Daily Archives: January 13, 2014


Today me and Viktor have been working on our game. We have created the Player2-object and started on our enemy obejcts (they are braindead at the moment). We are planning to create a first sprite-sheet with our current sprites this afternoon and maybe put them into the game.
Tomorrow we will make the enemies spawn and chase the player, and do some clean-up in our code.
As planned we have completed the first sprite sheet and put our sprites and animations into […]

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Program: Programming


Today me and Viktor have been working on our game. We have created the Player2-object and started on our enemy obejcts (they are braindead at the moment). We are planning to create a first sprite-sheet with our current sprites this afternoon and maybe put them into the game.
Tomorrow we will make the enemies spawn and chase the player, and do some clean-up in our code.
As planned we have completed the first sprite sheet and put our sprites and animations into […]

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Program: Programming


We managed to get the sound working today. Not the best sound effects but it’s far better than nothing!
When we tested the sound we found a bug.
The pad jumped in the x-axis if it was moving in to a wall when the ball hit a brick.

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Program: Programming


We managed to get the sound working today. Not the best sound effects but it’s far better than nothing!
When we tested the sound we found a bug.
The pad jumped in the x-axis if it was moving in to a wall when the ball hit a brick.

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Program: Programming


We managed to get the sound working today. Not the best sound effects but it’s far better than nothing!
When we tested the sound we found a bug.
The pad jumped in the x-axis if it was moving in to a wall when the ball hit a brick.

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Program: Programming


We managed to get the sound working today. Not the best sound effects but it’s far better than nothing!
When we tested the sound we found a bug.
The pad jumped in the x-axis if it was moving in to a wall when the ball hit a brick.

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 5

Today there we’re some massive rehauling of the project, the state-problem was solved with the states being virtual machine-states that don’t have a physical class attached to them.
There was also the creating of the actual GameState, and subsequently me moving all the code into its proper place with functioning transitions between the states and classes.
I expect to have a functioning game either later today or tomorrow.
Edit: I now have a crosshair following the mouse and an “explosion” occuring when you […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 5

Today there we’re some massive rehauling of the project, the state-problem was solved with the states being virtual machine-states that don’t have a physical class attached to them.
There was also the creating of the actual GameState, and subsequently me moving all the code into its proper place with functioning transitions between the states and classes.
I expect to have a functioning game either later today or tomorrow.
Edit: I now have a crosshair following the mouse and an “explosion” occuring when you […]

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Program: Programming