Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Final year at GGC
Two updates in one week? I must be going crazy.
Anyway, as it is my last year here it is also time for my last GGC, at least as a student here. Perhaps I’ll come back sometime in the future! Besides my self help app, which still isn’t finished, I haven’t worked on any game this year, which means I won’t exhibit anything at the conference.
However, I decided to put my work up on the art wall for the first time! […]

Final year at GGC
Two updates in one week? I must be going crazy.
Anyway, as it is my last year here it is also time for my last GGC, at least as a student here. Perhaps I’ll come back sometime in the future! Besides my self help app, which still isn’t finished, I haven’t worked on any game this year, which means I won’t exhibit anything at the conference.
However, I decided to put my work up on the art wall for the first time! […]

Neon Skies – Week 9
This week marks the end of the production phase of the vertical slice for BGP.
The week started with making some props to give more life to the planet. First off I made a U-pipe that would traverse the map, transporting neon colored materials. This gives a sense of industry and a world where you are only a small part.
After that I added the last of the neon battery packs, a larger one with 3 modules. Together with the other props […]

Neon Skies – Week 9
This week marks the end of the production phase of the vertical slice for BGP.
The week started with making some props to give more life to the planet. First off I made a U-pipe that would traverse the map, transporting neon colored materials. This gives a sense of industry and a world where you are only a small part.
After that I added the last of the neon battery packs, a larger one with 3 modules. Together with the other props […]

Writing a character… And animating a start menu.
So, since our writer had alot on his plate besides writing for the characters, I took it upon myself to write a bit for one of our driver-characters, Haizea Alonso (see picture below)
Now, this is more or less a result of a big problem with how we planned our project, that being that for a game which main standout feature is the story between races, we haven’t had a proper script during the whole of the development period. We have […]

Writing a character… And animating a start menu.
So, since our writer had alot on his plate besides writing for the characters, I took it upon myself to write a bit for one of our driver-characters, Haizea Alonso (see picture below)
Now, this is more or less a result of a big problem with how we planned our project, that being that for a game which main standout feature is the story between races, we haven’t had a proper script during the whole of the development period. We have […]

The award scene (And a poster)
When the race concludes, we wanted to make a scene where we show the placement of the characters in said race. To do this we’d have to make sprites for each and every combination of results that could be achieved. Since these characters will be set more naturally into the environment than the dialogue-scenes, I thought that they should match the simplicity of the environment. This means that they’re more or less colored silouettes. So to get across the emotions […]

The award scene (And a poster)
When the race concludes, we wanted to make a scene where we show the placement of the characters in said race. To do this we’d have to make sprites for each and every combination of results that could be achieved. Since these characters will be set more naturally into the environment than the dialogue-scenes, I thought that they should match the simplicity of the environment. This means that they’re more or less colored silouettes. So to get across the emotions […]

Modularity – Building a city
Back to the writing! It’s been a crazy journey so far.
In this post I thought I would talk a little about working with a modular environment and how that can help the production. This is something that was comepletely new to us when the project started and that we had to work on by ourselves in order to learn the does and don’ts.
Our game takes place in parts of a bombed city, which means that a lot of buildings are […]

Modularity – Building a city
Back to the writing! It’s been a crazy journey so far.
In this post I thought I would talk a little about working with a modular environment and how that can help the production. This is something that was comepletely new to us when the project started and that we had to work on by ourselves in order to learn the does and don’ts.
Our game takes place in parts of a bombed city, which means that a lot of buildings are […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Wrapping up
This project is nearing its end and the game is getting its last finishing touches in preparation for this years Gotland Game Conference happening at Sunday here at campus. This week I or rather, all three of us graphical artists in the team haven’t had much to do more than doing some polishing like filling out empty spots on at the side of the track environment. Other than that it’s more or less more for the programmers in our team to […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Wrapping up
This project is nearing its end and the game is getting its last finishing touches in preparation for this years Gotland Game Conference happening at Sunday here at campus. This week I or rather, all three of us graphical artists in the team haven’t had much to do more than doing some polishing like filling out empty spots on at the side of the track environment. Other than that it’s more or less more for the programmers in our team to […]

Something over the horizon
Why, hi there!
Gotland Game Conference 2017 is just around the corner and you can feel it; almost taste it. This week, overall polish has been on the menu. One larger change in the level is the outlook of the second half of one of the areas. All areas in the game have different looks and this specific area is school-themed. Like the other parts of the game, it has been modeled and remodeled again and again. To be frank, I […]

Something over the horizon
Why, hi there!
Gotland Game Conference 2017 is just around the corner and you can feel it; almost taste it. This week, overall polish has been on the menu. One larger change in the level is the outlook of the second half of one of the areas. All areas in the game have different looks and this specific area is school-themed. Like the other parts of the game, it has been modeled and remodeled again and again. To be frank, I […]

Refracted Fate: Tools in Color
While I got everything into a confused mess as several windows closed or disappeared yesterday, I managed to find where you reset the hud in 3D Coat.
And as such, the tools are finished, in full color with metal and rubber materials.
I’ll update again tomorrow about some thoughts on the project as a whole and the day after with how it went during GGC.

Refracted Fate: Tools in Color
While I got everything into a confused mess as several windows closed or disappeared yesterday, I managed to find where you reset the hud in 3D Coat.
And as such, the tools are finished, in full color with metal and rubber materials.
I’ll update again tomorrow about some thoughts on the project as a whole and the day after with how it went during GGC.

Digital Keypad
We stated at the beginning of the project that we needed a keypad for one of the puzzles in the game. The player will have to find a code and use that on the keypad. So my first instinct was that this would have to be a rather interesting keypad and some what a little more high poly.
I started my research by googling and using pinterest to find some inspiration. I found this keypad that used a glass display with […]

Digital Keypad
We stated at the beginning of the project that we needed a keypad for one of the puzzles in the game. The player will have to find a code and use that on the keypad. So my first instinct was that this would have to be a rather interesting keypad and some what a little more high poly.
I started my research by googling and using pinterest to find some inspiration. I found this keypad that used a glass display with […]

It’s Unreal.. 2!
Here comes more pictures in-game and what changes we have made. At an early stage Thea our producer was building the levels and boxing out where things ought to be after the concept art I’ve made early on in the project. I’m very happy with the end result and how close it actually is to concept art and plans. Much of this is because of our talented lead art, planning every model and piece needed in each room! Here is the […]

It’s Unreal.. 2!
Here comes more pictures in-game and what changes we have made. At an early stage Thea our producer was building the levels and boxing out where things ought to be after the concept art I’ve made early on in the project. I’m very happy with the end result and how close it actually is to concept art and plans. Much of this is because of our talented lead art, planning every model and piece needed in each room! Here is the […]

It’s Unreal!
Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

It’s Unreal!
Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

BGP Five: Some UI
We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]

BGP Five: Some UI
We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]