Browsing 'Programming': Posts from Game Design and Programming

Jag vill ha en valp när jag fyller år

Hela mitt liv har min familj har haft hund, alltid en magisk, varm och fantastisk berner sennen. Jag har inte ens koll om Ica är vår sjunde eller åttonde i samma ras eller om det är mera nu. Så man kan säga att jag är uppväxt med hundar och jag älskar de, det finns inget som gör mig gladare än en hund. När jag tänker på framtiden så är en hund mer självklar än något annat, partner eller barn vet […]

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Program: Programming

Jag vill ha en valp när jag fyller år

Hela mitt liv har min familj har haft hund, alltid en magisk, varm och fantastisk berner sennen. Jag har inte ens koll om Ica är vår sjunde eller åttonde i samma ras eller om det är mera nu. Så man kan säga att jag är uppväxt med hundar och jag älskar de, det finns inget som gör mig gladare än en hund. När jag tänker på framtiden så är en hund mer självklar än något annat, partner eller barn vet […]

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Program: Programming

Surviral – Global Game Jam 2018

You can find the game here. The theme of GGJ2018 was “Transmission”. We chose to represent transmission through a virus transmitting itself from one cell to the other.

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Program: Programming

Surviral – Global Game Jam 2018

You can find the game here. The theme of GGJ2018 was “Transmission”. We chose to represent transmission through a virus transmitting itself from one cell to the other.

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Program: Programming

My First 3 Years of Game Design

Documenting what I did while at Uppsala University Campus Gotland while Studying Game Design & Programming.

My First Game Jam: Postmord – October 2017
Before we started Unity in the Winter quarter we had the chance to attend a Game Jam organized by the school faculty called “My First Jam” where we all had 8 hours to create a game within Game Maker 2.0 with the theme “You Had One Job”. I banded together with some of the other students to create […]

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Program: Programming

My First 3 Years of Game Design

Documenting what I did while at Uppsala University Campus Gotland while Studying Game Design & Programming.

My First Game Jam: Postmord – October 2017
Before we started Unity in the Winter quarter we had the chance to attend a Game Jam organized by the school faculty called “My First Jam” where we all had 8 hours to create a game within Game Maker 2.0 with the theme “You Had One Job”. I banded together with some of the other students to create […]

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Program: Programming

Spooky Fishy

In Depth you play as a submarine trying to make your way through an underwater cave while being chased by a spooky fish (left one). As this spooky fish is kinda an important part of the game I thought it would make a good first post.
The Chasing
The creature fish thing is pretty big (image below), so trying to make him navigate through the cave seemed like a big task, so I instead decided to make him move in the background […]

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Program: Programming

Spooky Fishy

In Depth you play as a submarine trying to make your way through an underwater cave while being chased by a spooky fish (left one). As this spooky fish is kinda an important part of the game I thought it would make a good first post.
The Chasing
The creature fish thing is pretty big (image below), so trying to make him navigate through the cave seemed like a big task, so I instead decided to make him move in the background […]

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Program: Programming

Adding music to the game

In this blog I will post about progress I’ve made in the game Omibozu. I’m making the game together with the group Flytrap.
The first thing I did for the game was to create the soundtracks. From what I’ve heard this is not a common approach, instead the soundtracks are usually created when the game is almost completed and when the aesthetics of the game is established. Because of this I had to get as much information about the game as […]

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Program: Programming

Adding music to the game

In this blog I will post about progress I’ve made in the game Omibozu. I’m making the game together with the group Flytrap.
The first thing I did for the game was to create the soundtracks. From what I’ve heard this is not a common approach, instead the soundtracks are usually created when the game is almost completed and when the aesthetics of the game is established. Because of this I had to get as much information about the game as […]

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Program: Programming

Object-spawning in a top-down shooter

My name is Guy Dimor, I’m the sole programmer (and therefore lead coder) for Team Wendigo, currently working on the game Umibozu.
The biggest challenge for me was finding the right way to spawn enemies. I needed them to come into the screen from all sides. My initial idea was for them to spawn randomly on an ellipse just outside of the game screen and then move in a straight line across the screen. A quick google search landed me an […]

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Program: Programming

Object-spawning in a top-down shooter

My name is Guy Dimor, I’m the sole programmer (and therefore lead coder) for Team Wendigo, currently working on the game Umibozu.
The biggest challenge for me was finding the right way to spawn enemies. I needed them to come into the screen from all sides. My initial idea was for them to spawn randomly on an ellipse just outside of the game screen and then move in a straight line across the screen. A quick google search landed me an […]

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Program: Programming

Custom managers

Scripting an Audio manager
Unity have quite useful tools when it comes to managing things like audio and transitions between scenes. While these tools sure are useful, they are not always convenient. As I was about to implement sound effects in my teams current project, I decided to create my own audio manager and customize it to make sure that it was as convenient to use as possible.
The most common practice I came across when researching methods for implementing sounds were […]

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Program: Programming

Custom managers

Scripting an Audio manager
Unity have quite useful tools when it comes to managing things like audio and transitions between scenes. While these tools sure are useful, they are not always convenient. As I was about to implement sound effects in my teams current project, I decided to create my own audio manager and customize it to make sure that it was as convenient to use as possible.
The most common practice I came across when researching methods for implementing sounds were […]

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Program: Programming

Skyslug movement patterns, implementation

The Sky slug is the first enemy the player faces, but present throughout the game, including in the boss fight. In our first meeting we made a few changes to the design provided, upping their speed and giving them a melee attack, and making them more bat-like and sharp in their design. This blog post is not about the design however, but about the implementation. These creatures require a rather special movement pattern where they circle the player and attack […]

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Program: Programming

Skyslug movement patterns, implementation

The Sky slug is the first enemy the player faces, but present throughout the game, including in the boss fight. In our first meeting we made a few changes to the design provided, upping their speed and giving them a melee attack, and making them more bat-like and sharp in their design. This blog post is not about the design however, but about the implementation. These creatures require a rather special movement pattern where they circle the player and attack […]

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Program: Programming

Oskar Karlsson game dev

Picture of  Vampire Concept​ ​Document
I am oskar Karlsson the lead programmer in the group Archon. And for the first week I worked on the code for the player movement. We are makeing a game out of Team Vampires concept document and the game is named Aetherial. Player movement is scripted whit the C# language and Unity is the game engine that the game is made in.
I started of whit looking on the space shooter tutorial in Unitys web site to […]

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Program: Programming

Oskar Karlsson game dev

Picture of  Vampire Concept​ ​Document
I am oskar Karlsson the lead programmer in the group Archon. And for the first week I worked on the code for the player movement. We are makeing a game out of Team Vampires concept document and the game is named Aetherial. Player movement is scripted whit the C# language and Unity is the game engine that the game is made in.
I started of whit looking on the space shooter tutorial in Unitys web site to […]

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Program: Programming

Aetherial2D Project – Character Movement

When you try to programme a game, the first thing you are going to think about it is your main character. The most basic thing for the character which you are going to programme is movement. Movement seems like the thing easiest to programme but the most important part of a character, also it is the core of your character.
When I was doing this,  I needed to add two things to the character to be able to move him around. […]

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Program: Programming

Aetherial2D Project – Character Movement

When you try to programme a game, the first thing you are going to think about it is your main character. The most basic thing for the character which you are going to programme is movement. Movement seems like the thing easiest to programme but the most important part of a character, also it is the core of your character.
When I was doing this,  I needed to add two things to the character to be able to move him around. […]

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Program: Programming

Projection and volumetric light

This is the first Unity project I’ve been working on, not counting a few tutorials that I’ve been playing around with in the past. In order to get a proper understanding of the game engine (and when I say proper, I mean basic) I started out by spending quite some time following an online course hosted by Udemy.
I started researching camera projections and the difference between a perspective projection and an orthographic one. I drew the conclusion that a orthographic […]

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Program: Programming

Projection and volumetric light

This is the first Unity project I’ve been working on, not counting a few tutorials that I’ve been playing around with in the past. In order to get a proper understanding of the game engine (and when I say proper, I mean basic) I started out by spending quite some time following an online course hosted by Udemy.
I started researching camera projections and the difference between a perspective projection and an orthographic one. I drew the conclusion that a orthographic […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Enemy movement visualization

Today’s post is about the movement for one of the enemies in the game Aetherial, shown to the right in the image below. Enemies in traditional Shoot’ em ups tend to move in simple predetermined patterns, not taking the player’s position into account. In Aetherial, the enemies will try to move towards the player while also moving in patterns, making them hard to hit. I’m going to employ AI techniques described in the book: Programming Game AI by Example, by Mat […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Enemy movement visualization

Today’s post is about the movement for one of the enemies in the game Aetherial, shown to the right in the image below. Enemies in traditional Shoot’ em ups tend to move in simple predetermined patterns, not taking the player’s position into account. In Aetherial, the enemies will try to move towards the player while also moving in patterns, making them hard to hit. I’m going to employ AI techniques described in the book: Programming Game AI by Example, by Mat […]

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Program: Programming