Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Week 1 – Big Game Project

Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with my journey during the Big Game Project Course and making of the game Amenti.

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – Big Game Project

Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with my journey during the Big Game Project Course and making of the game Amenti.

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project Post 1

This blogg is going to be a series of 6 blogg covering what I’ve been doing during the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland.
In this course the students are to create a game for the fantastic Gotland Game Conference. This blogg will cover my individual work in this production.
Each week i will put up a bloggpost of what i’ve done up to that point.
This week is the 3rd week of production and I’ll talk about what […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project Post 1

This blogg is going to be a series of 6 blogg covering what I’ve been doing during the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland.
In this course the students are to create a game for the fantastic Gotland Game Conference. This blogg will cover my individual work in this production.
Each week i will put up a bloggpost of what i’ve done up to that point.
This week is the 3rd week of production and I’ll talk about what […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 12

A Burning Arm and Motion Capture
Continuing my work, I started the day looking more into the material transition of the arm to make it change materials. Currently it’s to make it look like its glows as it catches on fire and then have it transition into the normal skin of the arm. But the transition has to look more natural than what it did in the previous video and I have found a solution, I just have to implement it.
The […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 12

A Burning Arm and Motion Capture
Continuing my work, I started the day looking more into the material transition of the arm to make it change materials. Currently it’s to make it look like its glows as it catches on fire and then have it transition into the normal skin of the arm. But the transition has to look more natural than what it did in the previous video and I have found a solution, I just have to implement it.
The […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Big game project

Now it’s been more than one year since last time I used this blog. Last time I wrote all my blog posts in swedish but will now change to english. Last time we were doing our space-shooters but since then I’ve done a theme-park game called Fruitality and learned a lot about 3D modeling and texturing which is one reasons for not doing any 2D art since Themepark.
For Big Game I am now producer and an artist (mostly for textures […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Big game project

Now it’s been more than one year since last time I used this blog. Last time I wrote all my blog posts in swedish but will now change to english. Last time we were doing our space-shooters but since then I’ve done a theme-park game called Fruitality and learned a lot about 3D modeling and texturing which is one reasons for not doing any 2D art since Themepark.
For Big Game I am now producer and an artist (mostly for textures […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 11

Watching more tutorials!
During today I spent time changing my particle fire to look more ”calm” as that was the feedback I got from our teachers during our feedback session. Also I changed the smoke, for a larger fire, to black. Since its a fire that is using oil to burn.
When that was done I started working with doing dynamic textures for the hand, so that I could get the hand to change texture as it catches fire. We don’t have any […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 11

Watching more tutorials!
During today I spent time changing my particle fire to look more ”calm” as that was the feedback I got from our teachers during our feedback session. Also I changed the smoke, for a larger fire, to black. Since its a fire that is using oil to burn.
When that was done I started working with doing dynamic textures for the hand, so that I could get the hand to change texture as it catches fire. We don’t have any […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project Week 1 & 2

The first two weeks of Big Game Project (BGP) has flown by faster than I expected. For this course, me and my team of 7 are developing a game called Amenti.
Amenti is a first person dark, puzzle game where you will bend the elements of the gods to your benefit.  Placed deep inside an Egyptian pyramid in the late 1800s. You play as Sofia Thompson, a young archeologist that’s trapped in the pyramid. She went down there to solve the […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project Week 1 & 2

The first two weeks of Big Game Project (BGP) has flown by faster than I expected. For this course, me and my team of 7 are developing a game called Amenti.
Amenti is a first person dark, puzzle game where you will bend the elements of the gods to your benefit.  Placed deep inside an Egyptian pyramid in the late 1800s. You play as Sofia Thompson, a young archeologist that’s trapped in the pyramid. She went down there to solve the […]

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Program: Graphics


Hello again, blog!
The time for me to start the old blog back up again has come. This time in English, and this time with a new purpose.
I am happy to announce that I have taken on the role of producer of Vertele Productions and we have set on ourselves to develop the game concept Goblin Doctors!

The game, Goblin Doctors, a is casual, isometric top down, local multiplayer, party game with a fantasy theme, designed with co-operation focus. The players take […]

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Program: Graphics


Hello again, blog!
The time for me to start the old blog back up again has come. This time in English, and this time with a new purpose.
I am happy to announce that I have taken on the role of producer of Vertele Productions and we have set on ourselves to develop the game concept Goblin Doctors!

The game, Goblin Doctors, a is casual, isometric top down, local multiplayer, party game with a fantasy theme, designed with co-operation focus. The players take […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies

Week 2
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
As mentioned last week, we where considering to change the look of our character because of dissonance between how he looks and the environment. I also wrote that this decision will mean a lot of extra work and i was right.
It did also, as mentioned, give  us an opportunity to […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies

Week 2
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
As mentioned last week, we where considering to change the look of our character because of dissonance between how he looks and the environment. I also wrote that this decision will mean a lot of extra work and i was right.
It did also, as mentioned, give  us an opportunity to […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 10.1

What I have worked on!
Here it is! This is the materials I have created from scratch watching a tutorial from and shows what can be created from some of the things I mentioned in previous post about materials and their behaviors.

From learning about Material basics like, metallic, roughness, reflectivity, refraction, Fresnel and transparency. To texturing, masking, colors, normal maps, parallax and parameters. It also included some light programming through the blueprint system in Unreal Engine 4.
Why I spent time […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 10.1

What I have worked on!
Here it is! This is the materials I have created from scratch watching a tutorial from and shows what can be created from some of the things I mentioned in previous post about materials and their behaviors.

From learning about Material basics like, metallic, roughness, reflectivity, refraction, Fresnel and transparency. To texturing, masking, colors, normal maps, parallax and parameters. It also included some light programming through the blueprint system in Unreal Engine 4.
Why I spent time […]

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Program: Graphics

The Beginning of the map

So the first week of the project I have worked on the basic layout of the map as well as the first plants and trees.
First of all I spend a day drawing sketches and using the work I had done prior to the course start. The limits that the map had was 1. It was going to be a flying island and 2. It was not going to be a large map.
Beside that I was free to try pretty much […]

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Program: Graphics

The Beginning of the map

So the first week of the project I have worked on the basic layout of the map as well as the first plants and trees.
First of all I spend a day drawing sketches and using the work I had done prior to the course start. The limits that the map had was 1. It was going to be a flying island and 2. It was not going to be a large map.
Beside that I was free to try pretty much […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 2, Establishing the art style

Hello again!
This week we´ve been establishing the art style of the game.
Previous week we translated the concept into actual design for the game, breaking down our intended aesthetic goals to fail and sucess states that can guide us when creating the tuning the mechanics.
The mechanics have a major impact on the art style and the environment.
As an example from our discussions:
When creating the mechanic of dimension shifting we were toying with different ideas for that concept. What could be a […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 2, Establishing the art style

Hello again!
This week we´ve been establishing the art style of the game.
Previous week we translated the concept into actual design for the game, breaking down our intended aesthetic goals to fail and sucess states that can guide us when creating the tuning the mechanics.
The mechanics have a major impact on the art style and the environment.
As an example from our discussions:
When creating the mechanic of dimension shifting we were toying with different ideas for that concept. What could be a […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 10

Prototyping & Materials

The plan for today was prototyping with paper, glue and a lot of coloring pencils! The fastest way to try a idea is to build it as fast as you can and then try it, if it fails, try again. It is looked upon as a very forced way of design and is not commonly used in other industries. But when it comes to games, it is easy to test a mechanic (which is similar to rules in […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 10

Prototyping & Materials

The plan for today was prototyping with paper, glue and a lot of coloring pencils! The fastest way to try a idea is to build it as fast as you can and then try it, if it fails, try again. It is looked upon as a very forced way of design and is not commonly used in other industries. But when it comes to games, it is easy to test a mechanic (which is similar to rules in […]

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Program: Graphics