Browsing '2011': Students starting in 2011

Logotype continue
Since today is the day we have to be finished with our logotype I have been working this week with a new version of our logotype.
I changed the position of the bear and also the style of the fish making it more realistic. I also took a screenshot as a background to match the logotype that I put on a sign.
I have been working with avatar animation this week and has done walking as well as battle animations. I also […]

Logotype continue
Since today is the day we have to be finished with our logotype I have been working this week with a new version of our logotype.
I changed the position of the bear and also the style of the fish making it more realistic. I also took a screenshot as a background to match the logotype that I put on a sign.
I have been working with avatar animation this week and has done walking as well as battle animations. I also […]

Logotype continue
Since today is the day we have to be finished with our logotype I have been working this week with a new version of our logotype.
I changed the position of the bear and also the style of the fish making it more realistic. I also took a screenshot as a background to match the logotype that I put on a sign.
I have been working with avatar animation this week and has done walking as well as battle animations. I also […]

Logotype continue
Since today is the day we have to be finished with our logotype I have been working this week with a new version of our logotype.
I changed the position of the bear and also the style of the fish making it more realistic. I also took a screenshot as a background to match the logotype that I put on a sign.
I have been working with avatar animation this week and has done walking as well as battle animations. I also […]
Day 20
Today was spent trying to figure out why my code for the touchscreen wasn’t working, and so far no results. I’ve followed a guide on dealing with touch input, but it seems not to work when implemented in Unity.Beyond that, I’ve also begun looking at printing out a visual grid system to aid players in seeing the individual squares on the game map.
Day 20
Today was spent trying to figure out why my code for the touchscreen wasn’t working, and so far no results. I’ve followed a guide on dealing with touch input, but it seems not to work when implemented in Unity.Beyond that, I’ve also begun looking at printing out a visual grid system to aid players in seeing the individual squares on the game map.
day 19
I’ve made it so that the player and the NPCs are better synced in movement. What I did was actually rather simple, as the only edit needed was that I set the NPCs’ “readyfornextstep” bool variable to true in the beginning. This means that they wait for the player to move first, which makes the entire movement a lot smoother.
We finally got a android tablet from the university! This means I’ll be able to convert our game for the mobile […]
day 19
I’ve made it so that the player and the NPCs are better synced in movement. What I did was actually rather simple, as the only edit needed was that I set the NPCs’ “readyfornextstep” bool variable to true in the beginning. This means that they wait for the player to move first, which makes the entire movement a lot smoother.
We finally got a android tablet from the university! This means I’ll be able to convert our game for the mobile […]

Today my work has contained creating a “stop” function to make the player’s movement stop at the next queued tile.After that, I worked on making the vision cone for the NPCs. No, not to make them detect the player, but to make the vision cone visible to the player.I started off trying to make the vision cone with Gizmos (a type of visual debugging system in Unity) but after a hour I realized that it wasn’t especially well suited for […]

Today my work has contained creating a “stop” function to make the player’s movement stop at the next queued tile.After that, I worked on making the vision cone for the NPCs. No, not to make them detect the player, but to make the vision cone visible to the player.I started off trying to make the vision cone with Gizmos (a type of visual debugging system in Unity) but after a hour I realized that it wasn’t especially well suited for […]
Day 17 – Alpha
Today was spent debugging issues for the Alpha presentation. We managed to get the game pretty much up and running, and went to the presentation.After the presentation, the day was called off, and we proceeded to take a long weekend.
Day 17 – Alpha
Today was spent debugging issues for the Alpha presentation. We managed to get the game pretty much up and running, and went to the presentation.After the presentation, the day was called off, and we proceeded to take a long weekend.

Itterations and the FPB
As all models that was planned for the game was done, this week consisted of making iterations of these models. Mainly the bear.
For the bear model it was almost all about optimizing the mesh and giving it a good edge flow so that it would not look weird when animating. It had already been implemented and the animations looked fine, but the mesh had a few errors that would be easiest to solve by creating a better edge flow.
This was […]

Itterations and the FPB
As all models that was planned for the game was done, this week consisted of making iterations of these models. Mainly the bear.
For the bear model it was almost all about optimizing the mesh and giving it a good edge flow so that it would not look weird when animating. It had already been implemented and the animations looked fine, but the mesh had a few errors that would be easiest to solve by creating a better edge flow.
This was […]

Itterations and the FPB
As all models that was planned for the game was done, this week consisted of making iterations of these models. Mainly the bear.
For the bear model it was almost all about optimizing the mesh and giving it a good edge flow so that it would not look weird when animating. It had already been implemented and the animations looked fine, but the mesh had a few errors that would be easiest to solve by creating a better edge flow.
This was […]

Itterations and the FPB
As all models that was planned for the game was done, this week consisted of making iterations of these models. Mainly the bear.
For the bear model it was almost all about optimizing the mesh and giving it a good edge flow so that it would not look weird when animating. It had already been implemented and the animations looked fine, but the mesh had a few errors that would be easiest to solve by creating a better edge flow.
This was […]
Day 16
Today I’ve deactivated diagonal movement for the alpha tomorrow, and I’ve re-written the algorithm that checks if the NPC can see the PC to account for this.After doing this, I have been working with the implementation of the NPC death state and animation. I created a function called KillAI to perform these tasks, triggering the animation and making the NPC ‘dead’.
After this, I’ve been put to work updating the NPC models to include bows, since the basic enemy we planned […]
Day 16
Today I’ve deactivated diagonal movement for the alpha tomorrow, and I’ve re-written the algorithm that checks if the NPC can see the PC to account for this.After doing this, I have been working with the implementation of the NPC death state and animation. I created a function called KillAI to perform these tasks, triggering the animation and making the NPC ‘dead’.
After this, I’ve been put to work updating the NPC models to include bows, since the basic enemy we planned […]

Logo Log
This week I have been focusing on the logotype of our game, since the game is a Bear simulator and the name of the game is ‘Be The Bear’ it would seem fitting to have the logotype of a bear. I first wanted a raging bear sine it can give a good impact but the others disagreed and wanted a more simple logo. While looking at other bear logotypes I found one I based my logo upon. The idea wwas […]

Logo Log
This week I have been focusing on the logotype of our game, since the game is a Bear simulator and the name of the game is ‘Be The Bear’ it would seem fitting to have the logotype of a bear. I first wanted a raging bear sine it can give a good impact but the others disagreed and wanted a more simple logo. While looking at other bear logotypes I found one I based my logo upon. The idea wwas […]

Logo Log
This week I have been focusing on the logotype of our game, since the game is a Bear simulator and the name of the game is ‘Be The Bear’ it would seem fitting to have the logotype of a bear. I first wanted a raging bear sine it can give a good impact but the others disagreed and wanted a more simple logo. While looking at other bear logotypes I found one I based my logo upon. The idea wwas […]

Logo Log
This week I have been focusing on the logotype of our game, since the game is a Bear simulator and the name of the game is ‘Be The Bear’ it would seem fitting to have the logotype of a bear. I first wanted a raging bear sine it can give a good impact but the others disagreed and wanted a more simple logo. While looking at other bear logotypes I found one I based my logo upon. The idea wwas […]
Day 15
This morning was interesting, having slept through both my alarms I awoke just before 11, more rested than I have any weekday the last month, and hurried off to work.the work on the project was far less eventful, though, as more time was spent chasing down annoying bugs so that we have a functioning prototype to show off on friday.During the day, most bugs were luckily eliminated, and the game now works pretty much as intended.
Day 15
This morning was interesting, having slept through both my alarms I awoke just before 11, more rested than I have any weekday the last month, and hurried off to work.the work on the project was far less eventful, though, as more time was spent chasing down annoying bugs so that we have a functioning prototype to show off on friday.During the day, most bugs were luckily eliminated, and the game now works pretty much as intended.