Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 8
Week 8 started with me updating the visuals on the bow to the white neon while our lead artist worked on animating the mesh.
A mesh is an object, specifically an object made out of a lot of smaller objects, we try to build the objects with quadrilaterals (quads) and let the game engines turn the quads into triangles as the computer has the easiest time working with triangles and each game engine turns quads into triangles in different ways for the […]

Neon Skies – Week 8
Week 8 started with me updating the visuals on the bow to the white neon while our lead artist worked on animating the mesh.
A mesh is an object, specifically an object made out of a lot of smaller objects, we try to build the objects with quadrilaterals (quads) and let the game engines turn the quads into triangles as the computer has the easiest time working with triangles and each game engine turns quads into triangles in different ways for the […]

The Critter Communicates
At the time of writing this, our game is 6 weeks into production. We’re still mostly using placeholders, the assets that have been put into the game are not textured and we are still lacking anything even closely related to animations. It’s hard to imagine that in a little over two weeks Critter Flux has to be complete and ready to be presented at the Gotland Game Conference. And here we were, thinking we’d be able to avoid crunching…
However, I […]

The Critter Communicates
At the time of writing this, our game is 6 weeks into production. We’re still mostly using placeholders, the assets that have been put into the game are not textured and we are still lacking anything even closely related to animations. It’s hard to imagine that in a little over two weeks Critter Flux has to be complete and ready to be presented at the Gotland Game Conference. And here we were, thinking we’d be able to avoid crunching…
However, I […]
Week 8, Beta rush
Hello again!
We been working towards the Beta testing comming up this week.
Our goal was to polish the environment and tweak the lighting to give the player visual cues to solving different puzzles in the game.
Due to the amount of content that we had to cut, we needed to rethink our design of the game and therefor extend the amount of gameplay to the content we had available.The cut content have really changed the design of the game in terms of […]
Week 8, Beta rush
Hello again!
We been working towards the Beta testing comming up this week.
Our goal was to polish the environment and tweak the lighting to give the player visual cues to solving different puzzles in the game.
Due to the amount of content that we had to cut, we needed to rethink our design of the game and therefor extend the amount of gameplay to the content we had available.The cut content have really changed the design of the game in terms of […]
BGP – Day 38
Swedish Game Awards – SGA
Today is the day that we will apply our game to SGA which included a lot of polishing. First of I added more feedback to the fires, then I changed a animation for the characters right hand. I also changed the base size for the larger oil fires. Then I stayed to get the game ready to be submitted to SGA. Sadly we had some issues, where some of the puzzles can’t be compleated, but only […]
BGP – Day 38
Swedish Game Awards – SGA
Today is the day that we will apply our game to SGA which included a lot of polishing. First of I added more feedback to the fires, then I changed a animation for the characters right hand. I also changed the base size for the larger oil fires. Then I stayed to get the game ready to be submitted to SGA. Sadly we had some issues, where some of the puzzles can’t be compleated, but only […]
BGP – Day 37
During this day we had a BETA play through with a jury consisting of two of our teachers and the response was overall positive. Where much of the critique was against having our animations communicate more clearly what can be done. I believe they have these issues since they are not displayed as intended. As when they have been added to the game they get mixed up, since they seem to cut each other off whenever you push a button.
This is […]
BGP – Day 37
During this day we had a BETA play through with a jury consisting of two of our teachers and the response was overall positive. Where much of the critique was against having our animations communicate more clearly what can be done. I believe they have these issues since they are not displayed as intended. As when they have been added to the game they get mixed up, since they seem to cut each other off whenever you push a button.
This is […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Lighting and Post Processing.
As of now, we’re finished with making the assets and the track is more or less done. All that’s left is to basically polish it up a bit, add some details or additional props just for the sake of ”filling it out” a bit. However this will be left for later for when we’ve got the time for it since the track could already be considered done. We’ve also had our Beta testing this week which went ok. Mostly because […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Lighting and Post Processing.
As of now, we’re finished with making the assets and the track is more or less done. All that’s left is to basically polish it up a bit, add some details or additional props just for the sake of ”filling it out” a bit. However this will be left for later for when we’ve got the time for it since the track could already be considered done. We’ve also had our Beta testing this week which went ok. Mostly because […]

update #5 particle effects
So the game is nearing completion. all the the envirmonet is done and all teh cars are implemented but it’s missing some flair.
We have started add sound and it helps alot with seeling the game, making the cars seem faster and mor powerfull. But it still feels a bit empty.
So i’ve spent the day making particle effects. i actually started way earlier making frame animations but had issuess with implementing them in unitys particle sytem, it wasn’t until today that […]

update #5 particle effects
So the game is nearing completion. all the the envirmonet is done and all teh cars are implemented but it’s missing some flair.
We have started add sound and it helps alot with seeling the game, making the cars seem faster and mor powerfull. But it still feels a bit empty.
So i’ve spent the day making particle effects. i actually started way earlier making frame animations but had issuess with implementing them in unitys particle sytem, it wasn’t until today that […]

Playtesting and More… Much More.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long pause between blog posts but these past few weeks have been crazy busy… Even busier than the previous post stated!!
So here’s a few things that the group has been up to this past week… Mainly finalising and polishing everything we currently have and getting ready for our hand in dates for Gotland Game Conference (GGC) and Swedish Game Awards (SGA).
Our game has come on leaps and bounds into the 3D world and there’s been plenty of play […]

Playtesting and More… Much More.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long pause between blog posts but these past few weeks have been crazy busy… Even busier than the previous post stated!!
So here’s a few things that the group has been up to this past week… Mainly finalising and polishing everything we currently have and getting ready for our hand in dates for Gotland Game Conference (GGC) and Swedish Game Awards (SGA).
Our game has come on leaps and bounds into the 3D world and there’s been plenty of play […]

BGP – Day 36
Night before Beta presentation
This was a long day since I spent many hours adding small details to our level. During the day it started with creating a small mesh for a stone that I would use as part of a particle. The particle was a sand/dust particle that would activate when a player uses a elevator. Here it is:
Then I checked the different fires in one of my test levels so that they all looked different from one another and […]

BGP – Day 36
Night before Beta presentation
This was a long day since I spent many hours adding small details to our level. During the day it started with creating a small mesh for a stone that I would use as part of a particle. The particle was a sand/dust particle that would activate when a player uses a elevator. Here it is:
Then I checked the different fires in one of my test levels so that they all looked different from one another and […]
update #4 recaping a bit more
So having no prior knowledge on how to design a racing track i asked our resident racing fanatic on what made a racing track good, i got a very broad answer which didn’t really help me.
So i started reachercing a bit in the hopes that i could find a tutorial or something. And while i did find some usefull information they all boiled down to the same broad answer i got in the begining “make a track with a mix […]
update #4 recaping a bit more
So having no prior knowledge on how to design a racing track i asked our resident racing fanatic on what made a racing track good, i got a very broad answer which didn’t really help me.
So i started reachercing a bit in the hopes that i could find a tutorial or something. And while i did find some usefull information they all boiled down to the same broad answer i got in the begining “make a track with a mix […]
BGP – Day 35
Continue to learn Houdini FX
Today I spent the rest of my time learning Houdini, which is great and I really like the program. Since it will enable me to render out nice smoke and fire textures to use in our game. BUT, the only free version that I can use is the Houdini Apprentice version. Which doesn’t allow me to render out pictures over a certain size, so it’s hard to make 8×8 grid texture without going over that size. […]
BGP – Day 35
Continue to learn Houdini FX
Today I spent the rest of my time learning Houdini, which is great and I really like the program. Since it will enable me to render out nice smoke and fire textures to use in our game. BUT, the only free version that I can use is the Houdini Apprentice version. Which doesn’t allow me to render out pictures over a certain size, so it’s hard to make 8×8 grid texture without going over that size. […]

Refracted Fate: A Ray of Hope
So we changed the name of the game. That aside, I’ve finished textures for every vent in the game, something I’ve worked at for a while. The pipes are supposed to come off as rusty and old, but also robust.
While I faced some difficulties with certain faces not wanting to show up, this time I could solve that much easier and quicker than last time.
That is not all that’s been done. I’ve also improved […]

Refracted Fate: A Ray of Hope
So we changed the name of the game. That aside, I’ve finished textures for every vent in the game, something I’ve worked at for a while. The pipes are supposed to come off as rusty and old, but also robust.
While I faced some difficulties with certain faces not wanting to show up, this time I could solve that much easier and quicker than last time.
That is not all that’s been done. I’ve also improved […]