Daily Archives: December 18, 2013

Programming Assignment
We just finished the lectures for this year and now I’m back in Kramfors again.
I’ve been traveling all day, but I have managed to do some planning and breakdowns of objects on paper today.
Me and my teammate Anthon Fredriksson decided that we should try to create some sort of hybrid of Tetris and Alieninvaders, I’ve been writing down a few ideas today that I’m going to give Anthon to see if he thinks it is doable. Other than that I […]

Programming Assignment
We just finished the lectures for this year and now I’m back in Kramfors again.
I’ve been traveling all day, but I have managed to do some planning and breakdowns of objects on paper today.
Me and my teammate Anthon Fredriksson decided that we should try to create some sort of hybrid of Tetris and Alieninvaders, I’ve been writing down a few ideas today that I’m going to give Anthon to see if he thinks it is doable. Other than that I […]

The fifth week was all about turnarounds, since all the groundwork had already been done during the construction it was not very difficult in general. I did have certain issues though but the assignment was rather time consuming than hard.
One of my biggest problems was the face, I found it really difficult to draw the same face multiple times from different angles, the draping in her clothes was the other main concern. Another problem was the proportions of the […]

The fifth week was all about turnarounds, since all the groundwork had already been done during the construction it was not very difficult in general. I did have certain issues though but the assignment was rather time consuming than hard.
One of my biggest problems was the face, I found it really difficult to draw the same face multiple times from different angles, the draping in her clothes was the other main concern. Another problem was the proportions of the […]

A small project plan in ppt
I mustered a small project plan in powerpoint yesterday that I thought I could show.
Vecka 1.
•Brainstorm ett spel
•Ta reda på vad är G
•Sätt ett mål på vilka saker vi ska ha med
•Skriv detta så vi har bara blogg kvar för achievementen =)
Vecka 2.
•Blogga varje kväll(fortsättning)
•Implementera en bra bas från Pong och Platformer
•Sätt sakta men säkert in de viktigaste achievementerna
•Och se till att lära oss music, stats manager och TTF + arv!
Vecka 3.
•Försök att implementera ytterligare achievements
•Håll koll på varandra! Svacka […]

A small project plan in ppt
I mustered a small project plan in powerpoint yesterday that I thought I could show.
Vecka 1.
•Brainstorm ett spel
•Ta reda på vad är G
•Sätt ett mål på vilka saker vi ska ha med
•Skriv detta så vi har bara blogg kvar för achievementen =)
Vecka 2.
•Blogga varje kväll(fortsättning)
•Implementera en bra bas från Pong och Platformer
•Sätt sakta men säkert in de viktigaste achievementerna
•Och se till att lära oss music, stats manager och TTF + arv!
Vecka 3.
•Försök att implementera ytterligare achievements
•Håll koll på varandra! Svacka […]

Programming Project, day 6 – part 1 (milestone)
Big news!
The game is playable! A milestone, right here!
Explosions are implemented. They destroy what they should and bombs hit by other explosions explode as well, explosions do not overlap either. The code is bulky at one point however, I need to fix that later on. Players die then in the same tile as an explosion and when that happens the gamestate is changed to the menu.

Programming Project, day 6 – part 1 (milestone)
Big news!
The game is playable! A milestone, right here!
Explosions are implemented. They destroy what they should and bombs hit by other explosions explode as well, explosions do not overlap either. The code is bulky at one point however, I need to fix that later on. Players die then in the same tile as an explosion and when that happens the gamestate is changed to the menu.

Spelprogrammering 1/ Game Programming 1
Jag och Andrée Henriksson ska tillsammans skapa ett spel i c++ samt använda oss av SDL katalogen.
Spelet som vi ska skapa ska vara ett klassiskt Tower Defence spel.
Project Plan
Game genre: Tower Defense
A simple Tower Defense with 3 different towers. Enemies walk from A to B following a path. The players objective is to put towers on the side of the path to stop them from reaching their destination.
Towers: 3 different
– Standard canon tower
– Long-range sniper tower
– Short-range heavy tower
Money: Each enemy […]

Spelprogrammering 1/ Game Programming 1
Jag och Andrée Henriksson ska tillsammans skapa ett spel i c++ samt använda oss av SDL katalogen.
Spelet som vi ska skapa ska vara ett klassiskt Tower Defence spel.
Project Plan
Game genre: Tower Defense
A simple Tower Defense with 3 different towers. Enemies walk from A to B following a path. The players objective is to put towers on the side of the path to stop them from reaching their destination.
Towers: 3 different
– Standard canon tower
– Long-range sniper tower
– Short-range heavy tower
Money: Each enemy […]

Game Programming 1
So, I am currently taking the Game Programming 1 course now. The first 3 lectures covered everything I knew about programming. The rest have been all new stuff for me. We have been using the SDL library commonly used in Game programming and the pace is very fast, at least for me.
We have reached the point where we were given our assignment. In pairs, we are supposed to make a 2d-game and write individual reports about its process.
My team-mate Jonas […]

Game Programming 1
So, I am currently taking the Game Programming 1 course now. The first 3 lectures covered everything I knew about programming. The rest have been all new stuff for me. We have been using the SDL library commonly used in Game programming and the pace is very fast, at least for me.
We have reached the point where we were given our assignment. In pairs, we are supposed to make a 2d-game and write individual reports about its process.
My team-mate Jonas […]

Working on a level editor
I´m working on a level editor to use in future games. The level editor is made in JavaScript and I will soon release it in public.
TODO:Set custom dimension for gameAdding support for multiple layersAdding support for custom tiles – I have to make this very flexible. I have some thoughts in autoloading img from url.Adding auto generated map ready to be edited
Here is a picture of how it looks right now.
I drew this myself, […]

Working on a level editor
I´m working on a level editor to use in future games. The level editor is made in JavaScript and I will soon release it in public.
TODO:Set custom dimension for gameAdding support for multiple layersAdding support for custom tiles – I have to make this very flexible. I have some thoughts in autoloading img from url.Adding auto generated map ready to be edited
Here is a picture of how it looks right now.
I drew this myself, […]
Is point within a rectangle
I came up with this neat function to check if a point [x,y] is within a rectangle [x, y, width, height].
It´s made in Javascript but can be applied to ALL languages.
// CommentUtils.pointWithinRect = function(point, rect) { var px = point[0]; var py = point[1]; var top = rect.y; var left = rect.x; var bottom = rect.y + rect.height; var right […]
Is point within a rectangle
I came up with this neat function to check if a point [x,y] is within a rectangle [x, y, width, height].
It´s made in Javascript but can be applied to ALL languages.
// CommentUtils.pointWithinRect = function(point, rect) { var px = point[0]; var py = point[1]; var top = rect.y; var left = rect.x; var bottom = rect.y + rect.height; var right […]
Started with our programming project today, took a while to figure out how GitHub works, but got it now. Hopefully it will work as intended throughout the whole thing.
Started with our programming project today, took a while to figure out how GitHub works, but got it now. Hopefully it will work as intended throughout the whole thing.

Frogger Progress
After spending a large part of this evening with the Frogger assignment its now time for the daily update (even though its past midnight).
Today I’ve spent much time thinking of in which order to build up the game, Ended up with me working on implementing GameStates.
While its a work in progress i think its important to get this in as early as possible, in order to make it easier to work with rather than getting the game states later.
As of […]

Frogger Progress
After spending a large part of this evening with the Frogger assignment its now time for the daily update (even though its past midnight).
Today I’ve spent much time thinking of in which order to build up the game, Ended up with me working on implementing GameStates.
While its a work in progress i think its important to get this in as early as possible, in order to make it easier to work with rather than getting the game states later.
As of […]