Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

23/2 review
During this last sprint i haven’t done much in way of what i usually do for the team, rather, i have been engaged in the act of buying my relevance within the team. Nothing like money changing hands to grease the wheels. In all seriousness though, i did purchase a license for the unity extension ferr2d that is used to create terrain based on a single set of textures that the program loops and skews rather proficiently in order to […]

23/2 review
During this last sprint i haven’t done much in way of what i usually do for the team, rather, i have been engaged in the act of buying my relevance within the team. Nothing like money changing hands to grease the wheels. In all seriousness though, i did purchase a license for the unity extension ferr2d that is used to create terrain based on a single set of textures that the program loops and skews rather proficiently in order to […]

This time I have been working with vines. For our game we needed something to block off areas until the player has solved some kind of puzzle or found the right item. Since our environment is a cave we thougth vines would be a suitable obstacle, being something one could find in a cave and different enough from the rest of the environment to be clearly discernible, as opposed to e.g. a slab of rock which is also a perfect […]

This time I have been working with vines. For our game we needed something to block off areas until the player has solved some kind of puzzle or found the right item. Since our environment is a cave we thougth vines would be a suitable obstacle, being something one could find in a cave and different enough from the rest of the environment to be clearly discernible, as opposed to e.g. a slab of rock which is also a perfect […]

Animation of enemies
This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop, which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

Animation of enemies
This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop, which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

Blog 3
This week I have been working on yet another enemy, but this time it was a bit different from last time. This time, I did not do the concept myself, and now I am going to talk about how that worked out for me.
At first we were two graphic artists in my group. Unfortunatley our number got a bit shortened when one of us left, and now I am here with the rest of our work. I really do hope […]

Blog 3
This week I have been working on yet another enemy, but this time it was a bit different from last time. This time, I did not do the concept myself, and now I am going to talk about how that worked out for me.
At first we were two graphic artists in my group. Unfortunatley our number got a bit shortened when one of us left, and now I am here with the rest of our work. I really do hope […]

Blog Post 2/23/17 Projectiles and animations
Hello again. Its another week in the development of our game and time for another update about what I have been working on and how I have progressed through it. This week I mainly spent time working on projectiles for the different enemies and player ships.
When it came to the development on a Heavy Enemy, it was shot back and forth whether we wanted one or not. We started under the idea that we did want one. However, as we […]

Blog Post 2/23/17 Projectiles and animations
Hello again. Its another week in the development of our game and time for another update about what I have been working on and how I have progressed through it. This week I mainly spent time working on projectiles for the different enemies and player ships.
When it came to the development on a Heavy Enemy, it was shot back and forth whether we wanted one or not. We started under the idea that we did want one. However, as we […]

Enemy Squid Design and Animation
This week has been dedicated to final design of- and the beginning of animating the new enemy my team created for our game.
This new enemy is a squid that we feel complement the other enemies (piranhas, swordfish and blowfish) in the aquarium rather well, as this enemy has its own projectile based attack. It will, when in range of Stephen (the player character), let out a cloud of ink to blur the vision of Stephen (the player) and thus make […]

Enemy Squid Design and Animation
This week has been dedicated to final design of- and the beginning of animating the new enemy my team created for our game.
This new enemy is a squid that we feel complement the other enemies (piranhas, swordfish and blowfish) in the aquarium rather well, as this enemy has its own projectile based attack. It will, when in range of Stephen (the player character), let out a cloud of ink to blur the vision of Stephen (the player) and thus make […]

Week 3 -Adding feedback to the player
Week 3 has also come to an end and it feels like it just began!
First off I’d like to start with a quick introduction to what I was working with the past week for those that have not read that post. Last week was the alpha presentation which meant that we wanted to have as many assets implemented in the Unity project as possible. This resulted in me, the Art director of Team Kraken to primarily focus on implementing all […]

Week 3 -Adding feedback to the player
Week 3 has also come to an end and it feels like it just began!
First off I’d like to start with a quick introduction to what I was working with the past week for those that have not read that post. Last week was the alpha presentation which meant that we wanted to have as many assets implemented in the Unity project as possible. This resulted in me, the Art director of Team Kraken to primarily focus on implementing all […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]

Designing enemies for Selfish
One of the tasks that I have been doing is designing the enemies for our game.
It was kind of a joint process with making the main character. I started with sketching a lot of different fishes and asked the group for what they were looking for, which sketches they liked the most and what about it that they liked. These are the sketches that were later deemed too bland for the main character, but we got a bunch of aspects […]

Designing enemies for Selfish
One of the tasks that I have been doing is designing the enemies for our game.
It was kind of a joint process with making the main character. I started with sketching a lot of different fishes and asked the group for what they were looking for, which sketches they liked the most and what about it that they liked. These are the sketches that were later deemed too bland for the main character, but we got a bunch of aspects […]

I believe an introduction is in order…
Hello again!
This post is probably going to be long, and will mostly focus on assembling stuff in unity and coding, although there is some graphics stuff and animating sprinkled in.
This week I’ve been working on the player’s introduction to the game, starting from redesigning the main menu, making the tutorial, and then transitioning into normal gameplay.
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to have a small tutorial for the game that tells the player that they can use the right […]

I believe an introduction is in order…
Hello again!
This post is probably going to be long, and will mostly focus on assembling stuff in unity and coding, although there is some graphics stuff and animating sprinkled in.
This week I’ve been working on the player’s introduction to the game, starting from redesigning the main menu, making the tutorial, and then transitioning into normal gameplay.
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to have a small tutorial for the game that tells the player that they can use the right […]

Blog 3: A place called home
The feature for this week’s blog is “home”. In the last blog post I had mentioned about working on the player character’s avatar and its movement animation for the game Echo. We modified the original design document to add some more assets to the game so that we can better achieve the aesthetic goals out team had set for the game. One such asset we decided to add was a home for the moth family. We decided that that’s where […]

Blog 3: A place called home
The feature for this week’s blog is “home”. In the last blog post I had mentioned about working on the player character’s avatar and its movement animation for the game Echo. We modified the original design document to add some more assets to the game so that we can better achieve the aesthetic goals out team had set for the game. One such asset we decided to add was a home for the moth family. We decided that that’s where […]

Animating attacking enemies
This week I have started animating the enemies that I designed and wrote about last week. My current goal is to finish rough animations for all the movements of the three enemies by the end of the week, and up till now my focus has been the attacking actions for them. For this post I will be focusing on the ghost teacher enemy, as I think it showcases the ideas that I have been working with the best.
I wanted the enemy animations […]

Animating attacking enemies
This week I have started animating the enemies that I designed and wrote about last week. My current goal is to finish rough animations for all the movements of the three enemies by the end of the week, and up till now my focus has been the attacking actions for them. For this post I will be focusing on the ghost teacher enemy, as I think it showcases the ideas that I have been working with the best.
I wanted the enemy animations […]