Author Archives: Emile Sohier

The End
The game development process is done and we’ve finished the game. The end result was according to plans. As we progressed with development quite a flaws in the design. Our group had some communication problems and we never seemed to be able to be flexible enough to do important changes to the design.
The development process went quite well and we had no trouble reaching our deadlines in time. Many team members wanted to stick the concept document which I found […]

The End
The game development process is done and we’ve finished the game. The end result was according to plans. As we progressed with development quite a flaws in the design. Our group had some communication problems and we never seemed to be able to be flexible enough to do important changes to the design.
The development process went quite well and we had no trouble reaching our deadlines in time. Many team members wanted to stick the concept document which I found […]

Play testing the mystery
During development we’ve had two play testing sessions.
The first one was in a quite early stage of development, which meant we were mostly focusing on basic game mechanics. During this play test we only had basic movement, shooting and random spawned enemies, which limited the feedback we were able to receive. The feedback was mostly related to the looks of the game, with the flashlight, the mist and the vibe is set.
The second play test was between the alpha and […]

Play testing the mystery
During development we’ve had two play testing sessions.
The first one was in a quite early stage of development, which meant we were mostly focusing on basic game mechanics. During this play test we only had basic movement, shooting and random spawned enemies, which limited the feedback we were able to receive. The feedback was mostly related to the looks of the game, with the flashlight, the mist and the vibe is set.
The second play test was between the alpha and […]

Designing a Boss
This week (or last depending on how you look at it) has been mostly about getting the boss designed and scripted.
Our aesthetic goal for Umibozu is mystery, and in our boss fight is more a “run away from the boss” than actually fighting it.
So the layout is as follows:
The player goes out from the harbor in search for a missing person who allegedly was going into the mysterious waters where Umibozu is rumored to roam. After sailing through the mist […]

Designing a Boss
This week (or last depending on how you look at it) has been mostly about getting the boss designed and scripted.
Our aesthetic goal for Umibozu is mystery, and in our boss fight is more a “run away from the boss” than actually fighting it.
So the layout is as follows:
The player goes out from the harbor in search for a missing person who allegedly was going into the mysterious waters where Umibozu is rumored to roam. After sailing through the mist […]
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Working with Scrum
In our game project we’re working in we’re using the agile scrum method. Scrum is a method widely used in software development for breaking down development projects into the components within the project. This allows for the team to get a better overview of what needs to be implemented and helps in the planing process.
Scrum helps teams to handle volatility during the development process since often things change during development and the team needs to be able to adjust accordingly.
The […]

Working with Scrum
In our game project we’re working in we’re using the agile scrum method. Scrum is a method widely used in software development for breaking down development projects into the components within the project. This allows for the team to get a better overview of what needs to be implemented and helps in the planing process.
Scrum helps teams to handle volatility during the development process since often things change during development and the team needs to be able to adjust accordingly.
The […]

Unity Collaborate problems
So this week we’ve had quite some problems using Unity Collaborate. Samuel, our other programmer in our team has done a lot of work during last week, and when I’m trying to get the changes a lot of issues arises.
Unity Collaborate is a tool used by teams to sync and maintain a project within the group. When working correctly that means that several team members can work on the same project and then upload their changes so that everyone in […]

Unity Collaborate problems
So this week we’ve had quite some problems using Unity Collaborate. Samuel, our other programmer in our team has done a lot of work during last week, and when I’m trying to get the changes a lot of issues arises.
Unity Collaborate is a tool used by teams to sync and maintain a project within the group. When working correctly that means that several team members can work on the same project and then upload their changes so that everyone in […]

Projection and volumetric light
This is the first Unity project I’ve been working on, not counting a few tutorials that I’ve been playing around with in the past. In order to get a proper understanding of the game engine (and when I say proper, I mean basic) I started out by spending quite some time following an online course hosted by Udemy.
I started researching camera projections and the difference between a perspective projection and an orthographic one. I drew the conclusion that a orthographic […]

Projection and volumetric light
This is the first Unity project I’ve been working on, not counting a few tutorials that I’ve been playing around with in the past. In order to get a proper understanding of the game engine (and when I say proper, I mean basic) I started out by spending quite some time following an online course hosted by Udemy.
I started researching camera projections and the difference between a perspective projection and an orthographic one. I drew the conclusion that a orthographic […]