Daily Archives: December 15, 2013

Programming Project, day 4
Today, me and Robert sat in the D-house moving the project onwards!
We added a tile-system to the game to make it work like bomberman should. This took some work to implement, but it was needed.
The bombs are now placed at the tile where the player is at, improvement!!
We re-did collisions, removed the SAT-method and wrote a new one. This because placed bombs need to be walkable by the bomb-placing player. The collision-code is bigger, but the SAT-method didn’t work with […]

Programming Project, day 4
Today, me and Robert sat in the D-house moving the project onwards!
We added a tile-system to the game to make it work like bomberman should. This took some work to implement, but it was needed.
The bombs are now placed at the tile where the player is at, improvement!!
We re-did collisions, removed the SAT-method and wrote a new one. This because placed bombs need to be walkable by the bomb-placing player. The collision-code is bigger, but the SAT-method didn’t work with […]
Day 3
I was supposed to meet Stefan today for some group work but he said he would come later then agreed upon so i chose to work from home instead of waiting for him at school. I added some classes to the project. I added a Gameobject class and I also added the vector class since it’s needed for the coming classes that needs to be built. Stefan was supposed to build that but since I haven’t heard from him on […]
Day 3
I was supposed to meet Stefan today for some group work but he said he would come later then agreed upon so i chose to work from home instead of waiting for him at school. I added some classes to the project. I added a Gameobject class and I also added the vector class since it’s needed for the coming classes that needs to be built. Stefan was supposed to build that but since I haven’t heard from him on […]

With Love…
I know it’s been a while since we finished our project but I thought I should post some screenshots from “With Love…” as well as the one page design. The first one is the start screen, the second is the action shot and the last one is the one page design document.

With Love…
I know it’s been a while since we finished our project but I thought I should post some screenshots from “With Love…” as well as the one page design. The first one is the start screen, the second is the action shot and the last one is the one page design document.

Sick day 2013-12-15
I’ll begin with that I’m sick with fever today but the progress on the went a bit further thanks to my co-worker. We decided that we needed a entity class because we want to add a background, and we want to make sure that the player doesn’t collide with the player.

Sick day 2013-12-15
I’ll begin with that I’m sick with fever today but the progress on the went a bit further thanks to my co-worker. We decided that we needed a entity class because we want to add a background, and we want to make sure that the player doesn’t collide with the player.

Game Programming I – day 4
Continued work on the project for a few hours today, the goal was to print out the player sprite on the screen Continued work on the project for a few hours today, the goal was to print out the player sprite on the screen
Created the classes: SpriteManager and Entity. Entity will be the parent class for all classes of game objects.
Tried making an entity object and load the player sprite into it but encountered a memory access violation which I don’t quite understand.
Will try some more today after a break, otherwise I will need to continue on this tomorrow.
Game Programming I – day 4
Created the classes: SpriteManager and Entity. Entity will be the parent class for all classes of game objects.
Tried making an entity object and load the player sprite into it but encountered a memory access violation which I don’t quite understand.
Will try some more today after a break, otherwise I will need to continue on this tomorrow.

Programming Project, day 3
The project comes along just fine, fixed up the InputManager a bit. Also added a big part of the program, a working SoundManager with volume control methods and support for music and sound (both with methods “play”, “pause/resume” and “stop”. ). Right now it loops music and plays soundeffects when starting the game and when a player drops a bomb.
Added a BombObject class which inherits from the existing class GameObject. All BombObjects are stored in a vector in the GameObjectManager. Management of the […]

Programming Project, day 3
The project comes along just fine, fixed up the InputManager a bit. Also added a big part of the program, a working SoundManager with volume control methods and support for music and sound (both with methods “play”, “pause/resume” and “stop”. ). Right now it loops music and plays soundeffects when starting the game and when a player drops a bomb.
Added a BombObject class which inherits from the existing class GameObject. All BombObjects are stored in a vector in the GameObjectManager. Management of the […]
Game Jam Time!
Lock your away daughters and hide your husbands! Time for some more Game Jam. As I’m writing this, I finished my part of the Jam and I’m now taking a nice brake in the cold MoCap Studio.
This Friday was the start of a 3 day Game Jam (Friday 5 p.m – Sunday 11 a.m) with an unknown theme and unlimited amount of team members for your team. I joined Henrik, from my previous Major Assignment, into an already formed team. My […]
Game Jam Time!
Lock your away daughters and hide your husbands! Time for some more Game Jam. As I’m writing this, I finished my part of the Jam and I’m now taking a nice brake in the cold MoCap Studio.
This Friday was the start of a 3 day Game Jam (Friday 5 p.m – Sunday 11 a.m) with an unknown theme and unlimited amount of team members for your team. I joined Henrik, from my previous Major Assignment, into an already formed team. My […]