Monthly Archives: September 2013

Effects of scare
Gamasutra had a nice dissertation made by one of it’s users talking about what does make us scare.
Usually our gaming market is based on the current players at the moment and never on the potential new players we can create by just creating new sub-genres for games.
There is a shit ton of people(mostly older generation) that will live unfortunately way to long until death to just be ignored IMO.
People that love poetry, dark comedy, dry/British humor and so on. How […]

Effects of scare
Gamasutra had a nice dissertation made by one of it’s users talking about what does make us scare.
Usually our gaming market is based on the current players at the moment and never on the potential new players we can create by just creating new sub-genres for games.
There is a shit ton of people(mostly older generation) that will live unfortunately way to long until death to just be ignored IMO.
People that love poetry, dark comedy, dry/British humor and so on. How […]

The process
To be honest, I never used to care much about environment drawings and paintings until quite recently. I found it to be easier and much more stimulating to design characters. But I have decided to push myself to draw things I’m really bad at in order to improve those skills and subsequently the skills I already tried to improve.So I’ve begun to draw/paint environments. As you can see, I usually make a physical concept sketch which I tHen redraw digitally […]

The process
To be honest, I never used to care much about environment drawings and paintings until quite recently. I found it to be easier and much more stimulating to design characters. But I have decided to push myself to draw things I’m really bad at in order to improve those skills and subsequently the skills I already tried to improve.So I’ve begun to draw/paint environments. As you can see, I usually make a physical concept sketch which I tHen redraw digitally […]
The Assignment
This monday we had a lecture with Ernest Adams about Art and music, he also gave us un assignment in which we were to choose a genre. We could chose from survival horror, real-time-strategy and children’s non-violent game. We also had to research an artist/photographer/filmmaker and a composer/musician and finally make a powerpoint presentation. The only criterias were that it had to be a minimum of ten slides and have pictures and music.The fact that there were hardly any instructions […]
The Assignment
This monday we had a lecture with Ernest Adams about Art and music, he also gave us un assignment in which we were to choose a genre. We could chose from survival horror, real-time-strategy and children’s non-violent game. We also had to research an artist/photographer/filmmaker and a composer/musician and finally make a powerpoint presentation. The only criterias were that it had to be a minimum of ten slides and have pictures and music.The fact that there were hardly any instructions […]

A very simple introduction to this great blog!
My name is Simon Säfström and I am studying Gamedesign and Programming at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. This blog is dedicated to games and other things that have anything to do with the subject. I’ll be showing the different types of projects I am working on during my studies as well as possibly even writing down my own thoughts. Hopefully this will help me grasp the bigger picture surrounding the world of games and anything else surrounding it.
For the people […]

A very simple introduction to this great blog!
My name is Simon Säfström and I am studying Gamedesign and Programming at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. This blog is dedicated to games and other things that have anything to do with the subject. I’ll be showing the different types of projects I am working on during my studies as well as possibly even writing down my own thoughts. Hopefully this will help me grasp the bigger picture surrounding the world of games and anything else surrounding it.
For the people […]

A very simple introduction to this great blog!
My name is Simon Säfström and I am studying Gamedesign and Programming at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. This blog is dedicated to games and other things that have anything to do with the subject. I’ll be showing the different types of projects I am working on during my studies as well as possibly even writing down my own thoughts. Hopefully this will help me grasp the bigger picture surrounding the world of games and anything else surrounding it.
For the people […]

A very simple introduction to this great blog!
My name is Simon Säfström and I am studying Gamedesign and Programming at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. This blog is dedicated to games and other things that have anything to do with the subject. I’ll be showing the different types of projects I am working on during my studies as well as possibly even writing down my own thoughts. Hopefully this will help me grasp the bigger picture surrounding the world of games and anything else surrounding it.
For the people […]
Our very first game
Last week we had a seminar during which we were asked to play a game called “Sissyfight 3000”, basically it’s a bullying game in which the players are to gang up against each other.Earlier in the day we had a lecture about the MDA (Mechanichs, Dynamics, Aestethics) so when we had played for a while we were asked to change the dynamics and create our own version of the game. The only thing we had to keep was the “target->action” […]
Our very first game
Last week we had a seminar during which we were asked to play a game called “Sissyfight 3000”, basically it’s a bullying game in which the players are to gang up against each other.Earlier in the day we had a lecture about the MDA (Mechanichs, Dynamics, Aestethics) so when we had played for a while we were asked to change the dynamics and create our own version of the game. The only thing we had to keep was the “target->action” […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]