Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Casting Fog

Now I’m back for the last few posts.
Week 4
AI takes time to implement so a lot of this week went to implementing the caster and it’s mechanics. More bugs and fixes ensures when implementing new things and this was no exception. path-finding not working as intended and attacks not happening but most of them where easily fixed even though they might have taken some time.
Towards the end of the week i implemented an asset that we actually bought from the […]

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Program: Programming

Casting Fog

Now I’m back for the last few posts.
Week 4
AI takes time to implement so a lot of this week went to implementing the caster and it’s mechanics. More bugs and fixes ensures when implementing new things and this was no exception. path-finding not working as intended and attacks not happening but most of them where easily fixed even though they might have taken some time.
Towards the end of the week i implemented an asset that we actually bought from the […]

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Program: Programming

BGP2017 – Week 2

Character Controller
To handle the movement of tools and avatars in the game we need a Character Controller. Unity does have a standard component for Character controllers, which is cool. However it still only supports capsule colliders, Which is a problem as we have a stretcher and an axe which would not work with capsule colliders.
Now, there are two options: Either you go for a Rigid body controller or you go for a custom character controller with support for a Box […]

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Program: Programming

BGP2017 – Week 2

Character Controller
To handle the movement of tools and avatars in the game we need a Character Controller. Unity does have a standard component for Character controllers, which is cool. However it still only supports capsule colliders, Which is a problem as we have a stretcher and an axe which would not work with capsule colliders.
Now, there are two options: Either you go for a Rigid body controller or you go for a custom character controller with support for a Box […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Post GGC

Gotland Game Conference is over and it is now back to reality. For those who never heard about GGC before it is an annual held conference hosted by Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Departement of Game Design. It was my second time attending and I would recommend it to everyone, it is definitely the highlight of the year!

We got a ton of great feedback from almost everyone, which makes really happy and proud to be part of the project. We have also […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Post GGC

Gotland Game Conference is over and it is now back to reality. For those who never heard about GGC before it is an annual held conference hosted by Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Departement of Game Design. It was my second time attending and I would recommend it to everyone, it is definitely the highlight of the year!

We got a ton of great feedback from almost everyone, which makes really happy and proud to be part of the project. We have also […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post 3, a background story

Hey ho, let’s go!
I will take a break from animations and sound in this post.
As our game takes place on the British Isles in a alternative universe, we thought it would be good to have some information about why there are demons and why the mages you play as fights them. So, I took matter into my own hands and wrote a short story, which follows here;
”Long ago, on the island of Albion lived king Duncan along with his queen […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post 3, a background story

Hey ho, let’s go!
I will take a break from animations and sound in this post.
As our game takes place on the British Isles in a alternative universe, we thought it would be good to have some information about why there are demons and why the mages you play as fights them. So, I took matter into my own hands and wrote a short story, which follows here;
”Long ago, on the island of Albion lived king Duncan along with his queen […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion Efter Gotland Game Conference

Nu är kursen avslutad och utställningarna på Gotland Game Conference (G.G.C) är bortplockade.
Under G.G.C har vi fått extremt mycket feedback på vårt spel. Detta av varierad karaktär.  Om det skulle göras en summering av feedbacken med tre ord skulle dessa vara: Spelarstyrning, grafik samt Kamera.
Feedbacken på spelarstyrningen var det som upplevdes mest negativt, i princip alla som prövade spelet hade en åsikt om att det var för svårt att styra bilen spelaren körde. Detta gick hand i hand med att AI-bilarna var för svåra för spelarstyrningen.
Däremot […]

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion Efter Gotland Game Conference

Nu är kursen avslutad och utställningarna på Gotland Game Conference (G.G.C) är bortplockade.
Under G.G.C har vi fått extremt mycket feedback på vårt spel. Detta av varierad karaktär.  Om det skulle göras en summering av feedbacken med tre ord skulle dessa vara: Spelarstyrning, grafik samt Kamera.
Feedbacken på spelarstyrningen var det som upplevdes mest negativt, i princip alla som prövade spelet hade en åsikt om att det var för svårt att styra bilen spelaren körde. Detta gick hand i hand med att AI-bilarna var för svåra för spelarstyrningen.
Däremot […]

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Program: Programming

Boxing the map.

In the game The Summoning the players are playing on a terrain made in Unity. The CharacterControllers in Unity can handle slopes upwards, but can’t do it downwards. This is the reason to why we need to create boxes on the map, so the players can’t walk out from it.
Firstly we created a object with a collider and gave it a layer which is called ”WorldBoxes”. Now we can decide what can pass trough the boxes changing the physics in the project. Then the boxes gets extended and […]

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Program: Programming

Boxing the map.

In the game The Summoning the players are playing on a terrain made in Unity. The CharacterControllers in Unity can handle slopes upwards, but can’t do it downwards. This is the reason to why we need to create boxes on the map, so the players can’t walk out from it.
Firstly we created a object with a collider and gave it a layer which is called ”WorldBoxes”. Now we can decide what can pass trough the boxes changing the physics in the project. Then the boxes gets extended and […]

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Program: Programming

The HP bars.

In the game The Summoning there will be a Demon player and a Human player, which will play against eachother. The Demon are able to spawn units and build buildings which can be commanded. To make this fair, the units will need to have something which indicates the HP, which is why a HP bar has been created.
The HP bars work in the same way as the normal HP bar for the Human, which means that they are Images on a canvas which can be filled. They will however hang […]

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Program: Programming

The HP bars.

In the game The Summoning there will be a Demon player and a Human player, which will play against eachother. The Demon are able to spawn units and build buildings which can be commanded. To make this fair, the units will need to have something which indicates the HP, which is why a HP bar has been created.
The HP bars work in the same way as the normal HP bar for the Human, which means that they are Images on a canvas which can be filled. They will however hang […]

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Program: Programming


To develop the game, we decided to use the game engine Unity. The reasoning behind this was that all the programmers in the team had used this engine before. The other reason was that Unity already had vehicle examples which we could use to make our driving.

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Program: Programming


To develop the game, we decided to use the game engine Unity. The reasoning behind this was that all the programmers in the team had used this engine before. The other reason was that Unity already had vehicle examples which we could use to make our driving.

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Program: Programming

The Aim and Purpose

The purpose of the project was to explore if connecting a dialogue system with racing, and affecting an AI to race differently so to create a story that is told both on and off track that is compelling to a player. To make this interesting we designed mechanics where each system affects the other to create dynamics for the player. Along with using MDA to amplify our aesthetic goal of making the player feel like a racing driver.

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Program: Programming

The Aim and Purpose

The purpose of the project was to explore if connecting a dialogue system with racing, and affecting an AI to race differently so to create a story that is told both on and off track that is compelling to a player. To make this interesting we designed mechanics where each system affects the other to create dynamics for the player. Along with using MDA to amplify our aesthetic goal of making the player feel like a racing driver.

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Program: Programming

Design Document

As Lead Designer, my role demanded me to communicate the design of the game to the rest of the team. The easiest and most tested way of doing this is by creating a design document. The document should describe every part of a game, but it should also change during development as testing changes how the game is designed. To properly communicate the design to the team I routinely asked the other team members to read through the document as […]

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Program: Programming

Design Document

As Lead Designer, my role demanded me to communicate the design of the game to the rest of the team. The easiest and most tested way of doing this is by creating a design document. The document should describe every part of a game, but it should also change during development as testing changes how the game is designed. To properly communicate the design to the team I routinely asked the other team members to read through the document as […]

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Program: Programming


After the pitch for the game was approved, a plan was required so that the ones responsible for the course could see that we were going to make the vertical slice within the time allotted for development. In the concept, we had decided what the vertical slice would consist of. The planning was a collaborative effort of the entire group, because each member has an area that they know how much time is necessary for each artifact. In the planning […]

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Program: Programming


After the pitch for the game was approved, a plan was required so that the ones responsible for the course could see that we were going to make the vertical slice within the time allotted for development. In the concept, we had decided what the vertical slice would consist of. The planning was a collaborative effort of the entire group, because each member has an area that they know how much time is necessary for each artifact. In the planning […]

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Program: Programming


Before the course started the students received a chance to pitch a game idea. In these pitch sessions, the students received feedback from both members of the institution and their peers. During this stage I wrote the concept for Fast Gear and pitched it during the first one of these sessions. The pitch consisted of the core ideas of Fast Gear from the perspective of improving the racing class Formula 1. The feedback I received from Jakob Berglund Rogert consisted […]

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Program: Programming


Before the course started the students received a chance to pitch a game idea. In these pitch sessions, the students received feedback from both members of the institution and their peers. During this stage I wrote the concept for Fast Gear and pitched it during the first one of these sessions. The pitch consisted of the core ideas of Fast Gear from the perspective of improving the racing class Formula 1. The feedback I received from Jakob Berglund Rogert consisted […]

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Program: Programming