Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Rune Mages – VFX

Rune Mages
Rune Mages is a game that can be described as a mix between X-Com and Magicka. It’s a strategy- based tactical combat game that takes place in a turn based style and is being made with Unity. The player controls two mages who have three different runes at their disposal to create spells. Combining runes creates more powerful spells in their fight against the demons who have emerged for bellow the ground.
Learning the Unity Particle System
My role in this […]

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Program: Graphics

Rune Mages – VFX

Rune Mages
Rune Mages is a game that can be described as a mix between X-Com and Magicka. It’s a strategy- based tactical combat game that takes place in a turn based style and is being made with Unity. The player controls two mages who have three different runes at their disposal to create spells. Combining runes creates more powerful spells in their fight against the demons who have emerged for bellow the ground.
Learning the Unity Particle System
My role in this […]

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Program: Graphics

Lightning and shaders

This last week I have focused on lightning and shader effects for the game, all lightning have been redone and all shaders have been reworked and improved. The reason that I redid all of this was both to improve preformance but also to allow us to be more flexible and make it easier for us to add and change the effects and shaders that we are using.
I also started to implement shaderforge shaders to the game, spent a day or two […]

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Program: Graphics

Lightning and shaders

This last week I have focused on lightning and shader effects for the game, all lightning have been redone and all shaders have been reworked and improved. The reason that I redid all of this was both to improve preformance but also to allow us to be more flexible and make it easier for us to add and change the effects and shaders that we are using.
I also started to implement shaderforge shaders to the game, spent a day or two […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 – Big Game Project – The map of the Universe

This week, most of the work from last week continued. Our Teach Art, Kevin worked on the animations, Lead designer and Concept Artist Gustav concepted out our Logo and the Programmers continued building and play-testing the levels. We also moved from working with VPN, to SourceTree instead. It took our poor Programmer Erik a long time to set up, but in the end, we believe it was worth it. I continued with my work on the modular pieces, fixing faulty […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 – Big Game Project – The map of the Universe

This week, most of the work from last week continued. Our Teach Art, Kevin worked on the animations, Lead designer and Concept Artist Gustav concepted out our Logo and the Programmers continued building and play-testing the levels. We also moved from working with VPN, to SourceTree instead. It took our poor Programmer Erik a long time to set up, but in the end, we believe it was worth it. I continued with my work on the modular pieces, fixing faulty […]

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Program: Graphics

The evolution of a particle effect

Hello! Today I am going to talk about my work on a particle effect in unity and how it developed through its making. This is going to be a shorter blog post but it will still cover everything that needs to be said about this particle system and how to develop them.
So buckle your pants and get ready to learn particle effects!
I will start by explaining the reason for the particle effect and the purpose for it in our game, […]

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Program: Graphics

The evolution of a particle effect

Hello! Today I am going to talk about my work on a particle effect in unity and how it developed through its making. This is going to be a shorter blog post but it will still cover everything that needs to be said about this particle system and how to develop them.
So buckle your pants and get ready to learn particle effects!
I will start by explaining the reason for the particle effect and the purpose for it in our game, […]

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Program: Graphics

Getting there!

Hello again!
It’s been a few weeks since my last post, and during this time I’ve been very busy. The programmers have done super well and made a functioning build of our game that we are currently play testing and hope we can send to our loved ones on monday.
Our game is a puzzle game, which means it’s focus group of player’s might not be people playing a lot of games. In can be people quite new to games, so we […]

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Program: Graphics

Getting there!

Hello again!
It’s been a few weeks since my last post, and during this time I’ve been very busy. The programmers have done super well and made a functioning build of our game that we are currently play testing and hope we can send to our loved ones on monday.
Our game is a puzzle game, which means it’s focus group of player’s might not be people playing a lot of games. In can be people quite new to games, so we […]

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Program: Graphics

The making of some fanatic

Hello! This segment is going to be about the design process of 1 character for our game A Rat Betwixt. So to start from the beginning I will explain this character, the world it lives in, and the ideas behind it and then tell you where we went from there.
But to understand the Dyrkare you have to understand the world it lives in.
The world of A Rat Betwixt takes place in the fallen Sweden 1000 years into the future.  Sweden […]

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Program: Graphics

The making of some fanatic

Hello! This segment is going to be about the design process of 1 character for our game A Rat Betwixt. So to start from the beginning I will explain this character, the world it lives in, and the ideas behind it and then tell you where we went from there.
But to understand the Dyrkare you have to understand the world it lives in.
The world of A Rat Betwixt takes place in the fallen Sweden 1000 years into the future.  Sweden […]

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Program: Graphics

Eye of the Critters

The eyes are one of the most important things used for communication. If our game is going to be about bonding with a cute little animals, the eyes are a must have in order to establish a connection.
While we know that this is a fact I will not lie, our original concept we did not want to add eyes as we wanted to be a bit more experimental and play around with the body language a bit more, but as […]

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Program: Graphics

Eye of the Critters

The eyes are one of the most important things used for communication. If our game is going to be about bonding with a cute little animals, the eyes are a must have in order to establish a connection.
While we know that this is a fact I will not lie, our original concept we did not want to add eyes as we wanted to be a bit more experimental and play around with the body language a bit more, but as […]

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Program: Graphics

UV;ing and Texturing the critters

Due to time constraints we had to downscale our original scope quite a bit, as of now we currently have one evolution line going from Egg → Baby → Juvenile → Adult. I have also added a few bones on the Adult version for things which the play may be able to add on the character later, but as of right now it is uncertain whether or not it will make it in to the GGC version as it is […]

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Program: Graphics

UV;ing and Texturing the critters

Due to time constraints we had to downscale our original scope quite a bit, as of now we currently have one evolution line going from Egg → Baby → Juvenile → Adult. I have also added a few bones on the Adult version for things which the play may be able to add on the character later, but as of right now it is uncertain whether or not it will make it in to the GGC version as it is […]

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Program: Graphics

Rigging and Skinning the Second Critter

Been a while!
Well this time I’m going to talk a bit about the second critter which I’ve ”lovingly” nicknamed Jabba the Hutt due to it’s uncanny resemblance… (not really but in my head they were)

This larvae state is the so called juvenile stage, the middle ground between a baby and the Adult version (the Adult version is the first one)
The general process was the same as the previous critter, used a cat rig, modified a preset to match our needs, […]

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Program: Graphics

Rigging and Skinning the Second Critter

Been a while!
Well this time I’m going to talk a bit about the second critter which I’ve ”lovingly” nicknamed Jabba the Hutt due to it’s uncanny resemblance… (not really but in my head they were)

This larvae state is the so called juvenile stage, the middle ground between a baby and the Adult version (the Adult version is the first one)
The general process was the same as the previous critter, used a cat rig, modified a preset to match our needs, […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 6

For week 6 I started with postponing my work on the cliffs and instead I divided the drone into more components so that our coder can separate them when it is destroyed. Most of the effects will be made in Unity, but in the texture alone I darkened it and turned off the emissive (light) map to give a slight color change on it as it explodes as that will contribute to the sense of it being destroyed.

Once […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 6

For week 6 I started with postponing my work on the cliffs and instead I divided the drone into more components so that our coder can separate them when it is destroyed. Most of the effects will be made in Unity, but in the texture alone I darkened it and turned off the emissive (light) map to give a slight color change on it as it explodes as that will contribute to the sense of it being destroyed.

Once […]

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Program: Graphics

Holy shit more blog updates!?

Somnium – (Late) 1st Update
So ok, I actually have no idea which production week we are currently in. But here comes my first update on what I’m currently working on for our game Somnium.
This is what i worked on during the beginning of the project. Our main character Olivia needed some walking animations, and it was up to me as lead animator for this project to make them! Our plan at this point was to have two different versions of her walk, one where […]

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Program: Graphics

Holy shit more blog updates!?

Somnium – (Late) 1st Update
So ok, I actually have no idea which production week we are currently in. But here comes my first update on what I’m currently working on for our game Somnium.
This is what i worked on during the beginning of the project. Our main character Olivia needed some walking animations, and it was up to me as lead animator for this project to make them! Our plan at this point was to have two different versions of her walk, one where […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 28

Friday and finishing the walk animations
I’ll just drop a video in here and you will get to see how the animations look like in first and third person:

That’s all for now folks, see you on Monday!

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 28

Friday and finishing the walk animations
I’ll just drop a video in here and you will get to see how the animations look like in first and third person:

That’s all for now folks, see you on Monday!

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Program: Graphics