Daily Archives: January 4, 2014

Text class
Today I have made the text class which will be used to present text in our game.
The class supports different fontFamilys, fontSizes and colors and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
Here is a picture of 2 text objects I use here.
Tomorrow I will start working on player score and lifes and also when you destroy a brick which is above level 1(the blue ones) that block should change its level and sprite to the level […]

Text class
Today I have made the text class which will be used to present text in our game.
The class supports different fontFamilys, fontSizes and colors and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
Here is a picture of 2 text objects I use here.
Tomorrow I will start working on player score and lifes and also when you destroy a brick which is above level 1(the blue ones) that block should change its level and sprite to the level […]

Stuck in every way
Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday.
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]

Stuck in every way
Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday.
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]

Game Programming I – day 12
Added a function to read the player start position from a txt-file.
I will attempt to move this to a separate class, right now it is written into the engine´s initialize.
Hopefully we will soon be able to load level objects and enemies onto the screen from a separate file as well.
We are also supposed to make a function that saves data from a game session to be used again later, in other words a function that writes to files.
Maybe we can […]

Game Programming I – day 12
Added a function to read the player start position from a txt-file.
I will attempt to move this to a separate class, right now it is written into the engine´s initialize.
Hopefully we will soon be able to load level objects and enemies onto the screen from a separate file as well.
We are also supposed to make a function that saves data from a game session to be used again later, in other words a function that writes to files.
Maybe we can […]

The fundamental design of Frogger
I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]

The fundamental design of Frogger
I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]

Help?! 2014-01-04
So I haven’t made much progress the past couple of days because everytime I try to do something I get errors and when the errors are fixed, new ones pop up instead. Been trying to get the game to read spwan points from a file but that didn’t work, have also tried to make a player controller enemy..that didn’t work and I’ve been looking for ways to spawn random objects on the screen like in asteroids but I can’t find […]

Help?! 2014-01-04
So I haven’t made much progress the past couple of days because everytime I try to do something I get errors and when the errors are fixed, new ones pop up instead. Been trying to get the game to read spwan points from a file but that didn’t work, have also tried to make a player controller enemy..that didn’t work and I’ve been looking for ways to spawn random objects on the screen like in asteroids but I can’t find […]