Daily Archives: November 1, 2013

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]
Boring Warrior turns into the Last Spark
It’s been a long time since I wrote a new post in this blog. The reason being that we have been quite busy with our major game assignment and Communication classes.
The communication course has now concluded (yey!) so now we can focus completely on our game design and analysis course!
Since my last post we have named the game to “Last Spark” and basically finished designing the game. We are in the progress of finishing our Concept Document, One-Page Design […]
Boring Warrior turns into the Last Spark
It’s been a long time since I wrote a new post in this blog. The reason being that we have been quite busy with our major game assignment and Communication classes.
The communication course has now concluded (yey!) so now we can focus completely on our game design and analysis course!
Since my last post we have named the game to “Last Spark” and basically finished designing the game. We are in the progress of finishing our Concept Document, One-Page Design […]

Thoughtless Productions – Summary of the last 2 weeks of work.
Since I last wrote here I was right in the middle of creating some of the main enemies and characters of our game. We had a meeting Wednesday the 23rd where we started testing with our paper prototype and going through some of our more fundamental systems. When we called it a day we each had our assignments and mine was to continue working with main characters and enemies. Sometime later we had our first test presentation, our lead designer […]

Thoughtless Productions – Summary of the last 2 weeks of work.
Since I last wrote here I was right in the middle of creating some of the main enemies and characters of our game. We had a meeting Wednesday the 23rd where we started testing with our paper prototype and going through some of our more fundamental systems. When we called it a day we each had our assignments and mine was to continue working with main characters and enemies. Sometime later we had our first test presentation, our lead designer […]

Thoughtless Productions – Summary of the last 2 weeks of work.
Since I last wrote here I was right in the middle of creating some of the main enemies and characters of our game. We had a meeting Wednesday the 23rd where we started testing with our paper prototype and going through some of our more fundamental systems. When we called it a day we each had our assignments and mine was to continue working with main characters and enemies. Sometime later we had our first test presentation, our lead designer […]

Thoughtless Productions – Summary of the last 2 weeks of work.
Since I last wrote here I was right in the middle of creating some of the main enemies and characters of our game. We had a meeting Wednesday the 23rd where we started testing with our paper prototype and going through some of our more fundamental systems. When we called it a day we each had our assignments and mine was to continue working with main characters and enemies. Sometime later we had our first test presentation, our lead designer […]