Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Game Design 2: Bubble Sprite
Two weeks ago, I worked on creating a bubble sprite to be able to create a particle trail in Unity. Which makes it so that our protagonist Stephen leaves a trail of bubbles after him as he moves around inside of the screen, to give more of a life feel to the tank. Like with most things on working with this project, I had no previous experience in making a bubble sprite, or even drawing a bubble. Which led me […]

Game Design 2: Bubble Sprite
Two weeks ago, I worked on creating a bubble sprite to be able to create a particle trail in Unity. Which makes it so that our protagonist Stephen leaves a trail of bubbles after him as he moves around inside of the screen, to give more of a life feel to the tank. Like with most things on working with this project, I had no previous experience in making a bubble sprite, or even drawing a bubble. Which led me […]

Animating the archer
My by far biggest artefact for this week has been to create and animate the archer sprite for our game. The archer is a static enemy that shoots ranged projectiles at the player, so I was spared from animating a walk cycle. On the other hand, I have clearly underestimated how to animate from a top-down perspective. Making animations loop nicely, on top of that, also proved to be difficult even though it is an issue I have faced before.
For […]

Animating the archer
My by far biggest artefact for this week has been to create and animate the archer sprite for our game. The archer is a static enemy that shoots ranged projectiles at the player, so I was spared from animating a walk cycle. On the other hand, I have clearly underestimated how to animate from a top-down perspective. Making animations loop nicely, on top of that, also proved to be difficult even though it is an issue I have faced before.
For […]

A blog: Part 3 – Revenge of the Blog
So what have i been up to this week? Well, this monday team Dragon had a bit of a reality check meeting regarding how many characters we could realistically be done with for the beta. During this discussion a few points were made that shaped my work for this week, among which was a decision to unify the human enemy’s more instead of having a samurai and a line infantry soldier. Initially there was a bit of a communication error […]

A blog: Part 3 – Revenge of the Blog
So what have i been up to this week? Well, this monday team Dragon had a bit of a reality check meeting regarding how many characters we could realistically be done with for the beta. During this discussion a few points were made that shaped my work for this week, among which was a decision to unify the human enemy’s more instead of having a samurai and a line infantry soldier. Initially there was a bit of a communication error […]

Underwater weeds
As our game “Selfish” is set in a fish tank, we need to have an environment that somewhat mimics this fact. This means creating assets that would act as decorations. Plants are a common thing you would find in a fish tank either real or plastic.
After some quick Google searches I picked a tall, leafy type of plant to start with and began to create it in Photoshop. After drawing the spine I added leaves and turned it into a […]

Underwater weeds
As our game “Selfish” is set in a fish tank, we need to have an environment that somewhat mimics this fact. This means creating assets that would act as decorations. Plants are a common thing you would find in a fish tank either real or plastic.
After some quick Google searches I picked a tall, leafy type of plant to start with and began to create it in Photoshop. After drawing the spine I added leaves and turned it into a […]

Assets & Scenes
During this week, I have been continuing with creating the graphics for my group’s game that we now call ‘’Betulla’’.
First of all, I want to say that I feel like this week has been way less productive to me, compared to all of the other previous weeks since I so far have been sick and have not spent much time at all with my group.
After finishing the background last week, I am now working on some smaller projects, like creating […]

Assets & Scenes
During this week, I have been continuing with creating the graphics for my group’s game that we now call ‘’Betulla’’.
First of all, I want to say that I feel like this week has been way less productive to me, compared to all of the other previous weeks since I so far have been sick and have not spent much time at all with my group.
After finishing the background last week, I am now working on some smaller projects, like creating […]

Keeping Assets Consistent Throughout Production
Author: Hanna Hagenmalm
Team: Leviathan
Concept: Draxl’s Journey
So. You have been tasked with drawing a spaceship. As you have never drawn a spaceship before, this turns out to be quite a challenge. But as the art style is graphic and your team supportive, you do manage to create a first little shiplet. It took many hours, and the standard bucket of sweat and tears and blood, but you did it. Good job.
Then you have to create a second one, and while the […]

Keeping Assets Consistent Throughout Production
Author: Hanna Hagenmalm
Team: Leviathan
Concept: Draxl’s Journey
So. You have been tasked with drawing a spaceship. As you have never drawn a spaceship before, this turns out to be quite a challenge. But as the art style is graphic and your team supportive, you do manage to create a first little shiplet. It took many hours, and the standard bucket of sweat and tears and blood, but you did it. Good job.
Then you have to create a second one, and while the […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Part 1 – Design
As I mentioned before, I am making a character for Cubebrush’s #Artwar competition. I was a bit late to start and have had many issues along the way, but also learned quite a lot. I wanted to try and implement some of the things that I learned while making my hand painted sword, from design through texturing. It is definitely not as easy without the help I had then though, but time to test my wings and see if I […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Part 1 – Design
As I mentioned before, I am making a character for Cubebrush’s #Artwar competition. I was a bit late to start and have had many issues along the way, but also learned quite a lot. I wanted to try and implement some of the things that I learned while making my hand painted sword, from design through texturing. It is definitely not as easy without the help I had then though, but time to test my wings and see if I […]

Enemy Animation
Hey this is me again. This post is a continuation of my enemy design post. In this one I’ll talk about my process of animating my design.
My enemy is an insect, so obviously I needed to do some research to understand how six legged creatures works. During my search I didn’t find much material about it but an article describing how it should look like caught my attention. It stated than the all the legs on one side move almost at […]

Enemy Animation
Hey this is me again. This post is a continuation of my enemy design post. In this one I’ll talk about my process of animating my design.
My enemy is an insect, so obviously I needed to do some research to understand how six legged creatures works. During my search I didn’t find much material about it but an article describing how it should look like caught my attention. It stated than the all the legs on one side move almost at […]

Animations – The Farmer.
With the game design getting into full swing it was time to get into the core game play of the game. We’d previously received a concept that we’ve been studying over this last week and come up with our own ideas to suit our visions. A glorious road ahead of us filled with Knights, Assassins, Kings and FIRE! But… I had to start somewhere with the enemy animations right? There’s no better place to start than at the bottom, with the […]

Animations – The Farmer.
With the game design getting into full swing it was time to get into the core game play of the game. We’d previously received a concept that we’ve been studying over this last week and come up with our own ideas to suit our visions. A glorious road ahead of us filled with Knights, Assassins, Kings and FIRE! But… I had to start somewhere with the enemy animations right? There’s no better place to start than at the bottom, with the […]

Bubble Popping Animation
Last week, one of my tasks for the Sprint was to create a popping cycle animation for a bubble. The bubble is a projectile for a power-up bubble gun; once it hits an enemy, it gets bigger and captures it inside until it suffocates to death, and when the enemy dies, the bubble pops and disappears.
To create a good quality animation, I had to look up the different frames for the cycle I wanted to design. I started by searching […]

Bubble Popping Animation
Last week, one of my tasks for the Sprint was to create a popping cycle animation for a bubble. The bubble is a projectile for a power-up bubble gun; once it hits an enemy, it gets bigger and captures it inside until it suffocates to death, and when the enemy dies, the bubble pops and disappears.
To create a good quality animation, I had to look up the different frames for the cycle I wanted to design. I started by searching […]

Re-designing Enemies
In a similar fashion to last weeks post about “constant falling”, this post will discuss a current topic related to the production of the game “Revenge of Teddy” (name is probably here to stay) in correlation with my role as a graphics artist. This week I have been re-designing and making prototype sprites for three enemy designs for the game.
A while back I had already re-designed the enemies that were provided in the original concept document for the game once, […]

Re-designing Enemies
In a similar fashion to last weeks post about “constant falling”, this post will discuss a current topic related to the production of the game “Revenge of Teddy” (name is probably here to stay) in correlation with my role as a graphics artist. This week I have been re-designing and making prototype sprites for three enemy designs for the game.
A while back I had already re-designed the enemies that were provided in the original concept document for the game once, […]

Anima2D and Animating in Unity
This week has certainly been interesting and challenging. My whole focus has been in first of all learning an animating tool in Unity called Anima2D and secondly making the animations. Everything I’ve done this week I have no previous experience of, so I would say that half of the work hours have been learning how to use the software and how to apply it on my work.
Anima2D basically allows the user to set up a bone structure and a mesh […]

Anima2D and Animating in Unity
This week has certainly been interesting and challenging. My whole focus has been in first of all learning an animating tool in Unity called Anima2D and secondly making the animations. Everything I’ve done this week I have no previous experience of, so I would say that half of the work hours have been learning how to use the software and how to apply it on my work.
Anima2D basically allows the user to set up a bone structure and a mesh […]