Author Archives: Christopher Fisher

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Protected: Testing this image for Gleb
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Reanimating a dead fish
With my sword fish swimming animation taken care of, I had to produce a second animation which would serve as its death animation. I had the luxury of using the already created concept art by Evelina Paulsson from which to animate. This time I had to create my own drawing and animate that.
With this basic line art done I could sample the original color of the swimming sword fish and then fill in this version. With some clean up and […]

Reanimating a dead fish
With my sword fish swimming animation taken care of, I had to produce a second animation which would serve as its death animation. I had the luxury of using the already created concept art by Evelina Paulsson from which to animate. This time I had to create my own drawing and animate that.
With this basic line art done I could sample the original color of the swimming sword fish and then fill in this version. With some clean up and […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Underwater weeds
As our game “Selfish” is set in a fish tank, we need to have an environment that somewhat mimics this fact. This means creating assets that would act as decorations. Plants are a common thing you would find in a fish tank either real or plastic.
After some quick Google searches I picked a tall, leafy type of plant to start with and began to create it in Photoshop. After drawing the spine I added leaves and turned it into a […]

Underwater weeds
As our game “Selfish” is set in a fish tank, we need to have an environment that somewhat mimics this fact. This means creating assets that would act as decorations. Plants are a common thing you would find in a fish tank either real or plastic.
After some quick Google searches I picked a tall, leafy type of plant to start with and began to create it in Photoshop. After drawing the spine I added leaves and turned it into a […]

Back to the ground
Team BunnyIP has chosen the game “Selfish.” This game exists in a fish tank and revolves around a protagonist that is going to save-the-day. This protagonist happens to be a fish named Stephen. The big boss, an octopus, hoards all of the food and has minion fish that assist in collecting the food in the fish tank. Stephen is hungry, alone, and mad. This has to stop! What is a fish to do in this situation? Get a gun. Yes, […]

Back to the ground
Team BunnyIP has chosen the game “Selfish.” This game exists in a fish tank and revolves around a protagonist that is going to save-the-day. This protagonist happens to be a fish named Stephen. The big boss, an octopus, hoards all of the food and has minion fish that assist in collecting the food in the fish tank. Stephen is hungry, alone, and mad. This has to stop! What is a fish to do in this situation? Get a gun. Yes, […]

Mightier than the sword……fish
In the game “Selfish” we have two overall enemy types for Stephen to battle. One being a ranged type of enemy and another being a melee type. One of the melee enemy fishies is a sword fish. This fish little beasty was created by Evelina Paulsson for our game. It was my task to create a swimming animation for it.
As this was a concept sketch, it required a little more refinement before I could animate it. I sharpened the lines […]

Mightier than the sword……fish
In the game “Selfish” we have two overall enemy types for Stephen to battle. One being a ranged type of enemy and another being a melee type. One of the melee enemy fishies is a sword fish. This fish little beasty was created by Evelina Paulsson for our game. It was my task to create a swimming animation for it.
As this was a concept sketch, it required a little more refinement before I could animate it. I sharpened the lines […]