed run animation. For references […]

Bear Animation
This week ive started with the bear walk animation for Big Game Project and will continue with the run animation as well.
At first I had to rig and skin the model which I did with 3DsMax. After the rig and skin is complete I exported it to Motionbuilder and started to animate the model.
I plan to first create a relaxed walk animation and after confirming if it works in the game I will make a relaxed run animation. For references […]

Day 1
Today I produced a simple grid with clickable squares and a couple of player “pieces” that are movable around this grid.After doing this I adapted the grid so that you’re only able to click the squares next to the player character (Up, Down, Left, Right) in order to make the grid movement akin to what’s intended for the final product.
There were some minor issues with the square-to-square movement acting weird, but it was resolved.(I figured out […]

Day 1
Today I produced a simple grid with clickable squares and a couple of player “pieces” that are movable around this grid.After doing this I adapted the grid so that you’re only able to click the squares next to the player character (Up, Down, Left, Right) in order to make the grid movement akin to what’s intended for the final product.
There were some minor issues with the square-to-square movement acting weird, but it was resolved.(I figured out […]

Big Game Project – Week 1
Since Tumblr isn’t allowed anymore, here’s my new school blog! This time it’s gonna be about more exciting stuff than board games – our 10 week long Big Game Project course started last week, and I’m going to make weekly updates on what I’m doing, which is mostly going to be 3D modeling and texturing. 🙂
Our game is a past-paced arcade adventure, where you play as a (former) racing robot traversing different levels in a sci-fi landscape. As the player, […]

Big Game Project – Week 1
Since Tumblr isn’t allowed anymore, here’s my new school blog! This time it’s gonna be about more exciting stuff than board games – our 10 week long Big Game Project course started last week, and I’m going to make weekly updates on what I’m doing, which is mostly going to be 3D modeling and texturing. 🙂
Our game is a past-paced arcade adventure, where you play as a (former) racing robot traversing different levels in a sci-fi landscape. As the player, […]

First Week of Big Game (Week 14)
Big game project has begun! I am the producer and level designer of our team Freshly Squeezed. We are making an adventure game, you are a robot and you pick up boosts to gain momentum forward. You use this momentum to traverse big open tracks.
We want to create a feeling of flow. We think games like Mirrors Edge and Sonic have good movement gameplay, but your speed is always stopped because of enemies that feel out of place (Mirrors Edge) […]

First Week of Big Game (Week 14)
Big game project has begun! I am the producer and level designer of our team Freshly Squeezed. We are making an adventure game, you are a robot and you pick up boosts to gain momentum forward. You use this momentum to traverse big open tracks.
We want to create a feeling of flow. We think games like Mirrors Edge and Sonic have good movement gameplay, but your speed is always stopped because of enemies that feel out of place (Mirrors Edge) […]