Daily Archives: September 30, 2013

First Post / Game Analysis lecture:
Hello and welcome to my new blog! This blog will cover my design work and days at Uppsala University campus Gotland. My name is Simon Strandh and i study my first year as Game designer : Graphics.
As i said this blog will be me show and writing about what i do in school and what design/game related things i do outside of school.
Today we had a lecture with Adam (our brilliant teacher) where he talked about design, concept and pitch […]

First Post / Game Analysis lecture:
Hello and welcome to my new blog! This blog will cover my design work and days at Uppsala University campus Gotland. My name is Simon Strandh and i study my first year as Game designer : Graphics.
As i said this blog will be me show and writing about what i do in school and what design/game related things i do outside of school.
Today we had a lecture with Adam (our brilliant teacher) where he talked about design, concept and pitch […]

Nothing, really
I’ve never had a blog before and reading blogs hasn’t really been my thing. But as part of a project I’ll try to write and share thoughts and things about what’s happening. I’ll be writing mostly about games, game design and perhaps about school projects. At least that’s what I’ll try to do. Yes.
There’ll probably be other things as well, if I can’t come up with enough game-related things to share. Or if I find something funny that I for […]

Nothing, really
I’ve never had a blog before and reading blogs hasn’t really been my thing. But as part of a project I’ll try to write and share thoughts and things about what’s happening. I’ll be writing mostly about games, game design and perhaps about school projects. At least that’s what I’ll try to do. Yes.
There’ll probably be other things as well, if I can’t come up with enough game-related things to share. Or if I find something funny that I for […]

Design a game on paper.
During todays lecture with Adam Mayes i got an idea for a game. I started designing it and i think it’s something i will be able to do. It’s gonna be a 3D game were you play as a thief, but it will have some special aspects to it.

Design a game on paper.
During todays lecture with Adam Mayes i got an idea for a game. I started designing it and i think it’s something i will be able to do. It’s gonna be a 3D game were you play as a thief, but it will have some special aspects to it.

So this is the first time i’ve actually written a blog post and I rarely read blogs so I’m quite clueless on how this works. Therefore it will be kept simple to a start, might expand more when i figure out how blogging works.
This blog will mainly be schoolwork-related. (Also the reason for it being created)
If there interesting finds on the internet there’s also a risk that they also get posted here.
// Flan

So this is the first time i’ve actually written a blog post and I rarely read blogs so I’m quite clueless on how this works. Therefore it will be kept simple to a start, might expand more when i figure out how blogging works.
This blog will mainly be schoolwork-related. (Also the reason for it being created)
If there interesting finds on the internet there’s also a risk that they also get posted here.
// Flan

First blog, first danger.
So this is the first blog post and with it comes the first dangers.This blog spot will mostly be filled with work that I do in my program.
Game designer and programmer. But to first realise what I am going through you need to know a little about me.
David Eduardo Ferencz Pizarro is my name. A conquistador, a Yugoslavian and a viking. That is the blood that runs through my veins. Then shall I try to summarise my personality in one […]

First blog, first danger.
So this is the first blog post and with it comes the first dangers.This blog spot will mostly be filled with work that I do in my program.
Game designer and programmer. But to first realise what I am going through you need to know a little about me.
David Eduardo Ferencz Pizarro is my name. A conquistador, a Yugoslavian and a viking. That is the blood that runs through my veins. Then shall I try to summarise my personality in one […]

A blog is born!
The first post in the official Reactorpanda blog. Wohoo! (I have no idea what I’m doing)

A blog is born!
The first post in the official Reactorpanda blog. Wohoo! (I have no idea what I’m doing)

The most awesome ship ever!
When I turn 21, please give me this!

The most awesome ship ever!
When I turn 21, please give me this!

A reasonably good question
Take Our Poll
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A reasonably good question
Take Our Poll
(function(d,c,j){if(!d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;pd.id=j;pd.src=’https://s1.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/js/polldaddy-shortcode.js’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !==’undefined’)jQuery(d.body).trigger(‘pd-script-load’);}(document,’script’,’pd-polldaddy-loader’));

A reasonably good question
Take Our Poll
(function(d,c,j){if(!d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;pd.id=j;pd.src=’http://s1.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/js/polldaddy-shortcode.js’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !==’undefined’)jQuery(d.body).trigger(‘pd-script-load’);}(document,’script’,’pd-polldaddy-loader’));

A reasonably good question
Take Our Poll
(function(d,c,j){if(!d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;pd.id=j;pd.src=’http://s1.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/shortcodes/js/polldaddy-shortcode.js’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !==’undefined’)jQuery(d.body).trigger(‘pd-script-load’);}(document,’script’,’pd-polldaddy-loader’));