Author Archives: Amanda Svensson Alavi

Week 6 – Big Game Project – The map of the Universe
This week, most of the work from last week continued. Our Teach Art, Kevin worked on the animations, Lead designer and Concept Artist Gustav concepted out our Logo and the Programmers continued building and play-testing the levels. We also moved from working with VPN, to SourceTree instead. It took our poor Programmer Erik a long time to set up, but in the end, we believe it was worth it. I continued with my work on the modular pieces, fixing faulty […]

Week 6 – Big Game Project – The map of the Universe
This week, most of the work from last week continued. Our Teach Art, Kevin worked on the animations, Lead designer and Concept Artist Gustav concepted out our Logo and the Programmers continued building and play-testing the levels. We also moved from working with VPN, to SourceTree instead. It took our poor Programmer Erik a long time to set up, but in the end, we believe it was worth it. I continued with my work on the modular pieces, fixing faulty […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – A helpful hand
This week started out with the team having to go to several meetings at school, going through our game and graphical art. So, we lost a few hours and didn’t really get to work until Tuesday. From Tuesday and onward I worked with the game’s placeholders, fixing faulty assets that were the wrong size/didn’t look good and creating new placeholders from the Asset list. During that whole time, I also ran around helping everyone with technical and graphical issues.
As I […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – A helpful hand
This week started out with the team having to go to several meetings at school, going through our game and graphical art. So, we lost a few hours and didn’t really get to work until Tuesday. From Tuesday and onward I worked with the game’s placeholders, fixing faulty assets that were the wrong size/didn’t look good and creating new placeholders from the Asset list. During that whole time, I also ran around helping everyone with technical and graphical issues.
As I […]

Week 4 – Big Game Project – Placeholders
Hello and welcome to yet another week of game development for the game Amenti. This week we tried to set up our server and source share of our UE 4 level. It unfortunately did not end up as planned and a lot of time was spent on making it work. Even though we all had the same brand of computer and were on the same network, it only worked on some computers. In the end, we got it to work, […]

Week 4 – Big Game Project – Placeholders
Hello and welcome to yet another week of game development for the game Amenti. This week we tried to set up our server and source share of our UE 4 level. It unfortunately did not end up as planned and a lot of time was spent on making it work. Even though we all had the same brand of computer and were on the same network, it only worked on some computers. In the end, we got it to work, […]

Week 3 – Big Game Project – A Short Week
Yet another week have gone by, and so I welcome you all back to read my rambles. This week have been a short one for me, since I missed both Monday, Thursday and Friday. This, because I went home for a wedding last week and then the Easter holiday occurred. Even though I were not there, I still worked on my own and when I got back we got a lot of work done.
Last time, I completed the Base mesh […]

Week 3 – Big Game Project – A Short Week
Yet another week have gone by, and so I welcome you all back to read my rambles. This week have been a short one for me, since I missed both Monday, Thursday and Friday. This, because I went home for a wedding last week and then the Easter holiday occurred. Even though I were not there, I still worked on my own and when I got back we got a lot of work done.
Last time, I completed the Base mesh […]

Week 1 – Big Game Project
Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with my journey during the Big Game Project Course and making of the game Amenti.

Week 1 – Big Game Project
Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with my journey during the Big Game Project Course and making of the game Amenti.
Week 2 – Big Game Project – The last pre-production work
Hello yet again and welcome to a new week of Game development! Today, the second week of development ends and a lot of things have happened. This week I continued the work on the game Style Guide and developed it even further. I added an environment part, which went through the scale, style and colour palette for each room in the game. Giving a more in-depth view of how the end-product should look like. Added, were also a Font page, […]
Week 2 – Big Game Project – The last pre-production work
Hello yet again and welcome to a new week of Game development! Today, the second week of development ends and a lot of things have happened. This week I continued the work on the game Style Guide and developed it even further. I added an environment part, which went through the scale, style and colour palette for each room in the game. Giving a more in-depth view of how the end-product should look like. Added, were also a Font page, […]

Week 1 – Big Game Project – The start of the big game project
Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with posts of my journey during the Big Game Project Course. All posts will revolve around the making of the game Amenti, a mystical puzzle game set in an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
A concept have already been written since earlier, but a lot of design choices still needed to be ironed out and mechanics needed to be set. So, this week we set out […]

Week 1 – Big Game Project – The start of the big game project
Hello and welcome back to my blog. I’ll yet again start to update this and fill it with posts of my journey during the Big Game Project Course. All posts will revolve around the making of the game Amenti, a mystical puzzle game set in an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
A concept have already been written since earlier, but a lot of design choices still needed to be ironed out and mechanics needed to be set. So, this week we set out […]

Week 6 of Game Development, Pruning the twigs
Well, well. Here we are, the last week of game development and the day before the big presentation. The team have been working hard (still working, and probably will until there is only one minute left to the deadline), and we have now something pretty playable. At least much better then the last milestone, the Beta. There is a lot left to do though, and a lot that we can’t ever in a million years finish. But for us graphical […]

Week 6 of Game Development, Pruning the twigs
Well, well. Here we are, the last week of game development and the day before the big presentation. The team have been working hard (still working, and probably will until there is only one minute left to the deadline), and we have now something pretty playable. At least much better then the last milestone, the Beta. There is a lot left to do though, and a lot that we can’t ever in a million years finish. But for us graphical […]

Week 5 of Game development reflections, Say Hello to my little Friend
We are now done with our Beta, and have begun with our first week of Final. It’s now only two weeks left of Game Development. We had a Beta presentation in the beginning of this week, and let’s just say in the nicest of possible way that… it really didn’t go well. Unfortunately a lot of our stuff wasn’t finished and a lot of our sound and graphical assets wasn’t implemented. This is mostly due to this project being too […]

Week 5 of Game development reflections, Say Hello to my little Friend
We are now done with our Beta, and have begun with our first week of Final. It’s now only two weeks left of Game Development. We had a Beta presentation in the beginning of this week, and let’s just say in the nicest of possible way that… it really didn’t go well. Unfortunately a lot of our stuff wasn’t finished and a lot of our sound and graphical assets wasn’t implemented. This is mostly due to this project being too […]

Dum dum dum dduuuuuu, Week 4 of Game development reflections, le Music edition
Heeeyyoooo!! Well, well, back here yet again are we? Yep, that’s right, you guessed it! It’s time for the next post of GAME DEVELOPMENT!! So, we are now six weeks into the course and the Beta is coming to it’s end. I’m starting to sweat bullets, as we still got some things to work out and finish and the deadline is just coming closer and closer. Most of the things left is programming assets and the programmers are staying up […]

Dum dum dum dduuuuuu, Week 4 of Game development reflections, le Music edition
Heeeyyoooo!! Well, well, back here yet again are we? Yep, that’s right, you guessed it! It’s time for the next post of GAME DEVELOPMENT!! So, we are now six weeks into the course and the Beta is coming to it’s end. I’m starting to sweat bullets, as we still got some things to work out and finish and the deadline is just coming closer and closer. Most of the things left is programming assets and the programmers are staying up […]

Week 3 of Game Development reflections, Mayhem and Destruction!
We are now done with our Alpha, and we will now start our first week of Beta. This mean that we are one step closer to a finished product guys! Yaaay!! Five weeks into the course, things are going pretty well, at least here on the graphical art side of things. So now I’m once again writing my weekly reflection for a chosen artifact, third in a row. This week’s chosen artifact is destruction and mayhem (more precisely the death/destruction […]

Week 3 of Game Development reflections, Mayhem and Destruction!
We are now done with our Alpha, and we will now start our first week of Beta. This mean that we are one step closer to a finished product guys! Yaaay!! Five weeks into the course, things are going pretty well, at least here on the graphical art side of things. So now I’m once again writing my weekly reflection for a chosen artifact, third in a row. This week’s chosen artifact is destruction and mayhem (more precisely the death/destruction […]

Week 2 of Game development reflections, fancy visuaaals
So now we are four weeks into the course, this being my second post, and I’m slowly losing my mind. This week we have our Alpha presentation, and these four weeks of work will be shown in front of the class. Hopefully everything goes well, and hopefully this artifact I’ll be talking about this week will help completing the things we need for this phase in production.
This week’s chosen artifact is the creation of mechanic indications on the ship. The […]

Week 2 of Game development reflections, fancy visuaaals
So now we are four weeks into the course, this being my second post, and I’m slowly losing my mind. This week we have our Alpha presentation, and these four weeks of work will be shown in front of the class. Hopefully everything goes well, and hopefully this artifact I’ll be talking about this week will help completing the things we need for this phase in production.
This week’s chosen artifact is the creation of mechanic indications on the ship. The […]