Daily Archives: November 22, 2013

Day 4 – Perfoming memories, Pika Jala, Aurasma and Noku
Today we had an augmented reality workshop and the beginning lecture was really interesting and if you would like to find out more about it then a small piece you can find here: http://www.mah.se/Forskning/Sok-pagaende-forskning/Living-Archives/ . It was leaving a memory trail behind and someone with the right tools could go and see what you left behind. It was difficult for me to understand that as easy as it sounds but it only made sense to me when I talked about […]

Day 4 – Perfoming memories, Pika Jala, Aurasma and Noku
Today we had an augmented reality workshop and the beginning lecture was really interesting and if you would like to find out more about it then a small piece you can find here: http://www.mah.se/Forskning/Sok-pagaende-forskning/Living-Archives/ . It was leaving a memory trail behind and someone with the right tools could go and see what you left behind. It was difficult for me to understand that as easy as it sounds but it only made sense to me when I talked about […]

Day 4 – Perfoming memories, Pika Jala, Aurasma and Noku
Today we had an augmented reality workshop and the beginning lecture was really interesting and if you would like to find out more about it then a small piece you can find here: http://www.mah.se/Forskning/Sok-pagaende-forskning/Living-Archives/ . It was leaving a memory trail behind and someone with the right tools could go and see what you left behind. It was difficult for me to understand that as easy as it sounds but it only made sense to me when I talked about […]

Day 4 – Perfoming memories, Pika Jala, Aurasma and Noku
Today we had an augmented reality workshop and the beginning lecture was really interesting and if you would like to find out more about it then a small piece you can find here: http://www.mah.se/Forskning/Sok-pagaende-forskning/Living-Archives/ . It was leaving a memory trail behind and someone with the right tools could go and see what you left behind. It was difficult for me to understand that as easy as it sounds but it only made sense to me when I talked about […]

Enchant.js Workshop: “Zombie Run”
Today we finished a brief but intense workshop using the Enchant.js software. CEO of Ubiquitous Entertainment, Inc. Ryo Shimizu and Mr. Brandon McInnis who had flown from America just to see us and do this workshop with us first year students. It came pretty much out of the blue and I quickly teamed up with Oliver Bolt and Oscar Mohlin. They are two course mates with the most experience in software development prior to our education and they are very driven […]

Enchant.js Workshop: “Zombie Run”
Today we finished a brief but intense workshop using the Enchant.js software. CEO of Ubiquitous Entertainment, Inc. Ryo Shimizu and Mr. Brandon McInnis who had flown from America just to see us and do this workshop with us first year students. It came pretty much out of the blue and I quickly teamed up with Oliver Bolt and Oscar Mohlin. They are two course mates with the most experience in software development prior to our education and they are very driven […]

ブーブー豚パイレーツ (26h Game Jam)
We had a 26 hours long work-package workshop of Enchant.js. Mr. Ryo Shimizu and Mr. Brandon McInnis were our lecturers.
I teamed up with three graphic artists and together we created the game Bu Bu Buta Pirates!
Since I’ve only been studying programming for 2 weeks (basic C++) it was pretty difficult programming this game in JavaScript.
I think it took us 17 hours to finish the whole game. There are many things that could have been changed/added, but I’m still happy […]

ブーブー豚パイレーツ (26h Game Jam)
We had a 26 hours long work-package workshop of Enchant.js. Mr. Ryo Shimizu and Mr. Brandon McInnis were our lecturers.
I teamed up with three graphic artists and together we created the game Bu Bu Buta Pirates!
Since I’ve only been studying programming for 2 weeks (basic C++) it was pretty difficult programming this game in JavaScript.
I think it took us 17 hours to finish the whole game. There are many things that could have been changed/added, but I’m still happy […]

24 hour gamejam!
At the end of Ryo Shimizu’s lecture, we got a suprise gamejam at our hands. Groups were quickly assembled and people started with their projects. I worked with Nicolina, Christoffer and Björn on a game called Bu-bu buta pirates! which was a sidesrolling shooter where you control a flying ship shooting down enemies.
It was a difficult task, since none of us really had any experience in programming. Even though it was hard, Nico managed to handle the programming really nicely […]

24 hour gamejam!
At the end of Ryo Shimizu’s lecture, we got a suprise gamejam at our hands. Groups were quickly assembled and people started with their projects. I worked with Nicolina, Christoffer and Björn on a game called Bu-bu buta pirates! which was a sidesrolling shooter where you control a flying ship shooting down enemies.
It was a difficult task, since none of us really had any experience in programming. Even though it was hard, Nico managed to handle the programming really nicely […]

Today we had the weekly check-up on the programming course to see if we had done all the assignments and unfortunately hadn’t done one of the assignments because it was added mid-lecture so I guess I was too focused on my own code to realize there was a new assignment to do. But now after about 30 min of coding I’m done with it! Yay for me!
The assignment was to let the user input a string of text and the […]

Today we had the weekly check-up on the programming course to see if we had done all the assignments and unfortunately hadn’t done one of the assignments because it was added mid-lecture so I guess I was too focused on my own code to realize there was a new assignment to do. But now after about 30 min of coding I’m done with it! Yay for me!
The assignment was to let the user input a string of text and the […]

26h Game Jam Finished
After about 16h of work time in the enchant.js Game Jam, me and Adam Wrange have produced a game. Time was lost to sleeping, a lecture at the start and we turned it in early.
the game is named Neko Run and is available Here
The game jam have been a lot of fun and have been an awesome experience.
Me and Adam Wrange worked together without any programmers to help, so it has been a challange but a lot of fun.
Thank […]

26h Game Jam Finished
After about 16h of work time in the enchant.js Game Jam, me and Adam Wrange have produced a game. Time was lost to sleeping, a lecture at the start and we turned it in early.
the game is named Neko Run and is available Here
The game jam have been a lot of fun and have been an awesome experience.
Me and Adam Wrange worked together without any programmers to help, so it has been a challange but a lot of fun.
Thank […]

Designing Systems/Game Ideas: Resource Dependencies
When I was eating today I got a crazy idea for an economy or resource system for an RTS that could become very fun to use and would force players into a economic war and a “real” war. It would use scarcity of resources and trades to be the primary source for resources.
What this means in practice would be a system that forces players to interact and use trades to get everything they need to obtain specific goals, such as […]

Designing Systems/Game Ideas: Resource Dependencies
When I was eating today I got a crazy idea for an economy or resource system for an RTS that could become very fun to use and would force players into a economic war and a “real” war. It would use scarcity of resources and trades to be the primary source for resources.
What this means in practice would be a system that forces players to interact and use trades to get everything they need to obtain specific goals, such as […]

Designing Systems/Game Ideas: Resource Dependencies
When I was eating today I got a crazy idea for an economy or resource system for an RTS that could become very fun to use and would force players into a economic war and a “real” war. It would use scarcity of resources and trades to be the primary source for resources.
What this means in practice would be a system that forces players to interact and use trades to get everything they need to obtain specific goals, such as […]

Designing Systems/Game Ideas: Resource Dependencies
When I was eating today I got a crazy idea for an economy or resource system for an RTS that could become very fun to use and would force players into a economic war and a “real” war. It would use scarcity of resources and trades to be the primary source for resources.
What this means in practice would be a system that forces players to interact and use trades to get everything they need to obtain specific goals, such as […]