Daily Archives: January 5, 2014
Day 11, What a mess!
The day started out well. I got some brilliant ideas about the code layout to get everything in order with the GameObjectManager so it could handle all kinds of GameObjects even from derived classes.My plan was to put all my created GameObjects, PlayerObject, BallObject, BrickObject in my vector.I think I coded for 8 hours non stop, changing bascilly all code to a more dynamic way.I must have been delusional because i went way ahead of my skill level and […]
Day 11, What a mess!
The day started out well. I got some brilliant ideas about the code layout to get everything in order with the GameObjectManager so it could handle all kinds of GameObjects even from derived classes.My plan was to put all my created GameObjects, PlayerObject, BallObject, BrickObject in my vector.I think I coded for 8 hours non stop, changing bascilly all code to a more dynamic way.I must have been delusional because i went way ahead of my skill level and […]

Almost forgot to post today
Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]

Almost forgot to post today
Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]
Frogger Dev. Post 14
Some work was done today. For starters, I did make some progress on the whole Score sriting thing. I did make a Text class which is a child clas of the Sprite class that I thought might be helpful, however, the Text class isn’t too different from the Sprite Class so I might drop this. Other than that, I started checking what I need to properly draw the text on screen. See, the problem now isn’t that I can’t launch […]
Frogger Dev. Post 14
Some work was done today. For starters, I did make some progress on the whole Score sriting thing. I did make a Text class which is a child clas of the Sprite class that I thought might be helpful, however, the Text class isn’t too different from the Sprite Class so I might drop this. Other than that, I started checking what I need to properly draw the text on screen. See, the problem now isn’t that I can’t launch […]