Daily Archives: December 22, 2013

Input Manager & sprite
Today we managed to do alot of stuff. We have created a very flexible class, Entity all game objects will instance of or inherit. We added keyboard and mouse input to every state.
Tomorrow I continue on our project plan and make blocks fall and stack on the bottom of the screen.I also think we should resize the player object.Laban is currrently working on SFX which I have no clue about how to do. I think we’ll […]

Input Manager & sprite
Today we managed to do alot of stuff. We have created a very flexible class, Entity all game objects will instance of or inherit. We added keyboard and mouse input to every state.
Tomorrow I continue on our project plan and make blocks fall and stack on the bottom of the screen.I also think we should resize the player object.Laban is currrently working on SFX which I have no clue about how to do. I think we’ll […]
Frogger Dev. Blog 04
Today Herman got his Visual Studio fixed and we spent alot of time having him catch up to the work I’d done up until that point. Eventually we got started on actually working. I worked on the game objects and gamestates while Herman took care of the Drawmanager and Spritemanager. In the end we did not complete them but we made some progress.
Is it just me or are these posts getting shorter… maybe it’s because I have less to say.
Frogger Dev. Blog 04
Today Herman got his Visual Studio fixed and we spent alot of time having him catch up to the work I’d done up until that point. Eventually we got started on actually working. I worked on the game objects and gamestates while Herman took care of the Drawmanager and Spritemanager. In the end we did not complete them but we made some progress.
Is it just me or are these posts getting shorter… maybe it’s because I have less to say.

Programming Project, day 10
Progress! Today I made the OptionsState and working sliders for controlling master volume, music volume and sound volume. It took some doing, much because I built the states wrong at first. Then I made a drawing of how I wanted it to work (with programmer art), then it became clear.

Programming Project, day 10
Progress! Today I made the OptionsState and working sliders for controlling master volume, music volume and sound volume. It took some doing, much because I built the states wrong at first. Then I made a drawing of how I wanted it to work (with programmer art), then it became clear.

Programming Project Part 2
After fiddling around a bit the program now registers input and tracks mouse-motions, it also prints a square wherever you click on the screen, which is a huge success considering the entire gameplay will revolve around clicking various points on the screen.
Up next is dynamically changing the size of the square when you click (so it looks more like an explosion) and possibly trying to make some form of missile to defend against.
I also have to drastically change the backend […]

Programming Project Part 2
After fiddling around a bit the program now registers input and tracks mouse-motions, it also prints a square wherever you click on the screen, which is a huge success considering the entire gameplay will revolve around clicking various points on the screen.
Up next is dynamically changing the size of the square when you click (so it looks more like an explosion) and possibly trying to make some form of missile to defend against.
I also have to drastically change the backend […]

A small update
Frogger mechanics works in a way that you can move Up_Left_Right_Down without colliding with anything that moves in your height, you are allowed to stand on things below you though. You will move in the same area you stood on in the first place if the object your on is actually moving at a direction. You aren’t allowed to move outside the gaming area which will be easier so just fix a wall around […]

A small update
Frogger mechanics works in a way that you can move Up_Left_Right_Down without colliding with anything that moves in your height, you are allowed to stand on things below you though. You will move in the same area you stood on in the first place if the object your on is actually moving at a direction. You aren’t allowed to move outside the gaming area which will be easier so just fix a wall around […]

Think I am geting it. We will see tomorrow when I talk to Robin.

Programming assignment 2013-12-22
Been doing the input and the collider part but my partner rewrote the input because we didn’t have the same writing method for names. It’s important to make the code read-able but I find it hard to adapt to another person’s style of writing. I’ve been coding on and off for four years now and it’s hard to change my habits but I’m really trying to make it work. For the moment it’s a bit of a speed bump but […]

Programming assignment 2013-12-22
Been doing the input and the collider part but my partner rewrote the input because we didn’t have the same writing method for names. It’s important to make the code read-able but I find it hard to adapt to another person’s style of writing. I’ve been coding on and off for four years now and it’s hard to change my habits but I’m really trying to make it work. For the moment it’s a bit of a speed bump but […]

Introducing: 'Volver
Quite some time since the last update, quite some time since I didn’t work on this character piece. I know I could improve a lot upon the finished piece (which isn’t included in this post, by the by) but I know I can’t obsess over this for too much longer. Working on something for more than a week drives me up the walls and I can’t say that neglecting my daily sketching in favour of rendering boots and corsets has been […]

Introducing: 'Volver
Quite some time since the last update, quite some time since I didn’t work on this character piece. I know I could improve a lot upon the finished piece (which isn’t included in this post, by the by) but I know I can’t obsess over this for too much longer. Working on something for more than a week drives me up the walls and I can’t say that neglecting my daily sketching in favour of rendering boots and corsets has been […]

Today we learned how to change the sprite from Tommi’s sprite to one that we chose ourselves.

Today we learned how to change the sprite from Tommi’s sprite to one that we chose ourselves.

A few updates
While David have been going through the core of the code I’ve been looking into movement and collision and I’ve noticed a few things.
Like frogger like movement is based on clicking just once on the keyboard and having a constant speed on the way you move. While you’re doing this you have to anticipate your next movement before you actually do the move in order to send out a true/false value to check if you’re able to do it.
This is […]

A few updates
While David have been going through the core of the code I’ve been looking into movement and collision and I’ve noticed a few things.
Like frogger like movement is based on clicking just once on the keyboard and having a constant speed on the way you move. While you’re doing this you have to anticipate your next movement before you actually do the move in order to send out a true/false value to check if you’re able to do it.
This is […]

Is the cake a lie?
Well it’s been a while! One month and three weeks to be exact, so much for regular updates…The last two weeks I’ve been working on the graduation project for the Advanced C++ cource with my classmate and friend Petter Vernersson. The assignment was to create a game that had som requierments, it has to contain some programming design patterns such as: Flyweight, MVC, Observer with a Mediator.
So two weeks […]

Is the cake a lie?
Well it’s been a while! One month and three weeks to be exact, so much for regular updates…The last two weeks I’ve been working on the graduation project for the Advanced C++ cource with my classmate and friend Petter Vernersson. The assignment was to create a game that had som requierments, it has to contain some programming design patterns such as: Flyweight, MVC, Observer with a Mediator.
So two weeks […]

I have been very busy today, barely been at home, but I now I’ve been coding for a little while. I have been working on input and Anthon has been working on different states.
I’ll finally have a completely free day tomorrow, so I’ll have the time to code quite a bit.
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have been very busy today, barely been at home, but I now I’ve been coding for a little while. I have been working on input and Anthon has been working on different states.
I’ll finally have a completely free day tomorrow, so I’ll have the time to code quite a bit.
Filed under: Uncategorized