Daily Archives: December 13, 2013

Today we started earlier with the programming lesson because there were three lectures scheduled. The first one was about a guy and how he managed to make a boardgame and the challenges that comes within, next one was a lecture from SGA (swedish game awards) where they told us on how to attend it and how it is a good idea to attend it to see how things work in the industry, and the last one was about a group […]

Today we started earlier with the programming lesson because there were three lectures scheduled. The first one was about a guy and how he managed to make a boardgame and the challenges that comes within, next one was a lecture from SGA (swedish game awards) where they told us on how to attend it and how it is a good idea to attend it to see how things work in the industry, and the last one was about a group […]

Line Art Week
During this whole course I’ve been looking at this weeks description with fear. Make a clean drawing? Me? Ha! No way! But I actually did it, and I’m surprised at the results. Once again I changed my drawing style and I went for a more mature look than last week. It’s got a bit of a Disney feel to it.
It’s been five weeks now and I’ve improved so much already. I could never have imagined being able to draw something […]

Line Art Week
During this whole course I’ve been looking at this weeks description with fear. Make a clean drawing? Me? Ha! No way! But I actually did it, and I’m surprised at the results. Once again I changed my drawing style and I went for a more mature look than last week. It’s got a bit of a Disney feel to it.
It’s been five weeks now and I’ve improved so much already. I could never have imagined being able to draw something […]

Cleen up that shhhhh!!
This weeks assignment was Lineart.
We had to cleanup our character and define it with… lines… I struggled a lot with this one an chose to remove his cape and weapons so it would become easier. So my concern is that i didn’t succeed with this one… so.. i guess ill know that next week. Whatevvaaaaaa here is that picture, and i know that its boring to see this one again so ill just add another pic for u to enjoy […]

Cleen up that shhhhh!!
This weeks assignment was Lineart.
We had to cleanup our character and define it with… lines… I struggled a lot with this one an chose to remove his cape and weapons so it would become easier. So my concern is that i didn’t succeed with this one… so.. i guess ill know that next week. Whatevvaaaaaa here is that picture, and i know that its boring to see this one again so ill just add another pic for u to enjoy […]

Tales n’ Tactics, a work in progress.
Tales and Tactics is the game which Henrik “Barthuc” Forsman and I (Per “Gimmic” Johansson) are working on.
It started out as a small school project but now it’s so much more than that.
As soon there’s a playable alpha ready, we’ll try to get the game on steam and other gaming platforms!
It’s a PC game which incorporates turn-based combat and strategy mechanics with resource gathering, dungeon raiding and champion developing. All presented in a retro-looking style.
The games sountrack is done by […]

Tales n’ Tactics, a work in progress.
Tales and Tactics is the game which Henrik “Barthuc” Forsman and I (Per “Gimmic” Johansson) are working on.
It started out as a small school project but now it’s so much more than that.
As soon there’s a playable alpha ready, we’ll try to get the game on steam and other gaming platforms!
It’s a PC game which incorporates turn-based combat and strategy mechanics with resource gathering, dungeon raiding and champion developing. All presented in a retro-looking style.
The games sountrack is done by […]

Tales n’ Tactics map generation and (simplex) noise
I’ll start by saying that Tales n’ Tactics is a turn-based strategy game in a top-down perspective, which is under development by Henrik Forsman and myself.
In this post I’ll go through some of the challenges, methods and experiences I’ve accumulated while working on the map generation of Tales n’ Tactics.
When I started writing the first lines of codes, on what is (hopefully) going to be a full-fledged strategy game, I was faced with numerous challenges…How do I deal with fog […]

Tales n’ Tactics map generation and (simplex) noise
I’ll start by saying that Tales n’ Tactics is a turn-based strategy game in a top-down perspective, which is under development by Henrik Forsman and myself.
In this post I’ll go through some of the challenges, methods and experiences I’ve accumulated while working on the map generation of Tales n’ Tactics.
When I started writing the first lines of codes, on what is (hopefully) going to be a full-fledged strategy game, I was faced with numerous challenges…How do I deal with fog […]

University Projects: Lineart!
Well… I haven’t posted anything in a while due to university so im gonna post some of my latest work in the 2d deparment. This was done this week for an assignment in Line-Art. I’ve been working without photoshop or any digital programs to create it and it turned out rather nicely if i can say it myself.
(Line art)
there are some problems with perspective especially with the scissors (they do not look seperated enough) But outside of that I […]

University Projects: Lineart!
Well… I haven’t posted anything in a while due to university so im gonna post some of my latest work in the 2d deparment. This was done this week for an assignment in Line-Art. I’ve been working without photoshop or any digital programs to create it and it turned out rather nicely if i can say it myself.
(Line art)
there are some problems with perspective especially with the scissors (they do not look seperated enough) But outside of that I […]

Game programming I – assignment day 2
Decided on making a space shooter.
Trying to find sprite sheets to work with.
Will work on window and player avatar this weekend.

Game programming I – assignment day 2
Decided on making a space shooter.
Trying to find sprite sheets to work with.
Will work on window and player avatar this weekend.
Olof Blomqvist gästföreläser idag och delar med sig av historien bakom skapandet av sitt spel Historia.
Olof Blomqvist gästföreläser idag och delar med sig av historien bakom skapandet av sitt spel Historia.