Daily Archives: April 28, 2014
Slightly Coded – Potbellied King – Dev. Post 3
I forgot to write a post at the end of last week so this’ll have to do instead. Not that a lot happened on friday, turns out switching scenes in Unity is rather easy and it didn’t take longer than half an hour to get it right so there wasn’t actually much to talk about at that point.
As for today, I mostly researched how to take pictures with the kinect. I do find it funny that changing scenes is such […]
Slightly Coded – Potbellied King – Dev. Post 3
I forgot to write a post at the end of last week so this’ll have to do instead. Not that a lot happened on friday, turns out switching scenes in Unity is rather easy and it didn’t take longer than half an hour to get it right so there wasn’t actually much to talk about at that point.
As for today, I mostly researched how to take pictures with the kinect. I do find it funny that changing scenes is such […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Week 4
This week has been interesting and slightly frustrating. I had to start prioritize the graphical assets so we could start getting the important assents into our game.
We got some feedback on our graphical assets, primarly the mirrors used in our game: They needed a redesign. The static and dynamic mirror looked so alike, that the player couldn’t distinguish them apart, which caused some confusion according to our testers. I took the task to redesign the static mirror, as well the […]

Week 4
This week has been interesting and slightly frustrating. I had to start prioritize the graphical assets so we could start getting the important assents into our game.
We got some feedback on our graphical assets, primarly the mirrors used in our game: They needed a redesign. The static and dynamic mirror looked so alike, that the player couldn’t distinguish them apart, which caused some confusion according to our testers. I took the task to redesign the static mirror, as well the […]

Week 4
This week has been interesting and slightly frustrating. I had to start prioritize the graphical assets so we could start getting the important assents into our game.
We got some feedback on our graphical assets, primarly the mirrors used in our game: They needed a redesign. The static and dynamic mirror looked so alike, that the player couldn’t distinguish them apart, which caused some confusion according to our testers. I took the task to redesign the static mirror, as well the […]

Week 4
This week has been interesting and slightly frustrating. I had to start prioritize the graphical assets so we could start getting the important assents into our game.
We got some feedback on our graphical assets, primarly the mirrors used in our game: They needed a redesign. The static and dynamic mirror looked so alike, that the player couldn’t distinguish them apart, which caused some confusion according to our testers. I took the task to redesign the static mirror, as well the […]

Must get back into this
Been a while again. That other course really helped me with blogging, i guess it was a good way to end a day.
For the last Two weeks I’ve been working on the same game and learning about using Unity and C#. After the last post i worked on making the Heads Up Display actually change depending on values. The most important things i learned of this is to use static variables in order to access them from different scripts and […]

Must get back into this
Been a while again. That other course really helped me with blogging, i guess it was a good way to end a day.
For the last Two weeks I’ve been working on the same game and learning about using Unity and C#. After the last post i worked on making the Heads Up Display actually change depending on values. The most important things i learned of this is to use static variables in order to access them from different scripts and […]

Must get back into this
Been a while again. That other course really helped me with blogging, i guess it was a good way to end a day.
For the last Two weeks I’ve been working on the same game and learning about using Unity and C#. After the last post i worked on making the Heads Up Display actually change depending on values. The most important things i learned of this is to use static variables in order to access them from different scripts and […]

Must get back into this
Been a while again. That other course really helped me with blogging, i guess it was a good way to end a day.
For the last Two weeks I’ve been working on the same game and learning about using Unity and C#. After the last post i worked on making the Heads Up Display actually change depending on values. The most important things i learned of this is to use static variables in order to access them from different scripts and […]

4th Week of Big Game (Week 18)
This week we worked hard to get ready for the testing session we had this friday. I decorated my map so it would look pretty for the testers. I had to be careful where I placed decorations, so people wouldn’t ride into them. I also placed lights, this was a challange, because you need to lead the way with lights, but I also wanted to lit up cool stuff in the world, that ofcourse led to some problems, because players […]

4th Week of Big Game (Week 18)
This week we worked hard to get ready for the testing session we had this friday. I decorated my map so it would look pretty for the testers. I had to be careful where I placed decorations, so people wouldn’t ride into them. I also placed lights, this was a challange, because you need to lead the way with lights, but I also wanted to lit up cool stuff in the world, that ofcourse led to some problems, because players […]

Fourth Week of Big Game Project
The fourth week of big game project has ended and we have gotten a lot of things done.
I personally have been taken a deeper look into the unity particle system and also made some assets for the level designers to use.
I will be talking about the Ramp Building Kit in this post.
Since we need smooth surfaces for the player to ride upon the logical solution was to let the level designers make the ramps and pipes the way they wanted […]

Fourth Week of Big Game Project
The fourth week of big game project has ended and we have gotten a lot of things done.
I personally have been taken a deeper look into the unity particle system and also made some assets for the level designers to use.
I will be talking about the Ramp Building Kit in this post.
Since we need smooth surfaces for the player to ride upon the logical solution was to let the level designers make the ramps and pipes the way they wanted […]

Fourth Week of Big Game Project
The fourth week of big game project has ended and we have gotten a lot of things done.
I personally have been taken a deeper look into the unity particle system and also made some assets for the level designers to use.
I will be talking about the Ramp Building Kit in this post.
Since we need smooth surfaces for the player to ride upon the logical solution was to let the level designers make the ramps and pipes the way they wanted […]

Fourth Week of Big Game Project
The fourth week of big game project has ended and we have gotten a lot of things done.
I personally have been taken a deeper look into the unity particle system and also made some assets for the level designers to use.
I will be talking about the Ramp Building Kit in this post.
Since we need smooth surfaces for the player to ride upon the logical solution was to let the level designers make the ramps and pipes the way they wanted […]

Checkpoints and more Networking
Another week has passed and the last week there has been alot of little things to do.First of the Network HUD I talk’ed about last week was put on hold for more importent single player features and fixes. Oh and we changed the name from Open Circuit to Defunct
I’ve redone the respawning system since Robert thought it would be cool to go into this sort of overview where you could toggle between all visited checkpoints and respawn at a selected […]

Checkpoints and more Networking
Another week has passed and the last week there has been alot of little things to do.First of the Network HUD I talk’ed about last week was put on hold for more importent single player features and fixes. Oh and we changed the name from Open Circuit to Defunct
I’ve redone the respawning system since Robert thought it would be cool to go into this sort of overview where you could toggle between all visited checkpoints and respawn at a selected […]

First Alpha build
Last week we worked on the first alpha build. Basic mechanics such as eating berries, interacting with wolves and fishes are in. Graphics are coming along pretty neatly as well.
Early screenshot of the content of the game
The ai for the wolves and fishes have been a bit sketchy and will have to be iterated this week. We also have to exchange the hitboxes to raycasting, it is so much more reliable and efficient.
But all in all I feel that […]

First Alpha build
Last week we worked on the first alpha build. Basic mechanics such as eating berries, interacting with wolves and fishes are in. Graphics are coming along pretty neatly as well.
Early screenshot of the content of the game
The ai for the wolves and fishes have been a bit sketchy and will have to be iterated this week. We also have to exchange the hitboxes to raycasting, it is so much more reliable and efficient.
But all in all I feel that […]