Browsing 'Game Development':

New screenshots!
So, the original plan was to post weekly video logs, but holy smokes we’ve been busy. The entire team has been working a whole load more than full time for the last weeks to get all the features in game… and we did it, We’re feature complete!
There’s still a lot of content missing and things work in progress but all the important features are in, most importantly all of the 5 initial robots have been implemented and all their 6 […]

New screenshots!
So, the original plan was to post weekly video logs, but holy smokes we’ve been busy. The entire team has been working a whole load more than full time for the last weeks to get all the features in game… and we did it, We’re feature complete!
There’s still a lot of content missing and things work in progress but all the important features are in, most importantly all of the 5 initial robots have been implemented and all their 6 […]

Another week done
Since my last post, where I showed you the updated versions of the background and totem pole I have created this week, I have been busy working on animations and graphical material for the GGC which was due today.
We needed animated visual representation of the “force field” power up so after some sketching, trying to figure out what it would look like, I decided to test something very different from what I had thought about to help myself think outside […]

Another week done
Since my last post, where I showed you the updated versions of the background and totem pole I have created this week, I have been busy working on animations and graphical material for the GGC which was due today.
We needed animated visual representation of the “force field” power up so after some sketching, trying to figure out what it would look like, I decided to test something very different from what I had thought about to help myself think outside […]

Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – May 3rd – 9th
This week has been a slow week for me and the development of the game. There are two main reasons for this. The first has been that I have been sick during parts of the week, and therefore haven’t had as much energy to work on this as I’ve hoped. The second reasons is that things have been going slowly overall, solving issues has taken more time than I anticipated. But some progress has been done, and now it’s time […]

Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – May 3rd – 9th
This week has been a slow week for me and the development of the game. There are two main reasons for this. The first has been that I have been sick during parts of the week, and therefore haven’t had as much energy to work on this as I’ve hoped. The second reasons is that things have been going slowly overall, solving issues has taken more time than I anticipated. But some progress has been done, and now it’s time […]

This week I have been working on developing the background image since it was very flat and boring and did not really blend with the other environmental elements. This was also true for the totem pole and we have gotten feedback stating that we should do something more with it. So I gave the totem pole some highlights and shadows that also gave the coloured blocks some texture. The background I gave some texture by adding old looking stone tiles […]

This week I have been working on developing the background image since it was very flat and boring and did not really blend with the other environmental elements. This was also true for the totem pole and we have gotten feedback stating that we should do something more with it. So I gave the totem pole some highlights and shadows that also gave the coloured blocks some texture. The background I gave some texture by adding old looking stone tiles […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Alpha Update
I thought I would just give you a quick update of how the Alpha presentation for our GGC project, went. So yesterday we first held a short presentation, covering the original concept, changes that had been made and what had been going well and not so well. After that we got to show the game to the audience before getting feedback from the three teachers present. As usual it was Oskar (Lead Designer) and I that presented, we got to […]

Alpha Update
I thought I would just give you a quick update of how the Alpha presentation for our GGC project, went. So yesterday we first held a short presentation, covering the original concept, changes that had been made and what had been going well and not so well. After that we got to show the game to the audience before getting feedback from the three teachers present. As usual it was Oskar (Lead Designer) and I that presented, we got to […]

Alpha Week
This week has been busy as usual, we started out Monday morning with going up on stage to practice our GGC presentations. It went rather well, we definitely need to prepare more and keep working on our presentation but it seemed as we had gotten further with our presentation than some of the other teams. The point of this presentation was to show what we had ready at the moment and get some valuable feedback on what we might want […]

Alpha Week
This week has been busy as usual, we started out Monday morning with going up on stage to practice our GGC presentations. It went rather well, we definitely need to prepare more and keep working on our presentation but it seemed as we had gotten further with our presentation than some of the other teams. The point of this presentation was to show what we had ready at the moment and get some valuable feedback on what we might want […]

Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – April 26th – May 2nd
Another week of development has passed and more work is being done on this project. Here’s what I managed to achieve this week.
I got a logo for my game!With help from one of the staff members at Campus Gotland, Lina Tonegran, I finally got myself a logo for this game. I gave some ideas of what I wanted, she gave my some sketches and eventually we landed on the final logo of the game.
Once again, thank […]

Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – April 26th – May 2nd
Another week of development has passed and more work is being done on this project. Here’s what I managed to achieve this week.
I got a logo for my game!With help from one of the staff members at Campus Gotland, Lina Tonegran, I finally got myself a logo for this game. I gave some ideas of what I wanted, she gave my some sketches and eventually we landed on the final logo of the game.
Once again, thank […]

Mechropolis: Grab & throw
Another week has passed and a lot of work have been done. This week I’ve been working on correctly throwing the player (and to some extent, the robots). “Throwing” the player involves applying a high amount of force in a certain direction once when the player touches a thrower-fusion robot. This was easier said than done though as a few complications occurred. First, as a minor detail, the scale in which force is added to the player controller is […]

Mechropolis: Grab & throw
Another week has passed and a lot of work have been done. This week I’ve been working on correctly throwing the player (and to some extent, the robots). “Throwing” the player involves applying a high amount of force in a certain direction once when the player touches a thrower-fusion robot. This was easier said than done though as a few complications occurred. First, as a minor detail, the scale in which force is added to the player controller is […]
Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – April 18-25th
After a deserved Easter break together with my family, I’m now back on track with new mental energy for the Big Game Project. First of all, I have decided on a proper title for my game, which is “Warbreaking Point”. This was just something that I came up in my head while I was getting back from the Easter holiday.
Then, I’ll talk about what has also happened since the last post. Since that time, I’ve been looking into the Unity […]
Warbreaking Point Weekly Round-up – April 18-25th
After a deserved Easter break together with my family, I’m now back on track with new mental energy for the Big Game Project. First of all, I have decided on a proper title for my game, which is “Warbreaking Point”. This was just something that I came up in my head while I was getting back from the Easter holiday.
Then, I’ll talk about what has also happened since the last post. Since that time, I’ve been looking into the Unity […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Totemic Banner
We are getting well on our way on the Totemic projec, we are working hard but there is still very much to do. Last week I started working on our banner for our booth at the Gotland Game Conference that was due yesterday, even though easter got in the way I managed to schedule my time to finish it in time for the deadline without stressing too much.
Initially I had a lot of problems with the font for the logotype, […]

Totemic Banner
We are getting well on our way on the Totemic projec, we are working hard but there is still very much to do. Last week I started working on our banner for our booth at the Gotland Game Conference that was due yesterday, even though easter got in the way I managed to schedule my time to finish it in time for the deadline without stressing too much.
Initially I had a lot of problems with the font for the logotype, […]