Browsing '5SD023': Game Programming II

Game Development and Coding 20 March 2014 – Tutorial Waves
Tutorial Waves
It’s usually a good idea to introduce the different elements of your game gradually over time rather than throwing everything at the player from the very start. That way the player will get acquainted with the controls as well as the different enemy types and their different behaviors.
Our tutorial consists of five waves. The first four introducing the different enemy types and the last introducing a combination of these before the game proper starts. Each wave has a three […]

Game Development and Coding 20 March 2014 – Tutorial Waves
Tutorial Waves
It’s usually a good idea to introduce the different elements of your game gradually over time rather than throwing everything at the player from the very start. That way the player will get acquainted with the controls as well as the different enemy types and their different behaviors.
Our tutorial consists of five waves. The first four introducing the different enemy types and the last introducing a combination of these before the game proper starts. Each wave has a three […]

Simple AI
Hello dear readers,
What is a PvE¹ game if there is no AI²? Even if the AI is fairly simple it will still be better than no AI at all, if nothing else there will be a few laughs about the behaviour of the NPC³.
So in our game we have three distinct enemies:
The Water enemy which is aiming directly at you, or slightly forward from your direction
The Fire enemy, which is aiming slightly above you and slightly below you.
The Wood enemy, which […]

Simple AI
Hello dear readers,
What is a PvE¹ game if there is no AI²? Even if the AI is fairly simple it will still be better than no AI at all, if nothing else there will be a few laughs about the behaviour of the NPC³.
So in our game we have three distinct enemies:
The Water enemy which is aiming directly at you, or slightly forward from your direction
The Fire enemy, which is aiming slightly above you and slightly below you.
The Wood enemy, which […]

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Good day
I have a lot of work ahead of me but today was a good day. Most importantly i now have a theme park group. I put up a LFG on the facebook group and within five minutes i had someone asking me to join their group. It’s a pretty new group so they didn’t seem to have a clear idea other than something with the brainwave scanner. I figured it might be interesting and since i had nowhere else to […]

Good day
I have a lot of work ahead of me but today was a good day. Most importantly i now have a theme park group. I put up a LFG on the facebook group and within five minutes i had someone asking me to join their group. It’s a pretty new group so they didn’t seem to have a clear idea other than something with the brainwave scanner. I figured it might be interesting and since i had nowhere else to […]

Polish, polszczyzna
With the last two weeks of the project started i have begun polishing the final things of the project as i wasn’t working on anything very specific. Bolt is working on the AI for the guards and then are going to work on lighting so he’ll be busy for most of the time from now on. Leonard is adding more sounds this week but will start helping me with polish stuff in the final week.
Today we did a lot of […]

Polish, polszczyzna
With the last two weeks of the project started i have begun polishing the final things of the project as i wasn’t working on anything very specific. Bolt is working on the AI for the guards and then are going to work on lighting so he’ll be busy for most of the time from now on. Leonard is adding more sounds this week but will start helping me with polish stuff in the final week.
Today we did a lot of […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Redirection
In the last post I wrote that I was going to go through how our level generation worked, but due to missed deadlines we’ve been forced to push the implementation of that feature to later when we have a working path-finding since we prioritize having a challenging game rather than a fancy level-generation. Because of that unfortunate turn of events I’ll now write about how our A-star implementation currently works instead.
Before I even […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Redirection
In the last post I wrote that I was going to go through how our level generation worked, but due to missed deadlines we’ve been forced to push the implementation of that feature to later when we have a working path-finding since we prioritize having a challenging game rather than a fancy level-generation. Because of that unfortunate turn of events I’ll now write about how our A-star implementation currently works instead.
Before I even […]

I want to be the best
This weeks artifact have been high score.
Our game is nearing it’s end stage and we are moving into a full feature freeze and going into balancing soon. Our group have almost finished a survival wave based top down shooter called at the moment -something something road-. You take control of a young woman named Ariana. A traveling saleswoman that have to defend herself from bandits during trips. Set in a spaghetti western steam punk world near India she defends from […]

I want to be the best
This weeks artifact have been high score.
Our game is nearing it’s end stage and we are moving into a full feature freeze and going into balancing soon. Our group have almost finished a survival wave based top down shooter called at the moment -something something road-. You take control of a young woman named Ariana. A traveling saleswoman that have to defend herself from bandits during trips. Set in a spaghetti western steam punk world near India she defends from […]

This Monday we had a play testing where we got very much and good feedback. But one thing we have been discussing in the group is the downtime in our game – the time where there isn’t much to do in the game. For example when you have killed a boss and have to run all the way back to the beginning and you probably have killed all the enemies on your way to the boss already. Or if you […]

This Monday we had a play testing where we got very much and good feedback. But one thing we have been discussing in the group is the downtime in our game – the time where there isn’t much to do in the game. For example when you have killed a boss and have to run all the way back to the beginning and you probably have killed all the enemies on your way to the boss already. Or if you […]

Popups or notifications and finally some text that tells you how much things cost.
Once again I haven’t worked enough on one artifact to really write about it enough to fill a blog of 400 words. So once again I’ll just write a bit of what I’ve done this week.
I haven’t really done anything very complicated this week either, but I can start with the one that I worked the most on, a popup box, or a notification-box if you will. That is a small box that pops up in a corner of the […]

Popups or notifications and finally some text that tells you how much things cost.
Once again I haven’t worked enough on one artifact to really write about it enough to fill a blog of 400 words. So once again I’ll just write a bit of what I’ve done this week.
I haven’t really done anything very complicated this week either, but I can start with the one that I worked the most on, a popup box, or a notification-box if you will. That is a small box that pops up in a corner of the […]

Sound effects
This week I’ve been continuing the work on the different sound effects such as a sound for doors and when the baton hits a enemy. I’ll begin by talking about the choices I’ve made with the sounds for the baton and why the sound is not by any means perfect but it will suffice. It’s really hard to make it sound as if some thing is hitting flesh and bone so I made it sound more like it’s the baton […]

Sound effects
This week I’ve been continuing the work on the different sound effects such as a sound for doors and when the baton hits a enemy. I’ll begin by talking about the choices I’ve made with the sounds for the baton and why the sound is not by any means perfect but it will suffice. It’s really hard to make it sound as if some thing is hitting flesh and bone so I made it sound more like it’s the baton […]