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AI, I hate AI

This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.

The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

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Program: Programming

AI, I hate AI

This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.

The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

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Program: Programming

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.

The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.

While not finished because of the bug […]

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Program: Programming

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.

The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.

While not finished because of the bug […]

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Program: Programming

Problem with perspective

What: This week I’ve been continuing working on the tiles for the walls and floors in our game. I have also been working on other elements in the game such as posters and some furniture.
Since our game will be a stealth game we have decided to have a top-down perspective. But in order to get more feeling to the setting we decided on this sort of fake-isometric perspective for the walls, this will allow us to put posters and stuff […]

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Program: Graphics

Problem with perspective

What: This week I’ve been continuing working on the tiles for the walls and floors in our game. I have also been working on other elements in the game such as posters and some furniture.
Since our game will be a stealth game we have decided to have a top-down perspective. But in order to get more feeling to the setting we decided on this sort of fake-isometric perspective for the walls, this will allow us to put posters and stuff […]

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Program: Graphics

First real blog-post for the new course – Buttons

I have been working on the code for menu buttons so far this week. Why? Because we need buttons to navigate the menus, pretty much like every other game made for PC. They will be needed in pretty much every state except maybe the game-state and the titlescreen.
 We couldn’t decide how we would make them, where we going to create a button-manager that keeps track of pretty much everything, like output and such, were we going to create one button-class […]

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Program: Programming

First real blog-post for the new course – Buttons

I have been working on the code for menu buttons so far this week. Why? Because we need buttons to navigate the menus, pretty much like every other game made for PC. They will be needed in pretty much every state except maybe the game-state and the titlescreen.
 We couldn’t decide how we would make them, where we going to create a button-manager that keeps track of pretty much everything, like output and such, were we going to create one button-class […]

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Program: Programming

SFX – Dangerous Dander

Early on in the production stage I decided that I wanted to do my own sound effects instead of using pre-recorded ones you can get online through various sound banks. My goal was to try and use midi instruments as much as possible because of the simplicity, I can easily modulate sounds through the use of effects and pre-amps, my favorite effects is a nifty little thing called Bit-Crusher, it adds a sort of Super Mario 32-bit feel to the sound.

February 13, 2014 / Comments Off on SFX – Dangerous Dander
Program: Graphics

SFX – Dangerous Dander

Early on in the production stage I decided that I wanted to do my own sound effects instead of using pre-recorded ones you can get online through various sound banks. My goal was to try and use midi instruments as much as possible because of the simplicity, I can easily modulate sounds through the use of effects and pre-amps, my favorite effects is a nifty little thing called Bit-Crusher, it adds a sort of Super Mario 32-bit feel to the sound.

February 13, 2014 / Comments Off on SFX – Dangerous Dander
Program: Graphics


I would have done a blog post when i got home last night but it was past eleven so i figured i’d do it today.
Yesterday we had a seminar about genus through history on which i did coding and wrote my weekly blog post, during the afternoon i has second thoughts about going to the worskshop but in the end i did it anyways, might as well as Leo couldn’t make it to school until right after it ended. We spent […]

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Program: Programming


I would have done a blog post when i got home last night but it was past eleven so i figured i’d do it today.
Yesterday we had a seminar about genus through history on which i did coding and wrote my weekly blog post, during the afternoon i has second thoughts about going to the worskshop but in the end i did it anyways, might as well as Leo couldn’t make it to school until right after it ended. We spent […]

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Program: Programming

The baton of Futura

This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]

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Program: Graphics

The baton of Futura

This is the baton icon which will be represented in the interface when the baton is wielded. The idea behind it, as with all the weaponry and objects, was to take something old and make it new while still keeping the old feel. We did the same thing with the gun we designed for the game, we took an old revolver and made it more futuristic. Doing so with a baton is difficult because there isn’t a lot of […]

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Program: Graphics

Soon I am done with the Document

This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

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Program: Programming

Soon I am done with the Document

This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

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Program: Programming

Hopefully the last blog about collisions. Artifact blog

I have been updating my progress about the collisions and the most difficult part for me was to do the rectangle vs circle overlapping.
The things I have tried are to get the point on the line between two corners of the rectangle that is the closest to the circle using the dot product and a normalized vector and another method using different zones around the rectangle and check if the circle is inside of one of the zones to […]

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Program: Programming

Hopefully the last blog about collisions. Artifact blog

I have been updating my progress about the collisions and the most difficult part for me was to do the rectangle vs circle overlapping.
The things I have tried are to get the point on the line between two corners of the rectangle that is the closest to the circle using the dot product and a normalized vector and another method using different zones around the rectangle and check if the circle is inside of one of the zones to […]

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Program: Programming

Animation process

I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

Animation process

I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

My artifact, the Game Design Document

So in this new course we’re making another game and will be writing one of several artifacts that you’ve been working with. You should answer the questions what/how/why? and basically reflect on what you’ve worked with. It has to be 400 words minimum and deadlines are on thursdays and on top of that one member of another group will comment your blog post with at least 200 words. Anyway enough talk already let’s get started!
So what have I done and […]

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Program: Programming

My artifact, the Game Design Document

So in this new course we’re making another game and will be writing one of several artifacts that you’ve been working with. You should answer the questions what/how/why? and basically reflect on what you’ve worked with. It has to be 400 words minimum and deadlines are on thursdays and on top of that one member of another group will comment your blog post with at least 200 words. Anyway enough talk already let’s get started!
So what have I done and […]

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Program: Programming

Soon I am done with the Document

This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

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Program: Programming

Soon I am done with the Document

This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

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Program: Programming