Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Game Design Week 8 – Thoughts on the Scrum Process

We are fast approaching the Beta checkpoint in this Game design course. The snow still lies heavy outside, enforcing the feeling of harsh winter. For many, the longer something drags out, be that a season or a project, motivation and positivity can begin to dwindle.
In the group I am a part of this has begun to show somewhat, not that we were a perfect bunch from the start, but I think we are getting weary. What has helped us stay […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design Week 8 – Thoughts on the Scrum Process

We are fast approaching the Beta checkpoint in this Game design course. The snow still lies heavy outside, enforcing the feeling of harsh winter. For many, the longer something drags out, be that a season or a project, motivation and positivity can begin to dwindle.
In the group I am a part of this has begun to show somewhat, not that we were a perfect bunch from the start, but I think we are getting weary. What has helped us stay […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design Week 5 – Thoughts on the Scrum Process

We are fast approaching the Beta checkpoint in this Game design course. The snow still lies heavy outside, enforcing the feeling of harsh winter. For many, the longer something drags out, be that a season or a project, motivation and positivity can begin to dwindle.
In the group I am a part of this has begun to show somewhat, not that we were a perfect bunch from the start, but I think we are getting weary. What has helped us stay […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design Week 5 – Thoughts on the Scrum Process

We are fast approaching the Beta checkpoint in this Game design course. The snow still lies heavy outside, enforcing the feeling of harsh winter. For many, the longer something drags out, be that a season or a project, motivation and positivity can begin to dwindle.
In the group I am a part of this has begun to show somewhat, not that we were a perfect bunch from the start, but I think we are getting weary. What has helped us stay […]

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Program: Graphics

The hardships of Animation, the Art of Time Management and of Being Sneaky.

So. Visualise this.
It’s 5 o’ clock in my quite dark room, and the candle I cerimoniously light every time I start getting ready for a long session of drawing has long since burned out. The sun has already begun to rise, and outside my window the birds (read: crows) have already started to chirp (read: caw). My bed is perfectly made, and I’m not in it.
It’s not a pretty thought, but it is how most days look when I’ve been […]

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Program: Graphics

The hardships of Animation, the Art of Time Management and of Being Sneaky.

So. Visualise this.
It’s 5 o’ clock in my quite dark room, and the candle I cerimoniously light every time I start getting ready for a long session of drawing has long since burned out. The sun has already begun to rise, and outside my window the birds (read: crows) have already started to chirp (read: caw). My bed is perfectly made, and I’m not in it.
It’s not a pretty thought, but it is how most days look when I’ve been […]

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Program: Graphics

The problem with getting better

Creating sprites for the game, all the graphics-students spend a lot of time drawing, visualising concepts and making errors. If you lack certain skills in parts of your artistic repertoire, but are better in other aspects, it becomes increasingly apparent that the things you produced last week looks much worse than things you produce the next. This is a big problem for me, personally. I never consider myself particularly proficient at anything art-wise, but if there is something that I […]

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Program: Graphics

The problem with getting better

Creating sprites for the game, all the graphics-students spend a lot of time drawing, visualising concepts and making errors. If you lack certain skills in parts of your artistic repertoire, but are better in other aspects, it becomes increasingly apparent that the things you produced last week looks much worse than things you produce the next. This is a big problem for me, personally. I never consider myself particularly proficient at anything art-wise, but if there is something that I […]

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Program: Graphics

5SD064-Short Scrum Reflection

Scrum is a methodology for agile software development and it is widely used in game development as well. The students in Game design 2 were introduced to use Scrum as a planning and management method within each group for the Shoot’em up game. This week I am going to write how has scrum affected my development and my personal feedback about using scrum with other group members.
How did it go in general?
Scrum is definitely something new to me, but it […]

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Program: Graphics

5SD064-Short Scrum Reflection

Scrum is a methodology for agile software development and it is widely used in game development as well. The students in Game design 2 were introduced to use Scrum as a planning and management method within each group for the Shoot’em up game. This week I am going to write how has scrum affected my development and my personal feedback about using scrum with other group members.
How did it go in general?
Scrum is definitely something new to me, but it […]

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Program: Graphics


Welcome to week three of the blog adventure! This time, tune in for a reflection about scrum.
In team Qilin we have practiced scrum, as it is one of the course requirements. I have never used scrum before, nor has (I think) anyone else on the team, which has made this something of an experiment. It’s worked out decently for us, some weeks have been better than others, but generally it’s been fine.
The daily standups have been helpful, I personally need to […]

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Program: Graphics


Welcome to week three of the blog adventure! This time, tune in for a reflection about scrum.
In team Qilin we have practiced scrum, as it is one of the course requirements. I have never used scrum before, nor has (I think) anyone else on the team, which has made this something of an experiment. It’s worked out decently for us, some weeks have been better than others, but generally it’s been fine.
The daily standups have been helpful, I personally need to […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum + Grumpy = Scrumpy, A Coincidence I’m Sure…

Applying the scrum methodology during development of ‘Aetherial,’ reminds me of a quote from the composer Leonard Bernstein: “To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” In theory, scrum seems quite suitable at creating these conditions. In practice though, our group has yet to get there. However, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Scrum, a term taken from rugby, is a development framework where a team creates a “product backlog” (which is a fancy term […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum + Grumpy = Scrumpy, A Coincidence I’m Sure…

Applying the scrum methodology during development of ‘Aetherial,’ reminds me of a quote from the composer Leonard Bernstein: “To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” In theory, scrum seems quite suitable at creating these conditions. In practice though, our group has yet to get there. However, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Scrum, a term taken from rugby, is a development framework where a team creates a “product backlog” (which is a fancy term […]

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Program: Graphics

3. Scrum

We have used scrum, a method used for development of a product, for some weeks now and are getting more and more used to it every week. It have been very useful for planning weeks ahead and for giving us an understanding what needs to be done for making the game. It also give us an understanding on what we should prioritise next in the process as well as what the other in the team are doing.
The first week of […]

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Program: Graphics

3. Scrum

We have used scrum, a method used for development of a product, for some weeks now and are getting more and more used to it every week. It have been very useful for planning weeks ahead and for giving us an understanding what needs to be done for making the game. It also give us an understanding on what we should prioritise next in the process as well as what the other in the team are doing.
The first week of […]

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Program: Graphics

Nothing to see here

Today I am going to touch upon the framework that has helped us successfully progress in creating our game, Aetherial. The thing that has our backs all the time and keeps us all organized and continuously engaged with the game is Scrum.
Scrum is an agile framework used in product development, where teams make use of sprint goals in order to achieve a common goal. Each product is divided into user stories, which are a representation of what the team expects from […]

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Program: Graphics

Nothing to see here

Today I am going to touch upon the framework that has helped us successfully progress in creating our game, Aetherial. The thing that has our backs all the time and keeps us all organized and continuously engaged with the game is Scrum.
Scrum is an agile framework used in product development, where teams make use of sprint goals in order to achieve a common goal. Each product is divided into user stories, which are a representation of what the team expects from […]

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Program: Graphics


From my perspective, Scrum is basically a detailed schedule which you have to set up before doing anything. It acts as a third person in between people in groups letting them keep track of everything from what has already been done to what needs to be done.

Having a scrum for different works such as designing a game is really useful, at least I’m finding it like that way. Good thing my project manager is a really handy guy who does […]

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Program: Graphics


From my perspective, Scrum is basically a detailed schedule which you have to set up before doing anything. It acts as a third person in between people in groups letting them keep track of everything from what has already been done to what needs to be done.

Having a scrum for different works such as designing a game is really useful, at least I’m finding it like that way. Good thing my project manager is a really handy guy who does […]

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Program: Graphics


This week our assignment is to write a blog post about how Scrum has affected the development of our game. I’m sure most of the readers of this blog are already familiar with Scrum however to be thorough, I will first briefly explain the basics and then explain how Scrum has been implemented by our group. Specifically, I will write about all the meetings associated with Sprints which I will soon explain in more detail.
Scrum is an agile framework meant to […]

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Program: Graphics


This week our assignment is to write a blog post about how Scrum has affected the development of our game. I’m sure most of the readers of this blog are already familiar with Scrum however to be thorough, I will first briefly explain the basics and then explain how Scrum has been implemented by our group. Specifically, I will write about all the meetings associated with Sprints which I will soon explain in more detail.
Scrum is an agile framework meant to […]

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Program: Graphics

Lycanthrope: Scrum, Agile Development

Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
Scrum the agile method they taught to us during the lectures and that we finally got to apply to our own game development, so what do I have to tell about it?
Scrum has been a very useful tool during our development and is something I would like to use in future development […]

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Program: Graphics

Lycanthrope: Scrum, Agile Development

Hello! My name is Mattias Borgqvist and I am currently working on a shoot em up game based on the concept document “A game of beelonging” by group Ouroboros.
Scrum the agile method they taught to us during the lectures and that we finally got to apply to our own game development, so what do I have to tell about it?
Scrum has been a very useful tool during our development and is something I would like to use in future development […]

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Program: Graphics